File: "FKSPOILR LOG9605" Part 55 TOPICS: SPoiler: LK and virtual season (2) Virtual season -- Schanke was *JOKE* Virtual season (2) (SPOILERS: LK, AtA) Re: The Virtual Season -- Chew on this LK question (incl. spoilers!) virtual season (10) Virtual season - LK & ATA spoilers Virtual season and Schanke Use of Lora Haines' name Spoiler AtA (comparison to Dead Air) Virtual Season ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 18:04:45 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: SPoiler: LK and virtual season In regard to Lisa McDavid's comments, I'm afraid I can't really see a way for Schanke (or Cohen) to have survived. In the temporary morgue, they had a side for "confirmed dead" and a side for "missing". Schanke and Cohen were on the "dead" side, which I took to mean that their bodies were found. The only people not "found" were the two women over the wing and Vachon. Besides, if Schanke was brought back, how could he be worked into the show? Make him Nick's partner again and what happens to a revived Tracy? Leave Tracy dead? This is assuming, of course, that Tracy is brought back from the dead. Make Schanke have survived but be either physically incapable of continuing in his job or have him want to retire or be transferred? If that is done, what would be the purpose of having him have survived in the first place? Schanke's (and Cohen's) death in Black Buddha was one of the "stressful" things that happened in third season to Nick and Nat. IOW, how far will we "rewrite canon"? No offense to any of the fans of Schanke and Cohen, but I think they should both be left dead. Lisa's right that Tracy could maybe have been mistakenly declared dead. That wasn't the case for Schanke and Cohen in Black Buddha, imo. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... (BTW, we're having problems with our monitor so if any of this letter looked "garbled" or otherwise "wrong", could someone let me know? Thanks.) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 18:10:58 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Virtual season -- Schanke was *JOKE* I can't remember whether or not I put humor marks on my post, but for heaven's sake, I was *kidding* about Schanke. Of course he's dead. Why would I joke about his having had a head wound and thinking he's a sled dog or a moose, if I was serious about resurrecting him? I didn't say anything about reviving Cohen. One other thing. I don't see how we could have a list for the virtual season on psuvm. They're not taking any more recreational lists, the last I heard. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 15:40:20 -0700 From: Wendy Marie Christensen <wendy@i.......> Subject: Re: Virtual season > One other thing. I don't see how we could have a list for the virtual > season on psuvm. They're not taking any more recreational lists, the > last I heard. What about somewhere else besides psuvm? -Wendy Marie- \|/ Unnamed Faction * Cousin |o o| "We *are* each other. You will always -------ooO~(_)~Ooo------ be mine, eternally." LC to Nick wendy@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 15:03:57 -0700 Subject: Re: (SPOILERS: LK, AtA) Re: The Virtual Season -- Chew on this Post removed by request ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 18:53:10 -0400 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: LK question (incl. spoilers!) >Here's a question I haven't seen addressed yet. Why is IA going to be on >Nick's case for killing Dawkins? The man shot at him and shot his partner, >for God's sake! If IA didn't get wigged over Tracy killing the perp in I can see where IA would get on his case. You have to realize, this wasn't just a perp getting whacked, this was also an office, and a commishioners daughter at that. They certainly investigate every police shooting to confirm that it was *a righteous shoot*, and unlike most of corporate America, they do tend to police their own. Weather or not they do a good job is another matter, but all police department incidents of violence are reported (supposedly) and the proper investigation is supposed to follow. ~~~~~~~~~~~Lasher~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Bunny~Unnamed Faction~ MOO~ ~~~~~~Cousins of the Knight~~~~ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 19:05:18 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: virtual season Sara Orel writes: >I agree with Lisa McD that the best way for Nat to be alive...would >be for her to be similar to Liam. Good gosh, I would hope not! Liam might not have been near good medical help. Nat is. I don't see any reason why a quick trip to the hospital and a blood transfusion shouldn't restore her back to her normal self. All Nick said was that he took too much, not that she was dead or near dead. Nick might not have been considering the simple solution of taking her to a hospital; in his emotional state he probably only saw his failure and felt that she either needed to be brought over or left to die. Making Nat like Liam might not endear her to the vamp community (she might come to be viewed a hunter by some, or a possible hunter aide), plus I think it would open up a can of worms with regard to possible "powers" or her search for a "cure" for Nick. Also, it's possible that it was the religious intervention in Liam's case that contributed some to what he became (cause he sure didn't look like he was going to get a transfusion anytime soon). >Janette would be hard to explain in the real world of the virtual >season. Especially since she's wanted for murder and there is a very good sketch of her by which she could be recognized. Of course, she could perhaps disguise herself. :) The men who framed Robert might have been scum, but it's against the law to murder scum too. The only way I can see around this is if the information in the locker would have made it look like the man Janette murdered in the beginning might have been murdered by his cohorts in crime. The woman only saw Janette through the window after all and not in the actual act of shooting the man. But the police still might want to question her if they saw her around. >it would be absolutely imperative...that she never ever run into her >boyfriend's mortal family I don't see this as much of a problem. If we're accurate to the way FK has been presented, that could just have been forgotten like a lot of other stuff introduced seemed to be forgotten after an episode was over. Explaining how she got out of being questioned or arrested for murder might be harder to ignore. >Actually, if Vachon is resurrected, wouldn't his encounter with Divia >have consequences, including some we might not want to see...? Hey, story possibilities! ;) >And Tracy is gone...which is the opportunity for the virtual season >crew to provide a completely new partner for Nick. That would be an alternative, to be sure. Personally I'd rather see Tracy be alive. She can be written better than what was usually done with her on the show. There's a whole level of similarity between her and Nick that was hardly touched on. >Lacroix may go for a while, but perhaps not completely...? I don't think he'd leave if he was still worried about what Nick would do. He might not want to manage the Raven anymore though after what happened there with Divia. >And there are always flashbacks for all characters. We don't have >to completely ignore characters just because they are dead in the >present, you know. This is a useful option, especially since we saw a lot more of other people's flashbacks in third season. Someone could even write a story where some of Schanke's *previously unseen* past with Nick on the force plays an integral part of an investigation. And, of course, there's the opportunity for *lots* of Janette flashbacks. >(re: a different moderated list or a label for virtual season >episodes) I'd rather see a "topic" heading in the subject line of virtual season fiction and such fiction posted to the fic list like all other fiction is. I don't think another list is necessary, particularly a moderated list. What might be necessary is some sort of private loop to which story ideas could be "pitched" and a decision made on which story ideas that are come up with should be developed as "episodes". Or some way to "assign" stories to be written as episodes (if that was necessary). --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 19:16:11 -0400 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Virtual season - LK & ATA spoilers > Actually if Vachon is resurrected, wouldn't his encounter with >Divia have consequences, including some we might not want to see...? But if he is brought back with the explaination that it was something in Divia's blood that regenerated him, that would be acceptible to many. Also, he may have a bit of a personality change, but I don't think that it would be that drastic, if it was also explained by way of when Divia was undead and walking, she could have had some control over Vachon's mind thru the vampire telepathy. I wouldn't have a problem with Vachon coming back at all, and you also have to consider he is going to change because of Tracy - A - being dead or B - Tracy pulling away from him (if she turns up alive) because he kept the secret of Nick away from her. If she is alive, she is not so much of a ditz to think that Vachon never knew about Nick. Although we didn't see much of it, I was always under the assumption that the vampire community was a tight knit little group. C - One way to bring her back would be if Vachon crawled out of his grave and saved her, this was mentioned somewhere before, and is also plausable. I also would like to see Nat back as a mortal. This lends to much more conflict and tension between Nick and Nat. Although, I truly wonder what she will think of our hero Nick if she is mortal. ~~~~~~~~~~~Lasher~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Bunny~Unnamed Faction~ MOO~ ~~~~~~Cousins of the Knight~~~~ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 19:18:47 -0400 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: SPoiler: LK and virtual season >assuming, of course, that Tracy is brought back from the dead. Make >Schanke have survived but be either physically incapable of continuing >in his job or have him want to retire or be transferred? Tracy alive means that Schanke would replace Capt. Reese... <beg> that would be something! And Reese, having told the commish that his daughter was dead one moment then alive the next, would be transfered to management! ~~~~~~~~~~~Lasher~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Bunny~Unnamed Faction~ MOO~ ~~~~~~Cousins of the Knight~~~~ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 19:21:41 -0400 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: Virtual season >> One other thing. I don't see how we could have a list for the virtual >> season on psuvm. They're not taking any more recreational lists, the >> last I heard. How big a space is needed for a list? And what kind of extraneous software do you need? ~~~~~~~~~~~Lasher~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Bunny~Unnamed Faction~ MOO~ ~~~~~~Cousins of the Knight~~~~ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 19:25:08 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Virtual season and Schanke You know, come to think of it, Ger said last year at the Gerthering that one thing that was being considered until John Kapellos decided to leave was having Schanke become Nick's boss. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 16:36:19 -0700 From: Carrie Krumtum <carriek@e.......> Subject: Re: virtual season > would be for her to be similar to Liam. Perhaps someone >could re-examine that episode and post the specific information here? >All things considered that would be the easiest "resurrection" to >understand. Bad Blood. Liam's mother was killed by a vampire. Liam was bit as a child but not killed. He was taken to a church where his wounds were dowsed with holy water by a priest. Janette stated that he did not receive enough vampire blood to fully come across but did possess the senses of a vampire, as long as an intolerance to the sun. His tolerance is better than vampires, but not good. He does the night shift. He can also sense vampires just as vampires sense one another. He also guesses alot. He tried to burn a barmaid who was NOT a vamp with a cross and was tossed out of the Raven for the stunt. That's about it. Cheers, Carrie, who has a writers ambition without the polish, YET! Beware! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 20:59:21 -0500 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: virtual season >....near good medical help. Nat is. I don't see any reason why a quick >trip to the hospital and a blood transfusion shouldn't restore her back to >her normal self. I think there are other ways for Nat to be alive and still be mortal. Be careful about this blood transfusion idea! If that's possible, that would really cause problems with the premise of the show. As things stand now, Nick can't make love to a mortal without virtually ensuring her death. He either kills her outright or returns until she's dead. If blood transfusions are possible, why not always have a supply on hand along with the necessary equipment? After biting and love-making, just hook the person up, and restore them to health. Okay, it isn't what most people want to do after making love, but it's better than dying. If anything, I think we should come up with a reason why a blood transfusion as a solution _isn't_ possible. As to Nat in Last Knight, it's possible she isn't as far gone as Nick thinks and as LaCroix either thinks or wants Nick to think. It's possible she'll revive on her own, if LC doesn't manage to get her buried first. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) N&NPacker Still looking for a Nick-LaCroix faction and seriously considering Cousins of the Knight ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 19:39:44 -0700 From: Alana Joy Marcus <amadame@g.......> Subject: Re: virtual season Hi all! I'm rather new to this, but like the fact that I'm in a 'discussion' with so many people at once. For those of us locked up in school, getting to a con is virtually impossible. What a great way to meet other fans! In reply to Margie's thoughts on saving Nat--great idea! I hate thinking of her gone, even with LaCroix not killing Nick. The show is just not the same withought her. Tracy I won't miss. Unfortunately, her death scene is the only redeeming scene she added this last season (IMHO--I don't want to step on any Tracy fans out there!). I do appreciate her now she's gone. She died like a cop and with muce dignity. I was surprised. Margie, e-mail me, please. We can start out own Nick/LaCroix faction! They are my favorite aspect of the show! With or without all the debates on the possible erotic undertones, the father/brother bond alone is fascinating! I am very sorry they had Nat be so desparate at the end. I didn't feel they had built up the romance enough this season for her to want to suicide unless Nick came to her rescue. They took a brilliant, strong, independent woman and weakened her with this "Oh, I can't live without you, come save my pitious existence". ICK It must have been a dream and we'll all wake up in a shower... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 22:54:11 -0500 From: "Stephanie S. Babbitt" <stephanie.babbitt@g.......> Subject: Re: virtual season Margie wrote: >If anything, I think we should come up with a reason why a blood transfusion >as a solution _isn't_ possible <to save Natalie>. Well, I'm no medical professional, but I wish I were! <bg> It's my understanding that when one is drained of blood, several complications arise. The drainee goes into shock, which can be fatal on its own. The system sends so many "clot" signals that the body eventually runs out and the blood stops clotting; transfusions don't help. Blood vessels constrict to try to raise blood pressure, but blood pressure drops anyway because of lack of blood--result can be embolism and seizures. The heart tends to fibrillate when it doesn't get enough blood. Finally, the drainee suffers brain damage from insufficient oxygen to the brain. Basically, Nat would need not only transfusions, but also oxygen and any number of drugs to regulate her heartbeat, blood pressure, and cranial pressure in order to survive. She can get this at a hospital if she gets there before brain damage sets in, but transfusion in the loft won't cut it. Is that sufficient? <g> Stephanie Babbitt, Vaquera ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 22:54:16 -0500 From: "Stephanie S. Babbitt" <stephanie.babbitt@g.......> Subject: Re: Use of Lora Haines' name I brought this over from FORKNI-L. Small LK spoilers follow. Linda Simon wrote, re LK suicide namesake Lora Haines: >I asked Lora what she thought, and she said the use of >her name was a compliment.<snip> ...we set up Lora as >Laura in the bathtub, adorned with bleeding bandages...and we took pix. Lora sounds like a person of remarkable grace and good humor. I admire her attitude and her spirit. The fans of this show have tremendous intelligence and class, and I am continually impressed. Take a bow, Lora. Respectfully, Stephanie Babbitt, Vaquera "They were in Vietnam. They were in the Persian Gulf. And now, they're in the bathroom." --Unreality TV ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 22:31:32 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Spoiler AtA (comparison to Dead Air) I'm watching a lot of 1st season eps for the first time now, so a lot of blanks are filling in for me. I was watching Dead Air tonight and something *really* jumped out at me. In the flashback (you know, the one where Nick looks inexplicably like Greg Allman - it's the hair thing), LaCroix says something to the man he's about to kill. (I knew I should have written it down!) It almost exactly echoes what Divia says to him as she's mopping the Raven's floor with his rear end in AtA. "Tell me you love me, father. Say you love me." Something like that, if not that exactly. Seems like LC comes from one helluva dysfunctional family... Problems with his dad, his daughter/mother, his son... It explains so much...! So was this bit of continuity intentional, I wonder? Or just a happy coincidence? Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "We have a very special relationship." - LC to NK, NiQ Wickedness Site! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 22:20:36 -0500 From: Sarah Welsh <welshkin@d.......> Subject: Re: virtual season On Tue, 28 May 1996, OREL, SARA wrote: > I think we need to have a label that can be put on only by the > listowner, so that those of us who cannot possibly keep up with all the > wonderful stuff on FKFic can still keep up with the virtual season. Or, conversely, so that those of us who enjoy FKFIC can avoid the virtual season. No offense to any of you, but I can't imagine wanting to read a "fourth season" written by us. The problems are multitudinous (and multifarious): Firstly, which factions will get what they want, and which will not? Does a simple majority vote decide whether Nick loves Nat or Janette or LaCroix, or whether LaCroix is evil or benevolent, for example? In the "real" FK, some episodes leaned one way and some another. Deciding once and for all one way or another will alienate a good part of the list right there. Secondly, if decisions such as this are *not* made, then writers could apparently write whichever way they choose on these issues. Which retains one of the most frustrating aspects of "real" FK: no character continuity. I don't want to read a fourth season in which Nick and Nat are lovey-dovey in one episode and a few eps later, he's all hot and heavy with some neck-of-the-week, while he's sharing blood with Janette in between. Thirdly, feelings will get hurt. We can sit here and ream what we believe to be shoddy product in the "real" FK because (1) TPTB aren't active on the list for the most part, and (2) they're professionals. What happens if I feel that a virtual season episode is the qualitative equivalent of Hearts of Dreckness? Can I say so, or must I temper my language in order to spare the feelings of writer A, B, or C? Fourthly, I don't want to consider anything that any of us (including me!) writes as canon. I concede that distinction to some episodes of "real" FK reluctantly because the thing was produced and put on TV. I don't want one of us defining what "really" happens and what is "just fanfic." If people want to write "what happens after LK" fanfic, they are free to do so, but why give it the authority of being a "virtual season?" Why delineate between "real" fanfic and "alternate universe" fanfic? Seems a bit arrogant for a group (even a group which has volunteered their time and effort) to decide the direction that FK should go to the exclusion of those who don't have the time or the desire to participate in an organized effort. Fifthly, I don't think that we have enough truly talented writers on the list to pull this off. There are several who are very good at writing their own alternate-universe FK: an Immortal Beloved universe or a N&NPacker universe or a Light Cousin universe or a Dark Knightie universe and so on. But very few can take preconceived and predetermined characters (i.e., "In the virtual season, we've voted that Nick loves Nat and LaCroix is evil") and make real a universe in which their own convictions don't lie. I know I couldn't write Valentine fanfic because I don't see any possible relationship between Nat and LaCroix. Other people do and write it, and I enjoy it because it's their vision. But you can't write something well that you yourself don't see. Anyway, I could go on, but you get the idea: I don't like the concept of a virtual season. If you guys want to do it, go ahead. But I do think there should be a topic-label like the "ADULT:" topic so that those of us who aren't interested can avoid it. Sarah welshkin@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 23:30:47 -0400 From: Angie <alasher@e.......> Subject: Re: virtual season >I think there are other ways for Nat to be alive and still be mortal. Be >careful about this blood transfusion idea! If that's possible, that would >snip!< > As to Nat in Last Knight, it's possible >she isn't as far gone as Nick thinks and as LaCroix either thinks or >wants Nick to think. It's possible she'll revive on her own, if LC >doesn't manage to get her buried first. Was it me, or did other people hear the heart beat AFTER Nick broke away? I took this to mean she was still alive! ~~~~~~~~~~~Lasher~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Bunny~Unnamed Faction~ MOO~ ~~~~~~Cousins of the Knight~~~~ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 22:52:53 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: virtual season Sarah wrote: >Firstly, which factions will get what they want, and which will not? I wrote on the main list that the people who undertake this effort will be writers first, factioners second. I've been a writer a lot longer than I've been a Cousin and I find it an easy distinction to make. >Does a simple majority vote decide whether Nick loves Nat or Janette or >LaCroix, or whether LaCroix is evil or benevolent, for example? I also wrote that we should be true to the characters and not delve into our own personal fantasies of how a character *should* be. I have enough faith and confidence in fic writers to think that they can handle it. >Secondly, if decisions such as this are *not* made, then writers could >apparently write whichever way they choose on these issues. Well, that's how script writers do it. They didn't sit in on list discussions -- which may have been a good thing for them to do on occasion. ;) >Thirdly, feelings will get hurt. We can sit here and ream what we >believe to be shoddy product in the "real" FK because (1) TPTB aren't >active on the list for the most part, and (2) they're professionals. Well I'm not a professional producer or director, but I *am* a professional writer. Least that's what I put on my IRS forms. ;) >What happens if I feel that a virtual season episode is the qualitative >equivalent of Hearts of Dreckness? Can I say so, or must I temper my >language in order to spare the feelings of writer A, B, or C? In writing critique groups, one learns that it's preferrable to make comments on the *writing* rather than on the *writer*. Saying something had no plot continuity is entirely different from saying the writer's a goofball hack. >Fourthly, I don't want to consider anything that any of us (including >me!) writes as canon. Me either! Who said we would? > But >you can't write something well that you yourself don't see. Well I can't speak for other writers, but I'm going to write this (if we do indeed end up doing it) as if I were writing for FK, rather than for myself or for fic readers. I'd be no more likely to write a "valentines" or "cousins" episode than any writer TPTB hired to write a script for them. I have no agenda to push. I think we have some very good writers here, and as long as certain understandings are met, I think the virtual season could be a success. If you'd rather read the virtual season as just regular old plain fic, that's an option too. Nobody's saying that what we're doing is canon. It's just supposed to be fun! TJ? Wanna jump in here? Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "We have a very special relationship." - LC to NK, NiQ Wickedness Site! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 23:41:01 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: virtual season Margie Hammet writes: >If blood transfusions are possible, why not always have a supply on >hand along with the necessary equipment?...I think we should come up >with a reason why a blood transfusion as a solution _isn't_ possible. I don't recall it ever being suggested that it is anything except blood loss that kills a victim. BUT there is the danger or someone being *accidentally* brought over (ala Bad Blood) if they aren't drained. Wouldn't that be a sufficient reason to make them wary of attempting such a thing again (although, if you ask me, both may be resistant {or at least Nick anyway} to trying to do it again for emotional reasons). Besides, all the transfusion would really do is save Nat's life. I would think it wouldn't contribute to making Nick mortal because the blood replaced wouldn't be *Nat's* blood. If we're to believe Janette became mortal in Human Factor, she did so by feeding on Robert, getting something "different" from Robert's blood. Janette didn't mention Robert needing any transfusions, so maybe it's the smaller quantity of "sipping" over time that somehow makes a difference. Nick has already demonstrated in LK that sipping is very difficult for him. Human Factor sets a precedent for a "sipping" cure, so even if Nat is "saved" from death some other way, this would be an issue that would have to be dealt with again due to events in LK. Personally, I don't see how Nat could be saved *without* a transfusion. Even if she wasn't really near death, she would have to be seriously low to have gone unconscious or for Nick to think he had taken too much, wouldn't she? What amount of blood can a person lose that would cause unconsciousness yet still not require a transfusion (hey, you medical types out there! :) )? I think Nat would have to be in need of medical care in order for there to be drama to her survival. After the emotional intensity of LK, to make it seem easy for her to have survived would be trivializing the danger. Perhaps she could get a transfusion, but be "borderline" on surviving for a while? Oh, anyone remember whether any of our vamps have ever broke the neck of a victim to ensure that person not return a vampire by accident? I can think of a way that a blood transfusion would *not* be enough though. But aren't we getting too much into "specifics" with this discussion? Or is this what we want to be doing? Shouldn't we be sort of deciding on the generalities first? Like do a virtual third season or a fourth season (I vote for doing a fourth season). I think Nick should be a vampire and Nat should be mortal. I want to see Tracy, Vachon, and Reese continue as characters. I'd like to see Schanke and Cohen left dead. Janette *could* return, but that would depend on the circumstances and what she feels about Nick making her a vampire again (i.e. is she mad or happy at being freed from LC?). I lean toward Urs and Screed staying dead. Oh, well. :) --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 23:52:24 EDT From: BRIAN WHELTON <103045.2473@c.......> Subject: Virtual Season Here is .02 from a 3rd season newbie. I think a virtual 4th season is a great idea. I do think it will be a great deal of work and probably grief for those who are willing to take it on. I think we should all appreciate the difficulties and remember to mind our manners if things don't turn out as we personally would like. I agree with those who feel that there would be no story without Nick as vamp/cop and Nat as a mortal. I also think that to just dismiss AtA and LK would lose some valuable insights into our favorite characters. I think TPTB left us with some useful loopholes and that we should take them. I am also of the opinion that Tracy should be resurected. I think writing an entirely new partner would create contiuity problems. (Continuity, whats that?). I don't think that Schanke and Vachon would go well together as a couple. I want to point out that the bullets that killed Tracy went through Nick first , so they probably had small amouts of vampire blood on the leading to a miraculous recovery...... I also think thta bringing back Janette is a great idea. Good Luck! Kathy Knightie-in Training ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 00:28:41 +0500 From: John Folden <jtfolden@e.......> Subject: Re: virtual season > From: "Angie" <alasher@e.......> > >wants Nick to think. It's possible she'll revive on her own, if LC > >doesn't manage to get her buried first. > > Was it me, or did other people hear the heart beat AFTER Nick broke away? I > took this to mean she was still alive! Yes, I heard that, was well...her heart was still beating and I believe the "fading away" effect was simply because Nick was pulling away from her rather than her getting weaker... According to Lacroix she was on the brink and although he did mention "a burial" just a short time later, I didn't take that to mean she had actually died at that time...just an option if Nick wasn't going to bring her accross... //---------------------------------------- // John T. Folden, a demented victorian // lost in the DARK SHADOWS of an endless // FOREVER KNIGHT... =========================================================================
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