File: "FKSPOILR LOG9605" Part 56 TOPICS: SPOILERS: LK, HF / Nick, Nat, 4th season (long) virtual season (6) Spoiler: LK Virtual Season: resurrections, etc. (2) ADMIN: LIST RULES and MediaWest Virtual Season - LK SPOILERS virtual season (small LK spoiler) SPOILERS: LK, HF / Nick, Nat, 4th season (long) <no subject> LK Spoiler-Humorous & short (2) The Atlanta LK party quote list (spoilers) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 00:33:29 -0400 From: Marcia Tucker <ScFiMarci@a.......> Subject: SPOILERS: LK, HF / Nick, Nat, 4th season (long) Unlurking from Digestland: Sara Orel <FA55%nemomus@a.......> wrote: >>Anyway, my two cents worth. I'm curious to hear if those who suggested a virtual season are still thinking in that direction?<< I'm thinking also that Nick *must* move on. No matter what happened to Natalie, it's clear he's in hot water already. And I'd assume that Nick would go with LaCroix. I'm also assuming that Nick is alive! I'm one of those who believes that LC would NOT stake Nick fatally, if at all. So I'm seeing two scenarios for Season 4: 1. Nick and LaCroix leave - Natalie is dead. Nick is a mess for a while, naturally. (Time heals all?) And I'd like to see Janette connect back up with them - either still angry with Nick (good conflict possibilities here) or back as a love interest (which I of course would like to see). 2. Nick and LaCroix leave - Natalie is a vampire. Therefore she likely leaves with them. Nick is resigned or even relieved. Nat's adjustment would be good for story tension/conflicts. Even Janette's return could be interesting for a tug of war between her and Nat over Nick. I'm NOT thinking things will be the same, much less lovey dovey between Nat and Nick, not considering the images she was afflicted with when he was feeding on her. Especially at the end with the images of kissing Janette! Vachon, Urs, and Screed, of course regenerate! ;D Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> wrote: >>It's possible that he would go back to feeding on people (feeling more damned by what happened to Nat)....If he still wanted to help people, he might become a helpful drifter (like Caine on the original Kung Fu). Or if he settled in one place, he could become a private investigator (with a mortal friend who covered the day work).<< I thought of that, too. I'd think that Nick, left with the guilt of killing Natalie, would likely go off the deep end - especially considering how she manipulated him (okay, he'd not innocent in this either). It seems that the "helpful drifter" concept is pretty much where Nick already was when he first came to Toronto. He only ended up in the morgue because he was trying to stop a gang robbery/fight and was tossed a pipe bomb. So he already was doing this sort of thing. And I like the private investigator idea even better! (used this in my Black Velvet Universe stories a little). Nick's reaction - once LC shook him out of his black funk, would be similar to his reaction to the betrayal in "Feeding the Beast". I think LC could very well have his son back just the way he wants him, at least for a time. Sandra Gray also wrote: >> Her being brought over does not, imo, guarantee that they would be happy vampire lovers.<< (in regards to Nat as a vampire) I'm going to have to subscribe to this, too. No matter how Nat comes across (we know - Jack the Ripper, Alyce Hunter - that one doesn't have to receive blood from a vampire to come across) I think it would change things between them. Nat would change... I think that's been an underlying fear of Nick's all along. Re Richard Lambert. Also, not much of a story to have two happy vampire lovers. As much as I'd like to see Nick and Janette back in their blissful love as in the 14th-15th centuries, it wouldn't work for the story. Needs more tension. >> One of the attractions for Nick to Nat was her mortality. He wouldn't view her the same if she was a vampire. She would be instead a constant reminder of his failure.<< Bingo. Sandra, you do put things so well! Amy R. <akr@n.......> wrote: >>I think Nick loved Natalie, but that they would have been better off with other people. However, I'm curious; besides Cynthia and Jane, are there very many people who feel that there was never any romantic love toward Nat from Nick? << It's called Unwellness love. I've never thought, and was further convinced of this this past season, that Nick and Nat were very good for each other. Romantic love? Nat, yes. Nick - no. Hormones, feelings that he wanted to feel mortal love, mortal yearnings. Nick may have even wanted to be in love, was certainly attracted to Nat - no, was attracted to her mortality, rather. Nat has always been too wrapped up in Nick's leanings toward mortality, as well as being a friend and his doctor. In fact, I think the latter seriously interfered with their chances for a relationship, and often even their friendship. Nick may have also been in love with the idea of being in love - as feeling mortal love. Certainly he loved her as a confidante and close friend, but I can't buy this True Love stuff, re "Human Factor". That Nat was Nick's one in a billion True Love whose love would cure him. No way. Janette, for all their history together and obviously deep feelings, would sooner fit that description. Catherine A Siemann <cas47@c.......> wrote: >>Like when Hawkeye and Hot Lips got trapped somewhere on M*A*S*H and ended up in each other's arms. I've never seen the chemistry between them.<< (regarding Nick and Nat again) I'm glad I'm not the only one puzzled about the "chemistry" that people see between Nick and Nat. We've been given canon on the show about OBVIOUS chemistry - and I'm NOT just talking sexual - between Nick and Janette. Nick's actions in "The Human Factor" speak pretty loud to me - as when he says "You were wrong" to Janette about her leaving, and his voice is nearly shaking when he says this - and of course when he brings her back across because he can't bear to imagine a world without Janette. Even when he says to Nat, "I can't take that kind of risk with your life" it can be construed to mean that he doesn't think they have THAT kind of love/relationship to make it work. Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> quoted: >If you remember in Blackwing Nick is shown rebuttoning his shirt while >Marion lies asleep in bed. I always took this to mean that he and she had >been "together". Since she had taken the killer out of him , he was safe to >have sex (and why didn't he run to Nat? HUH? << TJ, you didn't mention who you were quoting, so sorry to whomever wrote this - anyway, for that matter, I agree with this and while we're on the subject why, in "The Fix" when Nick apparently was seemingly mortal, doesn't he kiss the heck out of Nat, and WHY does he go running to Janette with his good news? This wasn't a man in love with Natalie! And for that matter: "Stormsinger/J.S. Levin" <wabbit@e.......> wrote: >>1) Nat doesn't love Nick. She is infatuated by what she thinks Nick can become, like a woman looking at an alcoholic and seeing how nice the sober man would be. She hates, fears and loathes Nick's "vampire side", which after 800 years, quite frankly, is more "Nick" than the human he was for only 35 years.<< Another bingo! I never felt that Nat accepted Nick's vampirism, that she only loved what he could be. Certainly she always wanted to change him. All her nagging this season is indicative of that. Anyone in a relationship soon learns that this tactic doesn't work - that the person has to want the change and make it on their own. During LK I wanted to shake Nat and yell at her - THIS IS A VAMPIRE, Natalie! I don't think she's never fully understood what Nick was, and focused only on what she wanted to see - a man who seemed mortal much of the time. The depth of her delusion was even revealed in her own words: "then you're the most mortal man I've ever known". I think Nick also kept much from Nat about his nature, and this may have been the result. In "Francesca" when describing the blood sharing, I would have liked him to go farther than he did and make it clear how seductive it was and how difficult it is to stop. *He* knew. He should have made certain things clear a long time ago, more than he did. Although who's to say that Nat wouldn't have made the same error of judgment. I'm talking about the Natalie we saw in "Last Knight" here, BTW. I, for one, did not recognize that Natalie. I can't ever see her being that heedless with her own life, even for love. >> Trying to treat that part of himself as a separate entity has thrown him into the same endless guilt loop as the early monks who tried to "kill" their human desires to get closer to God.<< Oooh, I like this analogy! But, Storm dear, maybe we can continue THIS discussion off list. ;D Well, enough of this for now. Marcia Tucker / scfimarci@a....... Dark Knightie / Unnamed / Immortal Beloved ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 01:04:07 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: Re: virtual season <Lots of stuff about drawbacks of the virtual season snipped> >TJ? Wanna jump in here? Sure. Firstly, it is precisely to avoid the "which faction wins" situation that I have thrown this out for discussion. The idea is to get a good feeling for how we ALL in general would like to see it turn out, BUT ... ... what will ultimately happen is what presents the best story possibilities. Secondly, as for continuity: I, for one, would not waste my time doing this if continuity wasn't foremost. (Heck, in our own way, I think it's what we do best ...<g>) Thirdly, in regards to hurting people's feelings: We are of the opinion that the people on these lists are capable of rational and serious discourse without resorting to insults to the writers. Now, certainly not everyone is going to love every story. It's not that way with fanfic, it's not that way with the "real" thing, it won't be that way with this. I think that everyone writing for this will know that, and understand. BUT... You've got to admit, we do care about this a trifle more than TPTB did. And we're not pressured with having to film the damn thing on top of everything. That gives us time to make sure that things are done right. Constructive criticism is always going to be welcome -- heck, can you imagine if TPTB had been listening to us? Season three would have been a bit better, I think. As for talent, we've got a heck of a lot of it here. And by happy coincidence, some of us are professionals -- not that that's necessary to be talented! Let me clear a couple of things up: 1) There will not be one or two people making all the decisions, but a representative group. 2) We will NOT be starting with an episode every week, unless we are blessed with a preponderance of Emmy material scripts. We don't have to save things for sweeps week. I think every 2 weeks will be more than fine, and won't stress everyone out. 3) As for a special topic, it's not a bad idea. 4) Oh, and cannon -- nobody said we were establishing cannon. We're just ... holding TPTB's place, so to speak. Of course, it'd be nice if, when we get new FK, it doesn't necessarily invalidate everything we do, but that's true from a generic FKFIC standpoint too, isn't it? I have to say, our mailbox over here has been flooded with positive responses, and for the most part, there has been agreement on which direction the series should take -- much more agreement than we expected, in fact! One last note: The LAST thing we wanted to was to get people riled up and offended. If this bothers you, there's always the 'delete' key. We won't be hurt. The whole idea of this is to keep FK alive. ---- TJ (and Sorcha) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 21:37:56 PST From: June Russell <Kat@g.......> Subject: Re: virtual season Tippi wrote: :I also wrote that we should be true to the characters and not delve into our :own personal fantasies of how a character *should* be. I have enough faith :and confidence in fic writers to think that they can handle it. One of the things I've noticed from reading this list is that people have vastly different opinions about what is "true to the character". I've seen people say, for example, that they think that Nat in LK is way out of character, whereas others see this as the logical culmination of character aspects which have been building since the beginning of the season. I think that makes it incredibly difficult to reconcile. Kat Kat ( June Russell )!grendal!kat kat@g....... Heu! Tintinnuntius meus Sonat! ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 01:29:10 +0500 From: John Folden <jtfolden@e.......> Subject: Re: Spoiler: LK > From: "Raissa Devereux" <raissa@i.......> > PS I forgot to mention that Adric and all the Doctor's other dead > companions are floating around the TARDIS. Yeah, but did Sarah Jane Smith ever find her way home? :) //---------------------------------------- // John T. Folden, a demented victorian // lost in the DARK SHADOWS of an endless // FOREVER KNIGHT... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 02:08:37 -0400 From: Apache <lf@c.......> Subject: Virtual Season: resurrections, etc. I'm afraid the only way I see Cohen and Schanke being with us is as ghosts or flashbacks, but we already know the FK universe is seething with both of those. This also means we can have Divia and Urs, who both seemed pretty toasted -- though if Nat had only donated Urs' body to a medical school for anatomy class, we could have a swell subplot! Dead vampires are not dead until they are ashes, which makes Screed, Nick, and (yes!) Vachon available for resurrection. And now for the really problematic corpses: Tracy and Nat. The suggestion that Nat is like Liam is a good one, imho, since think how much wonderful suffering Nick will be able to do over this terrible screwup. We can only hope Alyssa comes back to haunt him some more over it! Another possibility is the Fallen Idol one: dose her with vampire blood. Presumably the kid in Fallen Idol was fully tanked up on his own blood, however, which would be why he didn't become a vampire, whereas Nat is definitely a few pints low at the end of LK. Lots of other creative Nat-preserving solutions have been proposed, I think; I'll toss this one onto the heap: Nat seemed suicidal that day to me (I think she would never have consented to become a vampire otherwise) as a result of depression over Laura Haines' suicide, so why doesn't Lacroix slit her wrists with one of Nick's kitchen knives and fly her to a nearby ER? If there's time for a burial, there's time for airborne evac. Tracy got medical care that would have everyone involved hauled up before their various boards, and unhooking her from lifesupport in the absence of a responsible person was just the last straw. But she did look pretty dead to me. I think she'd have to be a vampire. She could join Nick in yearning for mortality. But if anyone can think of a way to keep her mortal, that would be much better -- it seemed to be the Paragon team missed using Vachon and Tracy as an inversion of Nick and Nat: what if Vachon and Tracy have the hots for each other and Vachon wants to lure Tracy across? And part of her really wants to grab Vachon by the hair and say sure; while the rest of her is saying, 'bloodsucking creature of the night? E-yew!' Maybe the Fallen Idol vampire blood cure could be worked on Tracy, if not Nat, since Tracy has two injuries from bullets -- though Tracy too is so low on blood she'd been in danger of just being brought across. Ap. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 03:02:46 -0400 From: Apache <lf@c.......> Subject: Re: virtual season > ------------------------------ some quibbles from the dark cynical side of my nature. TJ wrote > > > Firstly, it is precisely to avoid the "which faction wins" situation that > I have thrown this out for discussion. The idea is to get a good feeling > for how we ALL in general would like to see it turn out, BUT ... > > ... what will ultimately happen is what presents the best story possibilities. Who gets to be Mussolini? > > Secondly, as for continuity: I, for one, would not waste my time doing this > if continuity wasn't foremost. (Heck, in our own way, I think it's what > we do best ...<g>) Um --there are about 89 continuities in fanfic, maybe more. Are we going to reconcile them into canon? I actually enjoy the chaos of FK being all over the place; if it were smooth and linear on issues like Nick and Nat's and Janette's and Lacroix's relationships, it wouldn't be nearly so much fun. > > Thirdly, in regards to hurting people's feelings: We are of the opinion > that the people on these lists are capable of rational and serious > discourse without resorting to insults to the writers. Fair enough. But we routinely point out that FK episodes have plot holes you could navigate a supertanker through with room left over for the Titanic and a couple tugboats. Are we going to be nicer to the virtual season writers? Are we going to say, "no way on God's green earth Natalie would *ever* say that?" Or Lacroix would never do this or that.... Not to mention will anyone be editing these things for those little bugaboos of fanfic, spelling, syntax, grammar and misuse of words? Sarah raised a big point, too, which I'll reiterate from a different slant: who will decide who's good enough to write this stuff? I'll tell you now, I don't want to be the one telling someone they're not qualified to write a virtual ep; that's not what I'm here for. Fandom is for fun and pleasure; we can't hand anyone a $25,000 check (Writers Guild minimum for any broadcast TV script you get an on-screen writer credit for in the United States). The fact that Paragon did pay that (or whatever Canadian minimums are) naturally entitled them to shrug, "not good enough," or require rewrites. > > 1) There will not be one or two people making all the decisions, but a > representative group. OK, who gets to be Mussolini, Hirohito, Genghis Khan and Cortez? Or Solon, Thomas Jefferson, Mother Teresa, Dag Hammarskjold and Honest Abe? > > One last note: The LAST thing we wanted to was to get people riled up and > offended. If this bothers you, there's always the 'delete' key. We won't > be hurt. The whole idea of this is to keep FK alive. Right. Now that I've indulged my cynicism, I have to say I think this is a radical idea; I've never heard of a fandom doing anything like this and it would be an astonishing achievement if pulled off. My reaction is sort of from the SOS-FK perspective; I think the industry and the relevant corporations, already amazed by the discipline and professionalism of our efforts, particularly at NATPE, would probably be astounded by something like this. And like you say, if it's terrible, there's always the delete button. Apache ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 00:23:23 -0700 From: Wendy Marie Christensen <wendy@i.......> Subject: Re: virtual season > > 1) There will not be one or two people making all the decisions, but a > > representative group. > OK, who gets to be Mussolini, Hirohito, Genghis Khan and Cortez? > Or Solon, Thomas Jefferson, Mother Teresa, Dag Hammarskjold and > Honest Abe? This is a good should be repersentive of all the factions and equaly so...made of people that can spot errors and see "good writing" and people that will have all the time to go through all the eps that people write. And what happens when someone keeps trying and trying to get a ep in and is allways shot down... how is this going to happen with out hurt feelings? Are we suddenly going to become nice and walk on egg shells because we know the people who wrote the eps are reading what we think about them. Don't get me wrong I think it is a wonderful idea I just think all aspects should be covered so we don't have problems down the line. -Wendy Marie- \|/ Unnamed Faction*Cousin |o o| "We *are* each other. You will always -------ooO~(_)~Ooo------ be mine, eternally." LC to Nick wendy@i....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 07:50:36 GMT From: Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@n.......> Subject: ADMIN: LIST RULES and MediaWest The following is posted with the Tasty Crayon Stamp of Approval. It is also an Authorized Asst. Listownerly Crosspost. Do Not Try This At Home. Infractions of listrules will henceforth (and retroactively) be handled as follows: First Offense: set to "nopost" Second Offense: set to "nomail" Third Offense: well, figure it out The people who have the authority to determine when and whether and for how long such a "time out" will be imposed are: Our Listowner, Jaye (jap8@c.......) Asst. Listowner, Laurie (lms5@p.......) Other Asst. Listowner, Me (immajer@p....... or immajer@n.......) Such judgements are, as always, subject to off-list discussion and appeal... but not defiance. ;-) It has never been the policy of these lists to repress creative thought. However, it has ALWAYS been a tradition that in this playground, We Play Nicely. Or we do not play. 'Nuff said. And how was MediaWest? Very very very nice, thank you. I stayed up far too late and ate far too much and did the Natpack Total Immersion thing; and I had a bitchin' party, and got to be Paramedic #1 (twice!) and Susan and Ann winning the Fan-Q's was a happy happy thing! and Diane had CHOCOLATE, oh what a lovely thing to have people bring you chocolate, and neat badges in the middle of the night, thank you Mo'! and the room was GREEN, and there were people in the halls, and Ribena with cherry brandy, "here, hold this -- be careful, it's red" and hordes of Natpackers in scrubs and labcoats, and hugging everyone at least three times a day, and selling zines! and buying zines! and neat buttons that blink... and I wish every day could be MediaWest, I really do, but right now I need sleep. And a mannerly, well-behaved list. If you would. :-) It's good to be back. (I think...) -- -:-:-:-:- Jamie M.R. <immajer@n.......> -:-:-:-:- Asst. Listowner, The Smoking Natpacker, ConvCoS, NDNEDnik -->>> Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies <<<-- ** List Rules <> ** (sig line deleted for extreeeeemely minor spoiler) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 06:40:09 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: Virtual Season - LK SPOILERS Kathy wrote: I want to point out that the bullets that >killed Tracy went >through Nick first , so they probably had small amouts of vampire blood on the >leading to a miraculous recovery...... I hadn't thought of that. What a good observation! Definitely interesting possibilities. I'd been having trouble with the new partner idea - I mean, inventing a whole new parter is not something all of us can agree on. Male or female, white or black, young or old, etc etc. But we already know Tracy's "voice". So I was trying to think of a way to keep her. I had thought that the only way would be to keep LK, but to move it a few episodes ahead, like to the end of the *fourth* season instead of the third. The vampire bullet thing sounds interesting though. Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "We have a very special relationship." - LC to NK, NiQ Wickedness Site! ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 06:57:12 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: virtual season (small LK spoiler) Kat wrote: >One of the things I've noticed from reading this list is that people have >vastly different opinions about what is "true to the character". I've seen >people say, for example, that they think that Nat in LK is way out of >character, whereas others see this as the logical culmination of character I'm talking about this from a writing standpoint. When you're writing a novel, for instance, your character doesn't start out as a saint and end up as a devil without logical developmental steps along the way. It's conceivable that Nat was in character in LK (altho I'm still trying to decide that for myself). It would not be conceivable, for instance, for Nat to tell Nick "Sayonara, baby!" and become a mountain-hiking tour guide in the Colorado Rockies. As much as I *like* this scenario, I don't see it happening. ;) LC can occasionally be "nice", but if he turns up doing telethons with Jerry Lewis, I'd be damn suspicious. Nick can occasionally backslide, but if he turns into the male equivalent of Elizabeth Bathory, we're *all* going to be suspicious! ;) That's all I meant by "true to character". There are boundaries within which we can operate and still be realistic. Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "We have a very special relationship." - LC to NK, NiQ Wickedness Site! ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 08:53:03 -0600 From: Deb <drowland@a.......> Subject: Re: virtual season Just my opinions on a virtual season: 1. enormous undertaking but so is trying to save a show when TPTB have written it off; we still tried. 2. anything that has been aired should be kept as cannon. I personally would like to forget Outside the Lines ever wasted film that could have been better used. 3. any vampire who was ever on the show is fair game to come back in some form- even Divia - Francesca found a new body and she was a preschooler compared to Divia. 4. any mortal is fair game to come back if a reasonable senario can be established (yeah, yeah, I know, who choses reasonable?) The point is - this list thrives on diversity - if any of us doesn't like a piece of fiction or the way a character acted, we can ignore it or beat it to death on the list and everyone else lets us. Sometimes we even change each other's minds. Personally my opinion of whether Nick and Nat loved each other depends largely on whoever posted last! I say go for it. Deb Knightie with strong Cousinly urges "You can't run away forever, but there's nothing wrong with getting a good headstart." _Rock and Roll Dreams Come Through_ by Meatloaf ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 09:41:40 -0500 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: SPOILERS: LK, HF / Nick, Nat, 4th season (long) At 12:33 AM 5/29/96 -0400, Marcia Tucker wrote: >why, in "The Fix" when Nick apparently was seemingly mortal, doesn't he kiss >the heck out of Nat, and WHY does he go running to Janette with his good >news? This wasn't a man in love with Natalie! I think they were showing us a guy afraid to make a commitment. Nat gives him what he supposedly wants more than anything else in the world, and what does he do? Runs off to the old girlfriend. I loved that scene, but it sure made me mad at Nick. (Brick? Did you say brick? Are you sure that's the word you meant?) I also loved the scene where Nick said to Nat, "I see what you're trying to do! You're trying to control me, just like they are!" It sounded just like the typical male to girlfriend or wife, i.e. - "You're just like my Mom!" Like when you ask them to pick up their socks from the floor, and they accuse you of trying to run their life. (Apologies to guys on the list. I know that all guys aren't like this.) Margie (treeleaf@i.......) N&NPacker Cousins of the Knight ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 11:13:07 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> I'm wondering if we want too much or too strict a control over glitches. Oh, sure, we don't want Nick partnered with Schanke in some episodes, and Tracy in another, but beyond that, the real show contradicted itself all the time in the details. Half the fun, for me, was trying to reconcile the differences. Just as long as we don't wind up with Nick in two places at the same time in flashbacks, I think a certain leeway is ok. Just my 2 cents. :) Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 11:33:05 +0500 From: John Folden <jtfolden@e.......> Subject: Re: LK Spoiler-Humorous & short > From: "Leslie I.Plummer" <lplummer@i.......> > Not really much of a spoiler... but just in case... > > F > O > R > E > V > E > R > > K > N > I > G > H > T > > F > O > R > E > V > E > R > ! > ! > ! > Remember, in LK, where Nick is driving from the Raven back to his > place & he's finding the worst (yet most appropriate) stuff on the > radio for his mood? Well, imagine, if you will, that as Nat drove > from the morgue to Nick's, what would have been playing on HER radio. This is a completely trivial and useless question (except maybe for a fanfic writer one day) but have we ever actually seen what type of car Nat drives? I think in the past we've seen Schanke's and Tracy's but I don't recall ever seeing Nat's car. //---------------------------------------- // John T. Folden, a demented victorian // lost in the DARK SHADOWS of an endless // FOREVER KNIGHT... ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 12:23:45 -0500 From: Stephanie Babbitt <stephanie.babbitt@g.......> Subject: Re: LK Spoiler-Humorous & short John wrote: >have we ever actually seen what type of car Nat drives? The one she drives in Season 3 is a dark Taurus-type car (4-door, late-model sedan). We see it in MBiaV after the psychiatrist is murdered (Nat & Tracy have a conversation beside it); in Fallen Idol (kid is hiding in it as Nat gets in); in Human Factor (Nick is driving it); and in LNMTA (Nick is in the Caddy beside it in a parking lot). Anybody with a better eye than mine for car models care to hazard a guess as to what it is? Stephanie B., Vaquera with an obsession for detail ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 13:47:56 -0400 From: Jill Gillham <jilkey@g.......> Subject: Re: Virtual Season: resurrections, etc. On Wed, 29 May 1996, Apache wrote: > I'm afraid the only way I see Cohen and Schanke being with us is > as ghosts or flashbacks, but we already know the FK universe is seething > with both of those. This also means we can have Divia and Urs, who both The only ways I've been able to think of bringing them back are one (both of them would be stretching it) wasn't on the flight, but was instead in the witness protection program. (Can't remember who originally came up with that one) Also, anyone ever seen or read Milenium? The basic premise there was time travelers rescuing people off airplanes that would crash and replacing them with brainless clones. The people were then stashed in the future. Personally, I wouldn't go for that scenario, but I'm just brainstorming. Jill Marie jilkey@g....... jilkey@u....... "I don't require that my patrons be human, just that they be polite"-Mike Callahan ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 13:54:13 -0400 From: Arletta Asbury <g4akl@e.......> Subject: Re: virtual season > Apache wrote: > Not to mention will anyone be editing these things for those >little bugaboos of fanfic, spelling, syntax, grammar and misuse of >words? I'm sure there are people here who can do that. I, for one, can do it (to the point of annoyance to the writers involved). ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 15:41:41 -0500 From: Stephanie Babbitt <stephanie.babbitt@g.......> Subject: The Atlanta LK party quote list (spoilers) I'm posting this quote list here because it contains some Last Knight spoilers. Thanks again to Sarah for letting us run amok in her apartment all night and to all those who attended for the mutual support. ****Atlanta Last Knight Party Quote List**** I went through the apartment collecting boxes of tissues, and if we need more than eight, TPTB are toast. Black clothes, looks lost; yep, she's probably here for the party. Okay (brandishing large book), I have _The Taming of the Shrew_ right here, and it doesn't say anything about a *window*. Have you seen that commercial where they suck up a goldfish with a Dustbuster? I always wanted a mangled pet. Oh, no! The Cousins are in the majority! I'm relentlessly unaffiliated. No, I'm not a DieHard--that would be an affiliation. I live with a eunuch. While watching Airwolf eps: He's just been shot and fallen off a cliff into a river, but his hair is perfect. They tie a torniquet around his leg, and *then* it bleeds? Ah, the handy forked stick, exactly the right length! Finally! The form-fitting flight suit! (Sound of Cousins groaning when Nigel's Oatmeal Crisp ad is shown). Yummy! Ribena! His hair is standing straight up, just like Daddy's. One time during my sophomore year, it wasn't tomorrow for three days. If I could have grown a beard, I would have. Great combination--fat free french onion dip and heavily iced chocolate chip cookie. He didn't disintegrate, so he's not dead. There's two categories of guys--chicken soup, and jump. That'd make me swear off alcohol for a year. Okay, I admit it--my Windows exit is "Hasta la bye bye!" Just *look* at him in that gorgeous frock coat! Are you *sure* you're a Vaquera? Have you ever seen a six-foot-five-inch guy giggle? *What* is he wearing at his neck? It looks like a little sombrero. Why do they always do that in bathtubs? The warm water makes you bleed faster? No, it's easier to clean up! Yeah, Ben Bass is still in the credits! Vachon's not dead! Dammit, we can't fast-forward through the commercials! Where's Earl? He's asleep behind the couch. Nick to Tracy: "Do me a favor and finish here..." I could have sworn that he just said, "Do me a favor and brush your hair..." It's going from that depressing scene to the *perky* commercial? (re Rick Springfield) Now that's a switch--vampire to beach bum. I will never look at a grocery scale the same way again. He's doing that damned circling camera trick again. LaCroix: "It warps our senses..." It warps our camera angle! If you're gonna die, who needs a hairdresser? And this guy in the credits will be "Jay Leno look-alike." I'm surprised Nick doesn't feel responsible about the rats Screed killed. Okay, two down... At least she didn't say, "I'm a good cop!" Gross. Was that necessary? I don't think so. Wait--how the *hell* did that get there? Did they dig it out of the ashes of Pompeii? Whoa...that's a switch! If I ever pay $60 for a pair of sandals, I hope somebody just shoots me in the head. The word is "brick." I just can't believe it took him six years to go after Natalie. What are you typing? Quote list? Oh, God. Sleeping Beauty is snoring behind the couch, here. God Almighty! Every vampire keeps a stake in his apartment? So, how did it end? The lady or the tiger? I feel seriously tweaked. A week earlier, I would be bawling--but now I feel like I've been hit over the head. Why do I see a shower scene? Can you tell I'm a computer scientist? Everything is in terms of graphs. Whatever happened to Alyce Hunter? She couldn't get in the skylight, so she was still stuck up there when the sun came up... No, she's living on pigeons! She married Screed! Now that's a nightmare! You wanna watch me throw up? Well, it would be a fitting cap to the evening! They finally figured out how to write Tracy, so they killed her off. Nick is *not* a wimp. I kind of like the vamp-cam... Did Grace die and go to hell this season? Do you know it's nearly 6:00? I'm turning into a pumpkin. My friends went out cruising tonight, and they're probably already back home and in bed. Holy s***, the sun's coming up! Are you sure you don't want to crash for a few hours? No, don't worry. It's only about an hour past my normal bedtime anyway. ***END*** Let's do it again soon! Stephanie Babbitt, Vaquera with a Powerbook =========================================================================
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