File: "FKSPOILR LOG9605" Part 54 TOPICS: SPOILER: LK - Nat SPOILER: LK, AtA, Downloading Nick's Brain Spoiler: AtA <was Rewatching> SPOILER: Last Knight - (One night or more?) SPOILERS - LK: Hey -- it could happen! The Virtual Season -- Chew on this (5) (SPOILERS: LK, AtA) Re: The Virtual Season -- Chew on this (5) LK comments LK question (incl. spoilers!) (2) SPOILER: LK - Nat (Plus Spoiler to Another 3rd Season Ep Whose Name Escapes me) (2) Spoiler: Last Night SPoiler: LK and virtual season (2) Spoiler: LK Memories Yet Another YKYB... Yet Another YKYB... virtual season ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 14:44:11 -0600 From: Sharon Joy <SJoy@u.......> Subject: Re: SPOILER: LK - Nat I sifting through the entire week's postings on LK. Just didn't have time to read any before this. BTW, thanks Cousin Suk for the Texas Party/Wake. It was comforting to watch with kindred (oops, wrong word) spirits. Most has been said already. I was affected, too, by it all. A few thoughts: I think the acting was great, I'm in denial about everyone's death, the camera should've stopped (already!) in the Nick/Nat talk scenes, I wish there would've been a little love scene - after all, we've waited 3 years. How come Nick has no problem making love with the others (Alyssa, the one in Blackwing, Serena, etc, etc - even the weirdodancer girl from 1st season - but he won't do it with Natalie? Is this a hint? We all want to think that he really loves her. I know I do. But a proposition like "make love to me, I trust you, we'll be together forever, etc. etc." gets only a vampire bite? I just can't buy that. There was definitely love in his eyes as she was talking - and CD did a great job of conveying her love. Oh well, enough of that. Lisa P. wrote: > >p.s. The very last scene of the sun rising instead of descending was, I >felt, a glimmer of hope. Anyone feel that this could have a special >significance, or am I reading too much into it? I noticed that, too. I took it as the standard ironic FK vampire paradox. We go to sleep during the day, we're up at night. We're dead really - but we are vitally alive. We're bad - but aren't we neat! We're evil -- no, we're the good guys. Get the picture? The rising sun is a signal of the end of the series - it's over, folks. Yet, we can take it to be a ray of hope. That's all for now. Regards to all, Sharon Joy ---- A Forever Knightie ----SJoy@u....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 16:45:17 +0500 From: John Folden <jtfolden@e.......> Subject: Re: SPOILER: LK, AtA, Downloading Nick's Brain > From: "Margie Hammet" <treeleaf@i.......> > him), but I don't think he's at that point yet. Someday he might even be > willing to let Nick walk into the sun if that's what Nick chooses, but he's > not at that point either. But to take a stake and kill this child that > he loves because the child is unhappy and the child asked him to? I don't > think LaCroix could do it, not now, not ever. I think above everything else Lacroix views their relationship as "Father/son". Can you imagine any father killing a son he loves under the circumstances we were given???? The first thing a father would do is try to talk rationally to his son (which we saw in the episode). The next thing is open to debate but I believe a father would then do whatever it takes to prevent the son from hurting themselves, or wanting to hurt themselves...It's up to the individual to decide whether Lacroix simply does something like locking Nick up or knocking him out until he comes to his senses or *using Natalie as an incentive/pawn to control Nick. :) //---------------------------------------- // John T. Folden, a demented victorian // lost in the DARK SHADOWS of an endless // FOREVER KNIGHT... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 16:15:46 -0500 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Spoiler: AtA <was Rewatching> Moving this to the Spoiler list. At 10:21 PM 5/26/96 -0400, Joy Davis wrote: >The vicious way he reacted to Nick's perceived rejection ... after ... > Divia. [LC] ... wanted to replace her with a 'good' child. That's why >the paradox exists in their relationship. He chose someone was good, but >then they would not embrace the evil that is in him. I've been wondering about something like this too. It's not so much that I think it has to do with Divia. I think LC would have reacted the same way to Nick's rejection anyway. Also, he chose Nick about 1100 years after the incident with Divia. But I wonder if he *was* attracted by Nick's goodness, in spite of himself, just like he was attracted to Fleur's kindness, in spite of himself. In the case of Fleur, though, it was her kindness specifically to LC himself that I think attracted him. And in Nick's case, Nick was a disillusioned crusader, so that's probably why LC thought Nick would embrace evil. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) N&NPacker Still looking for a Nick-LaCroix faction and seriously considering Cousins of the Knight ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 19:20:24 +0500 From: John Folden <jtfolden@e.......> Subject: Re: SPOILER: Last Knight - (One night or more?) > From: "LG Soward" <lgs@i.......> > Actually, no it doesn't. I think that it's one night, up to the point where > Tracy is shot. If you watch, you'll notice that up to that point Nick is > wearing a shirt with buttons. In the next scene, with Nick and Tracy at the > hospital, his shirt had changed. So it would be safe to assume that at > least a day has passed. I hadn't noticed this, but since Nick was shot, don't you think he'd change his shirt??? //---------------------------------------- // John T. Folden, a demented victorian // lost in the DARK SHADOWS of an endless // FOREVER KNIGHT... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 21:29:27 -0400 From: Sally Williams <scu11i@n.......> Subject: SPOILERS - LK: Hey -- it could happen! After watching Last Knight a couple of times, I am determined to think that the patient the blonde paramedic was staring down at, saying "Left pupil fixed and dilated" etc., was Natalie, not Tracy. Same night, same paramedics on call. (Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I'm catching up on the list mail.) Works for me. Sally scu11i@n....... ("#1"s, not "L"s in scu11i) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 23:00:05 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: The Virtual Season -- Chew on this OK, for those of you not on FORKNI-L, here's the deal in 100 words or less, as it's been hashed out there: Since TPTB have decided that they are not going to give us a fourth season, we have decided to do it outsevles -- not filmed, just written. Sorcha and I have volunteered to coordinate the effort, and so far the response to the idea has been extremely favorable. So ... this post has two purposes. First: We do not have the desire to do this ourselves. The whole idea is that FK belongs to all of us now. So we'd like to have a small group of people to help coordinate this, in addition to the writers (and we really need writers!) We have gathered two more people who seem to have a really good grasp of this process (that letter to Tippi was NOT supposed to go to FORKNI-L. Sorry!) and we think we could do with a couple more. If you're interested -- and please, if you're really interested in putting in the work this is going to take -- please drop us a note BY PRIVATE MAIL. (Don't follow my example.) Once we know who's doing what, we'll "get together" and hash out the process by which this thing will be done. Now, having said that, I would like to ask everyone who would be interested in writing for or helping to organize the Virtual Season, please drop us a note, if you haven't already. Second: There are some crucial decisions about the direction of the show from here, and they have everything to do with AtA, LK, etc., which is why this post is on FKSPOILR. The following questions need to be answered right off the bat, and we would like to get a feel for how people would like to see this proceed. Now, Cousin Lisa was right when she said "Imho, if anyone can achieve agreement on an interpretation of LK, he or she should consider a career at the UN. :)" And Tippi was right when she said that in this case, we need to act as writers first, and factioners second. First decision: To LK or not to LK It has been suggested that we ignore AtA and LK and write what would basically be third season episodes. Pros: We don't have to worry about a future movie invalidating anything we do. Nobody's dead. Cons: Character development is out. We are trapped in a narrow section of time, and there's not a thing we can do about it. Nobody grows, nobody changes. We don't get to correct the ATROCITY committed upon us. and Second decision: Who lives, who dies? Since we are not talking about Forever LaCroix, we have to assume that Nick isn't dead. If we do NOT ignore LK, that leaves six options: 1) Nick is mortal, Nat is mortal 2) Nick is mortal, Nat is dead 3) Nick is mortal, Nat is a vampire 4) Nick is a vampire, Nat is mortal 5) Nick is a vampire, Nat is dead 6) Nick is a vampire, Nat is a vampire Certainly everyone has opinions on what they WANT to have happened. The question, though, is what would be best in order to explain LK and continue on. So in addition to "which scenario" you think we should use, we'd like to know why, and how you think the series could go on if that were the case. We know you can't please everyone, as much as we'd like to, but we hope no matter what the outcome, no-one is offended, hurt, or turned off. The whole idea is to keep FK alive until TPTB come to their senses. ---- TJ and Sorcha ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 22:14:05 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: The Virtual Season -- Chew on this I'm just posting a short version of what I'll send to TJ and Sorcha. In regards to what direction would we take in light of AtA and LK, I have these thoughts to keep in mind: How many of us would have watched this show if it had been about a mortal cop who *used* to be a vampire? Someone who had already achieved the goals he sought? Would we watch the show if it was about *two* vampires who liked being what they were and didn't want to change it? Talk about lack of conflict, and thus lack of plot. The show was, and is, about someone trying to redeem himself and find his humanity - not about someone who has already achieved it. We watched his struggles. It gives us (well, not me personally) something to root for. In literary terms, he's the protagonist. I think it's important to keep in the theme and tone already established, regardless of our individual factions. That's my two's worth. :) Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "We have a very special relationship." - LC to NK, NiQ Wickedness Site! ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 20:26:03 -0700 From: Heather Thornburg <penni@t.......> Subject: Re: The Virtual Season -- Chew on this On Mon, 27 May 1996, TippiNB wrote: > The show was, and is, about someone trying to redeem himself and find his > humanity - not about someone who has already achieved it. We watched his > struggles. > I think it's important to keep in the theme and tone already established, > regardless of our individual factions. Sorry about the extra line. I totally agree with Tippi. Heather aka Vachon's guitar penni@w....... Knightie, Nick/Nat Packer, Vaquera, SKLer, CSS SKL: Faciemus ut Dewus Mountainus e Tuo Nasone Exeat! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 02:12:16 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: The Virtual Season -- Chew on this Since I'm on digest on forkni-l, I'm not sure if I've seen all the discussion about the proposed virtual season. Are the questions about whether to do third season or "fourth" season episodes posed in this letter supposed to be answered in private email to TJ or discussed on this list? I also have a few comments to make. First, although I've gone nomail on the fic list for now, I would be surprised if the volume of fiction being posted there has decreased much (has it?). Second, since the series has moved to Sci Fi Channel, it has the potential to attract new fans (and new fiction writers). I guess what I'm wondering is what is the advantage of a "virtual season"? If the characters have inspired us in the past to write fiction, will that not continue because of AtA and LK? I am willing to admit that a lot of fiction posted, while entertaining, wouldn't really be "episode" material (please don't anyone take offense by that, but there are certain "dramatic" considerations that need to be met {even if the fictional "episode" is not in "script" form} and some fiction doesn't even come close {such as crossover fiction}). The other issue is that bugaboo, *continuity*. While FK has had *some* continuity, I don't know that it has ever been that major an issue (although they seem to have given it some more thought this season, have we had much of an arc except for maybe the last three episodes?). So my question is will there be much consideration given to continuity in this virtual season? If so, who decides what is considered acceptable continuity? And how many "episodes" of this virtual season will there be? A full 22? This is certainly an interesting and a novel idea. It would be interesting to see what came of it, but it would definitely require some committment. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 23:23:59 -0700 From: Amy R. <akr@n.......> Subject: (SPOILERS: LK, AtA) Re: The Virtual Season -- Chew on this On Mon, 27 May 1996, Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine wrote: > First decision: To LK or not to LK > It has been suggested that we ignore AtA and LK and write what would > basically be third season episodes. Whatever we think of LK (Opinion, thy name is Legion!) it is now a part of the canon, and I am unwilling to ignore it. Interpretations abound, but the undisputed facts are undisputed facts. Those participating in the Virtual Season have the opportunity to write "LK, Part II," treating this as the cliff-hanger season finale, but it would be detrimental to the vitality of the stories that could be produced to eliminate AtA or LK. In other words, having Vachon dig himself out of that untimely grave in the third episode of the Virtual Season is entirely valid. Ignoring the impact his death had on the other characters is not. Having Natalie awaken, mortal, in the hospital bed LaCroix convinced Nick to take her to in order to counteract Nick's desire for death, in the first episode of the Virtual Season, is valid. Ignoring the existence of Nick's plea for LC to kill him is not. > Second decision: Who lives, who dies? > 4) Nick is a vampire, Nat is mortal > 6) Nick is a vampire, Nat is a vampire These seem like the only useful options. However, I think it would be best if we put all of our toys neatly back where they belong -- we play more nicely than TPTB. Assume Natalie is not only not yet dead at the end of LK, but that she may yet be saved by modern medicine, there are any number of ways to save her and not kill Nick. Let IA go after Reese instead of Nick, and, superficially, everything would go back to normal. However, there are emotional consequences to LK, and to accept LK is to accept those consequences. The only way I see around them is for Natalie to lose her memory from Lora's death on, for Nick to be too guilt-ridden to tell her, and for Nick to bitterly resent LC for not killing him -- that would put emotions back at the second-season norm. In short (too late, I know) there is a lot of potential in this idea, but while it seems, imho, essential to accept LK, the only way to satisfy most people, contradictorily, is to wipe it out. We may make bold, sweeping character developments in our own fiction, but that takes bold, sweeping opinions -- Nick loves Nat, LC is evil, Janette would rather be mortal -- which it doesn't seem that a Virtual Season could afford. *** Amy, Lady of the Knight (akr@n.......) *** "A man's spirit may be superior not only to his fate but even to his own acts." -- Robert Ornstein ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 03:10:32 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: (SPOILERS: LK, AtA) Re: The Virtual Season -- Chew on this Amy R. writes: >Having Natalie awaken, mortal, in the hospital bed Great minds...:) Although my idea for how she got there is a bit different from yours. >The only way I see around them is for Natalie to lose her memory >from Lora's death on I wouldn't do that. It would remove another source of conflict and tension between Nick and Nat. Or...other things. :) >for Nick to bitterly resent LC for not killing him I can see a way that this could be lessened. Question--is it planned for such discussion of where the "season" should go going to be done on this list (such as above). I thought TJ wanted to be contacted privately (or am I mistaken?) I mean, won't it kind of cut down on the thrill of a written "episode" if it's all discussed out to minute details on this list first? Just curious. FWIW, although I hate LK, I think it should be taken as canon (along with all the rest of third season) which means I'd like to see a "fourth" season. In the show's "reality", I don't think Nick and Nat lived, but in "fiction" there are always possibilities. :) --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 03:15:10 -0400 From: Ray Heuer <RayHeuer@a.......> Subject: Re: LK comments Abby mentioned the "bleeped-up" scale: Yes, I noticed it, too. My explanation to myself was that it actually registered less than zero, the amount being the exact weight of one of those kidney-shaped metal things into which you see surgeons place extracted organs in TV medical shows. My deranged mind tends to provide explanations for all sorts of "wrong" things, but still can't explain all the things wrong with "reality" -- Ray Nat Vamp Camp "Real Life" has been cancelled Rage! Rage! Against the dying of the Knight! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 03:10:50 -0500 From: "Stephanie S. Babbitt" <stephanie.babbitt@g.......> Subject: LK question (incl. spoilers!) Here's a question I haven't seen addressed yet. Why is IA going to be on Nick's case for killing Dawkins? The man shot at him and shot his partner, for God's sake! If IA didn't get wigged over Tracy killing the perp in Tropy Girl, why on earth are they going to give a rat's behind about a loon like Dawkins, who took hostages, threatened any number of innocent people with a loaded gun, and then killed (presumably) a cop? Is it because Nick threw him into a wall instead of shooting him? I don't get it. Enlighten me, anyone? Stephanie Babbitt, Vaquera Holding firmly to Jamie's tenet: Nobody Dies. Nobody Ever Died. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 03:30:13 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: LK question (incl. spoilers!) I suspect Nick would be investigated because a) Tracy is the Commissioner's daughter, b) only the two of them were in the locker room, and c) If Nick got close enough to break Dawkins' neck (which is what it looked like) instead of shoot him, that could be viewed as using excessive force. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... (oops, should have added to c) that "shoot" him would mean accidental shooting or shooting to disarm or disable as well as shooting to kill) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 03:31:46 +0500 From: John Folden <jtfolden@e.......> Subject: Re: The Virtual Season -- Chew on this > From: "Sandra Gray" <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> > new fans (and new fiction writers). I guess what I'm wondering is > what is the advantage of a "virtual season"? If the characters have I think the biggest advantage is that it will provide something we lack in normal FK fic, *Focused direction*. I've read a lot of fic from a multitude of authors that I truly adore...but the stories are so conflicting that it becomes difficult to find them belivable in the scope of the FK world. Granted I imagine that a lot of people may say the same thing about the "Virtual Season" but, if nothing else it gives us something to do... :) > to continuity in this virtual season? If so, who decides what is > considered acceptable continuity? > interesting to see what came of it, but it would definitely require > some committment. I imagine most things would be decided by a group of volunteers, who also accepted feedback from readers... I've already posted a private message offering my help in the creative/development area of the project and am willing to devote ample time and energy on ideas to fuel this project. Hopefully, they'll have me... :) //---------------------------------------- // John T. Folden, a demented victorian // lost in the DARK SHADOWS of an endless // FOREVER KNIGHT... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 00:55:01 -0700 From: "Andy E. Nystrom" <wo991@f.......> Subject: Re: SPOILER: LK - Nat (Plus Spoiler to Another 3rd Season Ep Whose Name Escapes me) In response to Sharon's comment that she wishes Nick & Nat had made love at some point, they did: in the ep that Nick had amnesia and thought he was mortal. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 07:05:38 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: (SPOILERS: LK, AtA) Re: The Virtual Season -- Chew on this Amy wrote: >In short (too late, I know) there is a lot of potential in this idea, but >while it seems, imho, essential to accept LK, the only way to satisfy most >people, contradictorily, is to wipe it out. I wrote something to this effect to TJ: TPTB gave us LK because they thought it was the end of the series. Their intention was that this ep potentially be the END of the FK story. Now that we have a "fourth" (albeit virtual) season, TPTB's reasons for giving us LK are no longer valid. I suggested, as you did, that in order to keep with the theme and focus of the show, we get things back "to normal". Which means that Nat is mortal, Nick is a vamp, and LC is Nick's occasional foe. I'm not suggesting we ignore AtA and LK. But, we have to ask ourselves: If there really were a fourth season, would Nat be dead? A Vampire? A rock and roll star? Not bloody likely! Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng! *Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix* "We have a very special relationship." - LC to NK, NiQ Wickedness Site! ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 08:00:47 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: SPOILER: LK - Nat (Plus Spoiler to Another 3rd Season Ep Whose Name Escapes me) Andy Nystrom writes: >In response to Sharon's comment that she wishes Nick & Nat had made love >at some point, they did: in the ep that Nick had amnesia and thought he >was mortal. I don't think they made it clear that they made love in Night in Question (which is the amnesia ep). I didn't think they did myself. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 08:59:05 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Spoiler: Last Night I'm sorry, but there is only one paramedic speaking role in the script, and it occurs in the scene immediately following the point where Tracy has been shot. There is no room for ambiguity. She's in the middle of the scene where Tracy is being prepped for transport to the hospital and she'd talking about Tracy to Nick and Reese. This is different from LaCroix's monologues, which are not specifically located in time or place. Yes, I've read the script. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 09:08:59 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: SPoiler: LK and virtual season I think Amy's convinced me that it isn't practical to ignore LK. H'mm, Amy, want a job at the UN? :) My preference would be to keep Ashes to Ashes, too. It only told us a lot more about LaCroix, without actually changing the characters. Before we go any further, am I the only one who wants Janette back and running the Raven? Now that we know the truth about why she left, there's no reason why she shouldn't choose to return. I don't know about the rest of you, but the one thing I hated most about season 3 (after we got the old LaCroix back, sort of) was *no Janette.* I would prefer that Nat not have lost her memory. I can think of ways around her being bitter. Since I've already told TJ that I wouldn't be interested in a virtual season without a mortal Nat (which isn't to say I'm trying to stop the rest of you from doing one), I will say that I'd like to see Nat have acquired Liam-type sensitivities. I would also prefer to revive Vachon and that Tracy isn't dead. People have been mistakenly pronounced dead in hospitals before. Heck, I'd like to see Screed revived. Somewhere or other I'd heard a rumor, before the show was cancelled, that TPTB were thinking of bringing Screed back. Otoh, I've got to admit I miss Schanke, and that I can think of ways of having him turn up alive. Heck, soaps do that sort of thing all the time. In fact, I once suggested as a joke that Schanke got a crack on the head during the plane crash and has been wandering around the Northwest Territory under the impression that he's a sled dog. Or maybe a moose. <vbeg> Anyway, I don't see why we can't combine second and third season. All we have to do is bring Janette back and get LaCroix out of the Raven. I like the idea that LaCroix let Nick think Nat was dead when she wasn't and that perhaps this makes both Nick and Nat angry with him. Yes, I know Nick should have realized she wasn't dead, but he missed the fact that Janette was mortal in HF. Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 09:24:22 EDT From: Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......> Subject: Spoiler: LK It's my impression that IA investigates on any force any time an officer kills someone, even if it's clearly in the line of duty. In fact, I think it's usual to suspend the officer temporarily or transfer him/her to desk duty. Didn't someone with a police background mention this in the first season when Stonetree had killed someone but was left on duty. If so, they're going to investigate Nick automatically because Dawkins died. I took Reese's "it's going to be rough" to refer to the fact that Nick's about to have his second partner in two years die and he's also going to have to contend with IA, who were shown as a pretty nasty lot in Killer Instinct. (No offense to the real Toronto IA or whatever it's called there.) Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble." Lisa McDavid mcdavid-lisa@s....... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 09:54:00 EDT From: L M <LMS5@p.......> Subject: Memories Believe it or not (and PLEASE don't faint).. "Memories" is DONE. As in... "FINISHED" as in, "I LIKE THIS VERSION", as in "SOMEONE SHOT ME IF I DECIDE TO CHANGE SOMETHING.. *AGAIN*" :-) You can find it on the FTP Site. ftp to and it is in pub/people/lms5/fkgifs/Fan_Art ENJOY! Laurie (lms5@p.......) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 12:32:39 -0400 From: "Lisa P." <LadysAVamp@a.......> Subject: Yet Another YKYB... I think this is becoming an obsession, but...oh hell, here it is... YKYBWTMFKW Someone tells you about this place to eat called Nick's Snack Bar. First reaction - hide the idiotic grin that comes to your face. First thought - "Oh God, they named it after Natalie". You know you're obsessed when you rush to write it down so you won't forget to let everyone know about it on the FK lists. This is really starting to get to me... Lisa P. *************************************************************************** Only one thing is truly permanent...Forever Knight Cousinly Knightie w/NatPacker tendencies <I do so hate to limit myself> LadysAVamp@a....... -- "Hey, who you calling a lady!?!" oboyyme@t....... -- <Lacroix's unheard thoughts at end of LK> ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 11:24:53 -0500 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: SPoiler: LK and virtual season At 09:08 AM 5/28/96 EDT, Lisa McDavid wrote: >I've got to admit I miss Schanke, and that I can think of ways >of having him turn up alive. I haven't read Jamie's story about Schanke being in the witness protection program, but it did get me thinking about how Schanke could be alive. (Thanks, Jamie!) Schanke was never on that plane. The Canadian equivalent of th FBI recruited for a special secret mission. (I don't know why; someone has to figure that out.) They put a double on the plane and gave him Schanke's I.D. After the plane went down, there were people to help Natalie identify the remains. She couldn't have done all that herself. The Canadian equivalent of the FBI put a couple of their undercover agents in there to help. They were the ones who identified the remains as Schanke's; they weren't really Schanke's remains. The secret mission is now over, and Schanke returns. Margie (treeleaf@i.......) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 13:13:08 +0500 From: John Folden <jtfolden@e.......> Subject: Re: Yet Another YKYB... > From: "Lisa P." <LadysAVamp@a.......> > Someone tells you about this place to eat called Nick's Snack Bar. First > reaction - hide the idiotic grin that comes to your face. First thought - > "Oh God, they named it after Natalie". THANK YOU! You just gave me the biggest smile I'll probably have all day. :) This message is a keeper...hehe Shame I don't have any FK fans in my area to share this with... //---------------------------------------- // John T. Folden, a demented victorian // lost in the DARK SHADOWS of an endless // FOREVER KNIGHT... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 13:34:37 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: Re: (SPOILERS: LK, AtA) Re: The Virtual Season -- Chew on this Sandra writes: >Question--is it planned for such discussion of where the "season" >should go going to be done on this list (such as above). I thought >TJ wanted to be contacted privately (or am I mistaken?) I mean, >won't it kind of cut down on the thrill of a written "episode" if Our intention was that general discussion on the direction the series should take should probably take place on the list, as we all tend to spark each other. But if you want to volunteer, that's best in private mail. Either way, you're right, we won't be discussing specifics until after it "airs". ---- TJ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 13:30:59 +0500 From: John Folden <jtfolden@e.......> Subject: Re: (SPOILERS: LK, AtA) Re: The Virtual Season -- Chew on this Howdy again(hopefully), I just wanted to make sure you've received my private message concerning my offer of help that was posted last night. It was rather late, I was rather "foggy" and who knows where I might have sent it... :) //---------------------------------------- // John T. Folden, a demented victorian // lost in the DARK SHADOWS of an endless // FOREVER KNIGHT... ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 16:56:10 CDT From: "OREL, SARA" <FA55@n.......> Subject: virtual season I thought I would post my comments to the list -- I wrote TJ and Sorcha with an offer of help for coordination and continuity (actually I would be happy to help with flashback stuff, historically speaking -- perhaps we could divide by periods and such and actually use some timelines that are available, but I am not sure where anymore). I agree with Lisa McD that the best way for Nat to be alive (and I am not completely convinced that she would be, actually; but I can grant her to the NatPack, as I would hate to get the tattooed one (among others) really annoyed with me... :-) ), would be for her to be similar to Liam. Perhaps someone could re-examine that episode and post the specific information here? All things considered that would be the easiest "resurrection" to understand. Janette? Hmmmm.... It was said that she had been in Toronto for 20 years; she would be hard to explain inthe real world of the virtual season (not undoable, but difficult -- and it would be absolutely imperative (sp?) that she never ever run into her boyfriend's mortal family, who live nearby). Schanke is dead, dead, dead (much as I miss him), as is (sadly enough)Vachon, but I could be convinced that we don't know enough about vampirism to really understand his death. Actually if Vachon is resurrected, wouldn't his encounter with Divia have consequences, including some we might not want to see...? And Tracey is gone, and that leaves one of the more intriguing possibilities here, which is the opportunity for the virtual season crew to provide a completely new partner for Nick. Lacroix may go for a while, but perhaps not completely...? And there are always flashbacks for all characters. We don't have to completely ignore characters just because they are dead in the present, you know. Still intrigued with the idea. I think we need to have a different, moderated list, with the virtual season episodes only, or a label that can be put on only by the listowner, so that those of us who cannot possibly keep up with all the wonderful stuff on FKFic can still keep up with the virtual season. Or we could use the FkSpoilr list for this as well as discussion of it. But I still would be happiest if I could read the episodes in my own time, separate from everything else. Oh, blast... There goes the thunder and the rain again. Sara Orel FA55%nemomus@a....... =========================================================================
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