File: "FKSPOILR LOG9605" Part 53 TOPICS: SPOILERS: Last Knight (ep 22) Tracy (4) Bullets (Spoilers for HF) (3) New "Last Knight" Waves A new theory! (LK spoilers) Nick 'n' Nat (General Discussion) (2) SPOILER: LK -- What about Sydney? Last Knight: An observation in non-continuity SPOILERS: LK -- LC's view SPOILERS: LK (was RE: Nick loved Nat!) (3) Nick out in the daytime HF and LK spoilers -- Nick and Nat: love? Vampires Shot Bullet Holes (2) SPOILERS: LK - Encouraging words Reese (Spoiler LK, etc) ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 02:18:26 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Fwd. Re: SPOILERS: Last Knight (ep 22) Tracy >I've got a question: More than once it's been mentioned that bullets >pass through a vampire uninterrupted. If that was always the case, then >Nat wouldn't be digging them out of Nick, right? So what gives? > >--- TJ Ah, come on. You didn't expect continuity did ya? While it's true that some bullets pass right through, others most definitely do not. The difference, IMHO, would be the need for an obvious plot device. E.g. FF in the first season. We had already seen, in DK and FIHS, that bullets pass right through Nick, and then in FF, one gets stuck in his shoulder. My interpretation is that the need for the dialog Nick and Nat had was more important to the drama of the ep then the minor incongruity of the bullets staying power. :)= Carrie, Slovenly Knightie AKA Carrie the Cruel CKrumtum@g....... It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them. --Mother Teresa ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 02:18:31 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Bullets (Spoilers for HF) >There may be other episodes where bullets have >passed through Nick, but I can't recall any others right now. It all began with DK, the bullets from the AK47 passed right through him from the very beginning. FIHS, as Sandra mentioned, The Fix, QoH, FD (my personal fav of this type scene, man, he must of had 20 rounds pumped into him), GVP, CB, UTV, Hunted (remember the garlic bullets?), HF. Eps where the bullets didn't pass right through: FF, NiQ, AFWTD. I've probably missed something. But, from the above lists I think it's safe to say that a bullet has a better chance of going right through than remaining in the intended vampiric target. I don't think we've seen any other vamp get shot, have we? I'm not counting Janette in HF, she was mortal at the time. Carrie, Slovenly Knightie AKA Carrie the Cruel CKrumtum@g....... It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them. --Mother Teresa ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 02:24:46 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Bullets (Spoilers for HF) >I don't think we've seen any other vamp get shot, have we? I'm not counting >Janette in HF, she was mortal at the time. Okay, I'm brain dead. Janette gets shot, and the bullets get stuck in her in AFWTD as well. I think I suffer from permanent Nick on the brain. At least I caught my own mistake. Carrie, can you say dumb? I knew you could. Carrie, Slovenly Knightie AKA Carrie the Cruel CKrumtum@g....... It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them. --Mother Teresa ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 02:50:09 -0400 From: Ray Heuer <RayHeuer@a.......> Subject: Re: Fwd. Re: SPOILERS: Last Knight (ep 22) Tracy Just in case no one has mnetioned this yet (I'm about 6 days behind on my mail)- Re: The bulletholes in Nick's jacket - Nick's jacket already has numerous bulletholes in it. If anyone asks about it, he says he got it off of a dead druglord "who had no further need for it", and that the holes in it remind him to be careful, or some such nonsense. You may have noticed that Nick wears the same jacket most of the time, but with all of the bullets we've seen Nick take, that jacket should be more holes than jacket by now. -- Ray Nat Vamp Camp Rage! Rage! Against the dying of the Knight! ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 03:00:45 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Bullets (Spoilers for HF) Carrie Krumtum writes: >CB, UTV, Hunted (remember the garlic bullets?), HF My brain is blanking on what "CB" is. But didn't Nat dig the garlic out of Nick in Hunted? >I don't think we've seen any other vamp get shot, have we? Vachon got shot by Vudu in Black Buddha. And I think Tracy shot the Inca too, didn't she? They never said if Vachon had to dig his bullet out, of course, so no way to know if it went through or not. --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 03:13:34 -0500 From: Sandra Gray <TMP_HARKINS@d.......> Subject: Re: Fwd. Re: SPOILERS: Last Knight (ep 22) Tracy Ray Heuer writes: >he says he got it off a dead druglord "who had no further need for it", >and that the holes in it remind him to be careful, or some such nonsense. Yes, he made a comment like that in Dark Knight about his waist length bomber-style jacket. I don't think we've seen that jacket since first season. But Nick doesn't wear the same jacket most of the time. He's worn long coats and several times this season a hip-length leather jacket. Maybe he stopped wearing the bomber jacket because it got too holey and started letting other coats get a proportion of the bullet holes. :) --Sandra Gray, forever Knightie --tmp_harkins@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 06:09:03 +0000 From: "Laura W. Petix" <lpetix@d.......> Subject: New "Last Knight" Waves I've just finished putting a second collection of waves from "Last Knight" online at This one includes the following: LaCroix: Nicholas, don't you see? You have overstayed your welcome. The pain that you're causing your mortal friends is no longer acceptable to them. Those that do survive will not allow their relationship with you continue in the way that it was. They will demand change, and you will be compromised. Tracy: You could... have trusted me. Nick: LaCroix, I'm in trouble. LaCroix: Yes, I know. Nick: You don't want my love. It will only destroy you. LaCroix: Oh, Nicholas. You have thought this through, haven't you? LaCroix: Are the sounds you hear the trumpeting of St. Peter's angels, or the screams of Memnoch's tortured souls? You can't answer that, can you? Because you will never know the answer, until after the deed is done. (This is the version from the end of the episode, when Nick is crying.) LaCroix: Damn you, Nicholas. -- From the scenes that take place after the last scene of the episode: LaCroix: Love--it warps our senses, twists our souls--can take us past hope, past cure, past help. LaCroix: Leaving is the purest form of love. (The last thing we hear LC say to Nick.) -- Laura WP, lpetix@d....... "Last Knight" waves: Lucard's Home Page: ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 10:30:47 -0500 From: TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......> Subject: Re: A new theory! (LK spoilers) Leslie wrote in regards to my "theory": >I LIKE this explanation, and all of us will have BB1 & BB2 to watch in >the coming weeks to add to your already-wonderful list! I'd even suggest >a new faction/reality for this! It makes such good sense! So did anyone else pick out any other similarities? Here are just a couple more I filtered out: BB: Reese's insensitivity about the death of Nick's partner. Makes a comment like "we all die sooner or later." LK: Again, Reese makes a crass comment about Nick's partner along the lines of "you'll get another partner." BB: Nick drinks from the woman who offers him a chance at mortality. LK: ditto. Cheesy rationale: put it on a cracker and spread it around! :) WCT, who is not fiercely optimistic, but *is* fiercely anal retentive and has a habit of looking for links to explain the unexplainable... ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 12:02:28 -0500 From: "Stormsinger/J.S. Levin" <wabbit@e.......> Subject: Re: Nick 'n' Nat (General Discussion) Okay, I give up. I'm gonna pull out the drachmas again and put in two (apologies in advance to the N&NPackers, the Knighties, and anyone else out there I'm gonna upset): 1) Nat doesn't love Nick. She is infatuated by what she thinks Nick can become, like a woman looking at an alcoholic and seeing how nice the sober man would be. She hates, fears and loathes Nick's "vampire side", which after 800 years, quite frankly, is more "Nick" than the human he was for only 35 years. I really don't buy into treating "the vampire" and "the person" as two separate entities. It smacks of some of the alleged MPD cases I've heard of -- the not-real, self-indulgent ones. (PLEASE! I am not discounting MPD as a verified mental illness -- I'm just saying that there's been a lot of backpedalling on it over the past decade, based on the fact that, for a while, *everybody* seemed to have "repressed memories" and "other selves") "The vampire" is as much Nicholas de Brabant, aka Nick Knight as is the crusader. Or the college professor. Or the archeologist. Or the dilletante gentleman. Nick cannot separate "the vampire" from himself. Trying to treat that part of himself as a separate entity has thrown him into the same endless guilt loop as the early monks who tried to "kill" their human desires to get closer to God. He's trying to become Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde -- then kill Hyde, and it won't work anymore than it did in the book. Like Robbie Egersdorf's very nice "Thin Line between Dark and Dawn" story, Nick *needs* that part of himself. The part that can hunt and kill for blood is also the part who can stand up to a perp with a gun, to LaCroix, to the dawn if he has to. The blood of the Crusades was on his hands before he ever took his first sip of the stuff. I don't think Nat has any real idea of *who* Nick really is. Would she have liked the Crusader? I don't think so. She doesn't like his automatic assumptions (after *800 years*, for heaven's sake, he *still* hasn't learned) regarding "protecting" people and making their decisions for them as if he were their liege lord. He is *naturally* a lot colder and crueler than I think she wants to realize -- look at how often she was boggled and put off by it in the first and second seasons. That's not just "the vampire"; that's the basic assumptions of a man raised in the 13th century. 2) Nick *cannot* love Nat the way she wants. First, he's not a mortal man, and it ain't happening any time soon (I won't even go *into* the UNSCIENTIFIC basis of Nat's general attempts at "cures") But vampirism aside, Nick and Nat have different definitions of Love. His is 13th century, born in the middle ages and the Court of Love, full of daring deeds and endless struggles and a woman forever on a pedestal out of his reach. However tempered by later experiences and versions this may be, this is *still* his "gut reaction". For the Lady of one's Courtly Love, no deeds are ever sufficient, no gesture is ever *quite* sublime enough, and one strives *eternally* to be worth her. But the Lady is Pure, Innocent, Heavenly, and FOREVER UNTOUCHABLE. One dreams, one aspires, but one *never* achieves. The only alternative to this is trajedy. Tristan and Isolde. Romeo and Juliet. Death, sorrow, pain, separation, loss. Nick has made Nat his "Lady Love". But in the canon of Courtly Love, you do not wed or bed your "Lady Love". You make a purely practical, business arrangement for a hopefully aquiescent lady of good birth and dowry, who will run your demesne and bear your children. You'll probably have a mistress, too. *And* your Lady Love, although by now you may have "sacrificed" your love for her to your "duty" -- and some younger knight will have taken up your stand. "Happy ever after" is *not* a 13th century concept. Nick is simply trying to do too much right now. Develop and maintain relationships with mortals unlike anything he's ever done. Live more in the mortal world than he's ever done. Try to stop being a vampire. Learn a new concept of love, and while he's at it, apply it to the person in front of him who *thinks* they're on the same wavelength. Six years ain't *near* enough time! Well, that should get the barbeque going <G>! Storm (Vaquera, Scrapper, Gangrel) wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger) Their canon met my imagination and was outgunned. If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters" are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats... ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 12:38:40 +0000 From: Katja Stokley <cstokley@c.......> Subject: Re: Fwd. Re: SPOILERS: Last Knight (ep 22) Tracy On 26 May 96 at 1:22, Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine wrote: > Nick Knight: The world's only owner of the vinyl and Leather Repair > Kit (remember those?) In some early first season episode, someone notices the bullet holes, and Nick says he got the jacket from a drug dealer and wears it to remind him of his mortality (!) > I've got a question: More than once it's been mentioned that bullets > pass through a vampire uninterrupted. If that was always the case, then > Nat wouldn't be digging them out of Nick, right? So what gives? In the episode with the little girl, Nick and Nat assume that the fact that it hurts when she digs the bullet out means that he's getting more mortal. Katja Katja Stokley cstokley@c....... It is a good day to put slinkies on escalators ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 13:37:44 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: Re: SPOILER: LK -- What about Sydney? >On Wed, 22 May 1996, Amy R. wrote: >Pat Swann has already written a fanfic piece called "Sydney Lambert's >Final Lament". Written from Sydney's perspective it gives a good answer >to what could become of Sydney, I've gotta say, this is quite possibly my favorite piece of LK-Fic. Not necessarily the senario I would favor (and don't!) but it's a hell of a piece of writing. Really captures things. Great job, Pat! (As for what happened to him, Nat knew she was going SOMEWHERE, as evidenced by the suitcases at the morgue. I'm sure she made arrangements with Grace or someone to take care of him.) ---- TJ ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 13:37:51 -0500 From: Cyberspace Vanguard Magazine <vanguard@p.......> Subject: Re: Last Knight: An observation in non-continuity >1) In LK Natalie tells Nick that her life changed 6 years ago on April 14th, >the day he showed up on her slab. >2) Nat then flashes back to OtL where we learned that Nat was celebrating her >30th birthday. >3) The OtL f/b then flashes back to what I guess is DK, where we learn it was >Nat's 28th birthday when Nat ended up in the morgue. No, it's not Dk that they flash back to. That FB is supposed to be 2 years earlier. Also, I just rewatched a couple of 1st season eps, including DK (it's really WEIRD to see it now!) and Last Act and in one of them somebody mentions that they've known each other for a year and a half. BB also says that they've known each other for 4 years, so I guess 3rd season is supposed to be 2 years long. ---- TJ ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 12:31:21 -0500 From: michael wayne jackson <mjay@n.......> Subject: Re: Nick 'n' Nat (General Discussion) At 12:02 PM 5/26/1996, Storm of the ill mannered VCR wrote: > She is infatuated by what she thinks Nick can become, I wonder how many of us in our off-line lives do this? Is this part of the human condition, to not see the reality in front of us and to always wish for the fantasy in our minds? I see Natalie acting this way as a powerful sub-theme in Forever Knight, an underlying text that JP might not have even though about consciously but is there nonetheless. >Nick *needs* that part of himself. Absolutely. To deny our darker sides is to deny ourselves. Nick is totally out of spiritual balance with this behaviour and it keeps him locked into the closed loop of action-guilty reaction. Give up guilt for Lent I say. >For the Lady of one's Courtly Love, no deeds are ever sufficient, no gesture >is ever *quite* sublime enough, and one strives *eternally* to be worth her. Again I wonder how many men are still caught in this web. I look around me and I see so many actions and behaviours that reinforce this outmoded way of thinking. I know that I've had to deal with elements of this in my own life and I'm more than 700 years removed from what Nick grew up with and has imprinted on as correct behaviour. I think that Nick is no more seeing the real Natalie than Natalie is seeing the real Nick. From one point of view, Nick expectations have been justified. He grew up expecting to never be worthy of his Lady, his subconscious influenced him both overtly and covertly based on this belief. He could no more act another way that I could become pregnant. Until he radically alters his mental biochemical balance through the use of proper Leary/Lilly imprinting techniques, then Nick will repeat the same patterns of thought and behaviour with each successive love interest. michael wayne jackson -- mjay@n....... ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 12:39:17 -0500 From: "Stormsinger/J.S. Levin" <wabbit@e.......> Subject: Re: SPOILERS: LK -- LC's view At 09:49 PM 05/25/1996 -0500, Wicked Cousin Tippi wrote: >we're talking about LC here. Given his history and past attitudes, I don't >think that *he* thinks one's being repentent is going to excuse one from hell. LaCroix, IMHO, doesn't believe in Heaven *or* Hell. From his monologue in LK, he appears to believe in Existance and Void. His talk of St. Peter and Memnoch was deliberate use of the images *Nick* related to, not his own. His expression of his *own* beliefs was in the "throwing the gift of life away on the void" part of his speech. He has existance only so long as he can hold onto it. After that, *nothing*. No wonder he's furious at Nick. Whatever Nick may believe or not is immaterial. He knows what *HE* believes -- and it's that there is THIS LIFE, whatever you make of it, or NOTHING. Storm (Vaquera, Scrapper, Gangrel) wabbit@e....... (J.S.Levin/Stormsinger) Their canon met my imagination and was outgunned. If you practice being fictional, you discover that "characters" are as real as people with bodies and heartbeats... ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 14:47:17 -0400 From: Lisa Prince <Moonlight@g.......> Subject: Re: SPOILERS: LK (was RE: Nick loved Nat!) Hey, Hey All :) Just delurking to offer my very humble .02 :) At 06:57 PM 5/25/96 -0700, Amy R. wrote: >>besides Cynthia and Jane, are there very many people who feel >>that there was never any romantic love toward Nat from Nick? I'd have to agree with Cynthia and Jane. I really don't see anything even remotely romantic in their relationship. They have always struck me as good friends, maybe even brother/sister, but nothing else. IMVHO, there needs to be total acceptance for there to be true love. (For example: <waving to Amy> LaCroix truly loved and accepted Fleur as an intelligent woman worthy of his love. Fleur, knowing LaCroix's nature, loved and accepted him in return -- all that he was, vampire and man.) I have always believed that Nick would remain uncapable of loving anyone else until such a time as he was capable of loving himself. He hates the vampire in him so badly that he can not bare the thought of anyone actually loving all of him. How long before he starts to question the love of his lover? How could this other person love him totally when he despises part of himself? If that person loves all of him, including the vampire, how long before he destroys the relationship because that person loves the part of him that he hates most? The times that there has been *romance* in Nick and Natalie's relationship usually seems to come about because of external circumstances that created an overwhelming compulsion for Nick to do *something*. A lot of the time it has to do with something Natalie has said or done; sometimes it just has to do with the circumstances. For example, in BMV, Nick discusses love and such, but only after Natalie says that she can relate to the victims of the murders. She feels that she is in the same situation as the victims on some level -- a woman who is ruled by her work. Nick recognized that Natalie needed something, so he did something. However, he was very quick to give up on his course of action, IMH. He reacts against LaCroix and his dictates on so many levels, why does he stop when it comes to his *true love*? Also, Natalie has the rather lengthy speech to Nick about "the illusion of love and how do we know that that's not what we have." Does Natalie love Nick or does she love the challenge that he represents? She calls Nick a fascinating creature when she is talking to LaCroix in Azure -- "a creature" not a man. Does she love the "man" Nick? Or is she simply fascinated by the scientific challenge of the "creature"? The implication, to me, is that she is "fascinated" by the creature -- not in love with the man. In HF, besides the dream sequence which I personally thought was kind of goofy, what do you have? You have Janette saying that she loved Robert enough to only take a little at a time and his love and trust/faith made her human. What does Nick reply to this? "I can't take that chance with your [Natalie's] life." There is no chance to take if there is true love between Nick and Natalie. So, who's love is he doubting? His own or hers? I would be predisposed to believe that it is his own feelings that he doubts. Anyway, regardless of episodes which I could list examples from for another ten pages and bore you all more than I already have ;), I'm always left with the belief that Nick is uncapable of true love. Besides the fact that he is selfish, self-concerned, self-deprecating, angsty, and miserable, he believes not only that he is unworthy of God's love and redemption (Nick's view) but also unworthy of the love of a woman. I think it is valid to say that he cares deeply for Natalie and even that he might love her on some level, but, to me, there is no romance there. How can you love and accept love if you hate that which is loved by another? Again, just my very humble little opinion. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 14:42:40 -0600 From: Deb <drowland@a.......> Subject: Re: Nick out in the daytime In GVP this season, NIck met the killer at a church in the daytime. He runs in the door and rips off his coat which is smoking. Deb Knightie with strong Cousinly urges "You can't run away forever, but there's nothing wrong with getting a good headstart." _Rock and Roll Dreams Come Through_ by Meatloaf ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 19:57:41 -0500 From: Sarah Welsh <welshkin@d.......> Subject: HF and LK spoilers -- Nick and Nat: love? I caught one or two episodes of first season FK Way Back When when it was on CBS Crimetime after Primetime, or whatever they called that. Now that I've rewatched all of first season on tape, I couldn't even tell you which ones I'd seen before. But the one thing I did remember was the chemistry between Nick and Nat. I didn't realize the show was on again until the middle of second season, about the same time I discovered this list. I believe the first episode I saw was Stranger Than Fiction, and the first message I posted to the list was one of confusion: What was Nick doing with another woman? What happened to him and Nat? Had they called things off? I don't remember who it was (Cynthia, maybe?), but someone posted that all she saw between Nick and Nat was a deep friendship with a healthy dose of hormones. As far as I'm concerned, that *is* love. That's all I'm looking for. I don't want grand passion. It burns itself out too quickly. Nick and Janette had grand passion, which continued to reignite several times in their very long lives. There's always something smoldering between them. But grand passion isn't enough to last. And, if you ask me, Janette is the one who can't accept Nick for who he is. Until HF, she did nothing but ridicule his search for mortality, and that quest is very much a part of who Nick is. He's not just a vampire who needs to accept himself, as a lot of people seem to think and as Janette thought. There isn't one stock "vampire" personality that all vampires must have, anymore than the Jewish, Italian, Christian, Southern, Asian, etc., stereotypes should be what all members of those groups are like. Everyone is an individual, even vampires. We have no right to tell Nick what he should be like, anymore than he has a right to whammy anyone else into being what he thinks they should be. That's why I see more potential between Nick and Nat than between Nick and Janette. It's not like when Natalie met Nick, she told him, "You have to become mortal again because being a vampire is evil." In fact, she's repeatedly told him that vampires are *not* inherently evil when he insists that they are. Nick's the one who thinks that becoming mortal again will make him "good"; Natalie keeps telling him that there is evil in mortals as well, not wanting him to have the same illusion about the mortal state that some of you try to pin to Nat. Sandra, I believe, posted that Natalie was afraid by what she saw when Nick drank from her. I didn't see fear. I think she was overwhelmed -- anyone would be getting 800 years worth of images in a few moments. But I didn't think she was in terror. Natalie doesn't accept the "human Nick" and reject the "vampire Nick;" she doesn't use those labels at all. She just sees Nick, who happens to be a vampire, who has a lot of destructive impulses that he wants to learn to control (by his own repeated admission), who tends to throw himself pity parties and needs to be read the riot act now and then to snap him out of it. Who is an individual, just like anyone else. And I believe Nick appreciates the fact that she sees him this way. Most of the women in his past have either been terrified and repulsed (i.e., Alexandra and the basement bimbos) or else starstruck romantics who have been seduced by the demon-lover thing (Amalia, Alyssa, Emily Weiss). Either outright rejection of who he is or rapt adoration of what he is. And rapt adoration wears thin pretty darn quick, no matter how big your ego is. The down-to-earth women have been few and far between: Catherine Barrington (with whom there was never a question of romance), Lilli, or whatever her name was, from 1966 (with whom there was chemistry but no romance), and Nat. And then there are the out-of-left-field women like Alyce "Hold me" Hunter and Marian Blackwing, which I never understood. I think most of us have gotten used to the Hollywood/TV/Harlequin romance portrayal of love, which is usually two incredibly attractive people who have great sex. Nick and Janette definitely fit into that category. But most real-life love -- the kind that lasts -- is based on good, solid friendship and appreciation of each other for who they are more than for what they look like. And that's where I see Nick and Nat. Sarah welshkin@d....... ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 20:31:16 -0500 From: Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......> Subject: Re: SPOILERS: LK (was RE: Nick loved Nat!) >> romantic love toward Nat from Nick? Lisa Prince wrote: >I'd have to agree with Cynthia and Jane. I really don't see >anything even remotely romantic in their relationship. They have >always struck me as good friends What I'm wondering about this is whether people are discounting a friendship aspect to a romantic relationship. I've had romantic relationships without friendship, and I've got a romantic relationship now (i.e. - a marriage) with friendship. The relationship with friendship is better. I have another question. Since I _do_ see romantic love toward Nat from Nick and vice-versa, and after Last Knight, is there anyone writing fan fiction about Nick and Nat that takes place _after_ Last Knight? I think I'm really gonna need it. Margie N&NPacker Still looking for a Nick-LaCroix faction, etc. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 19:27:40 -0700 From: Antonia Spadafina <asginger@i.......> Subject: Vampires Shot Sandra Gray wtote on 25 May 1996: >>Subject: Re: Bullets (Spoilers for HF) >>My brain is blanking on what "CB" is. But didn't Nat dig the garlic >>out of Nick in Hunted? Hi there all-- If I remember correctly, CB is Cherry Blossoms, the one with the old Chinese acupuncturist (sp??). Nick gets shot and the old man sees. Remember, Nick's worried that the old man will tell Capt Stonetree, and that he'll (NK) will have to leave. He promises Nat to get in touch once he's settled. (And I always wondered: wouldn't that break Aristotle's rules?) But I can't recall if Nat dug the bullets out, or if they passed thru. I'll need another viewing. Toni Knightie from NYC "It's tuck-in time at the pillow ranch." ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 14:54:40 +1000 From: Joanna Keenan <Joanna.Keenan@a.......> Subject: Re: Fwd. Re: Bullet Holes >>he says he got it off a dead druglord "who had no further need for it", >>and that the holes in it remind him to be careful, or some such nonsense. >season. But Nick doesn't wear the same jacket most of the time. He's >worn long coats and several times this season a hip-length leather I've always pictured him buying numbers of identical jackets, shirts etc. so that he could just throw them away but not appear to be spending suspicious amounts of money on clothes. Why not, if he's so wealthy? Joanna As pedantic as circumstances allow. Joanna.Keenan@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 01:23:19 -0400 From: Allison Percy <percy91@w.......> Subject: SPOILERS: LK - Encouraging words I'm posting this message here due to "Last Knight" spoiler content. I've been given permission by Jim Parriott to quote from some private e-mail he sent me. I had written to him asking about the possibility for future FK movies. He said: > An FK television movie could happen with enough fan interest -- and I think > the logical place to air it would be on USA. At this moment in time, I'm > sure that letters and calls would only fall on deaf ears. But you never > know. If the re-runs pull decent Neilsen numbers they might be interested. Most particularly, I had asked him whether he and others involved with FK were *interested* in doing future movies, and whether the ambiguity they had left in "Last Knight" was intended to leave the door open for such movies. He said: > And, yes... we left ourselves an open door to continue where we left off. > And also: > That ending was crafted to allow us all options... while permitting > closure if, indeed, that will be the last FK. So... the way I interpret this is that certain characters are *not* dead, at least if we succeed in convincing someone to make future FK movies. After a few more weeks of FK on the Sci-Fi Channel (where hopefully the show is building an audience), I think it will be time to formulate a strategy to encourage USA and/or the Sci-Fi Channel to invest in FK movies. Even now, thank-you letters and goodies to the Sci-Fi Channel are certainly in order. Of course, in my mind and in any post-LK fanfic I ever write, the characters aren't dead anyway. <g> -- Allison Percy (percy91@w....... -or- AlliePercy@a.......) -- -- Knightie -- Perky List Babysitter -- Bunny -- This Space Available -- - *Free* copy of list rules! -- ------------ Delusions of Grandeur Now Available at a Discount --------- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 01:27:12 -0400 From: Gehirn Karies <SoulDebris@a.......> Subject: Re: Reese (Spoiler LK, etc) > Does anyone think that Reese is long overdue to lose his job? Oh yeah! In Last Knight alone, he made two unbelievable bad calls, leading to the loss of an inmate AND Com. Vetter's Daughter. Nick should not take the heat for Tracy catching lead, nor should Tracy. Dawkins should have been cuffed just as a transfer, let alone a berserk one, and the lights should not have been raised until the situation in the locker room was known to be stable. Plus, he has a lousy partner-on-her-death-bed-side manner. Gehirn Karies SoulDebris@a....... ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 11:29:11 -0400 From: Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......> Subject: Re: Fwd. Re: Bullet Holes Joanna wrote: >I've always pictured him buying numbers of identical jackets, shirts etc. so >that he could just throw them away but not appear to be spending suspicious >amounts of money on clothes. Why not, if he's so wealthy? Got to admit I thought about this as well. Remember in UTV, he finds the bullet hole in the jacket he had wore the day before and grabs a different one before leaving the loft? I loved that scene. My guess is that that happened A LOT! :) Carrie, Slovenly Knightie AKA Carrie the Cruel CKrumtum@g....... It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them. --Mother Teresa ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 12:28:43 -0400 From: Lisa Prince <Moonlight@g.......> Subject: Re: SPOILERS: LK (was RE: Nick loved Nat!) Hey, Hey All :) Lisa Prince wrote (that would be me :)): >>I really don't see anything even remotely romantic in their >>relationship. They have always struck me as good friends Margie wrote: >What I'm wondering about this is whether people are discounting a >friendship aspect to a romantic relationship. I agree that there is definitely a friendship aspect necessary in a love relationship in order for it to last beyond the initial passion phase. However, I don't believe that Nick and Nat have presented us with a romantic relationship that includes friendship. If anything, I would say it is the other way around. They have a friendship that, at certain times, due to circumstances outside their control, causes them to *attempt* to force romance into their relationship. IMVH, romance and that type of love is there or it is not there; it is not something that should be or could be forced. >I've had romantic relationships without friendship, and I've got a >romantic relationship now (i.e. - a marriage) with friendship. Right, but there are also friendships between men and women that *don't* include a romantic nature or have any pretensions to have a romantic nature. I have many men as *friends* and while we *might* make a good couple that is not going to happen for one reason or another. Just because one or both people think there could be a romantic relationship doesn't mean that there *is* a romantic relationship. In most relationships, there is a certain time or juncture where you have a choice to go down the road to romance or continue on in friendship. It is my belief that there might have been romantic interest on the parts of both Nick and Nat earlier in their relationship, but I believe most of those feelings have been relegated to the realm of eternal friendship and caring. IMH, there is nothing wrong with believing that they love each other only as friends rather than as romantic lovers. I can't see them as lovers, so I see them as friends. Again, just my extremely humble .02 I think I'll go back to lurking now ;) Lisa "Ignore loss, and the memory of what you have lost cannot be retrieved." =========================================================================
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