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Digest - 30 May 2007 to 31 May 2007 (#2007-63)

Thu, 31 May 2007

There are 3 messages totalling 73 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Another FK Film site bites the dust
  2. thanks!
  3. Episode Discussion: I Will Repay


Date:    Thu, 31 May 2007 00:58:48 -0400
From:    Marg <mytoronto@r.......>
Subject: Another FK Film site bites the dust

This famous landmark on Yonge Street was in the background of several
'driving around' shots in FK

Toronto's iconic Sam the Record Man flagship to close
Sam the Record Man, the one-time cross-Canada music store chain,
 will close its iconic downtown Toronto flagship location next month.
Full Story:

Marg  mytoronto@r.......
Lurking in the City of the Knight


Date:    Wed, 30 May 2007 23:01:12 -0700
From:    Megan Hull <mistrydder@y.......>
Subject: thanks!

OK, this either didn't go through the first time I sent it, or everyone got it
but me.  So forgive if this is a repost.
  I just wanted to say 'thanks' to the people who sent me suggestions!  Some of
my old favorites were there, along with some I hadn't seen before.  I feel
better now!  Of course, if anyone runs across something else they want to recommend
to me, I'd be happy to see it.


"Eternal nights too short,
How quickly melt away,
With all the love we shared once,
Forever in a Day."


Date:    Thu, 31 May 2007 12:20:24 -0600
From:    Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Re: Episode Discussion: I Will Repay

> 2) When Natalie comes to pick Richard up at the beginning of the sthow
> he says "Natalie, you are starting to sound like mom".  It doesn't sound
> like their parents are dead...yet where are they when Richard is shot
> and dying?

As someone who has lost a parent, I disagree. In fact, one often treasures &
shares those little flashes of the departed parent, when they happen. I don't
see this remark as indicating clearly that "Mom" is still alive & well. (Which
brings up a third possibility, which is that their mother might not be capable
of coming to Richard's bedside due to physical or mental incapacity.)

But the easiest explanation is that it's just a fond remembrance of a parent who
is now gone, just like the way I told my sister that my teenaged nephew's voice
is now beginning to sounds like my dead father's.

Your humble & obedient servant,
Angela Gottfred


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 30 May 2007 to 31 May 2007 (#2007-63)

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