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Digest - 29 May 2007 to 30 May 2007 (#2007-62)

Wed, 30 May 2007

There are 7 messages totalling 338 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. need some suggestions (2)
  2. Episode Discussion: Cherry Blossoms
  3. thank you!
  4. Today's Birthday: May 30
  5. Episode Discussion: I Will Repay
  6. Episode Discussion Scheduling: Dead Air


Date:    Tue, 29 May 2007 18:05:11 -0700
From:    Kristen Fife <fenix23fyre@y.......>
Subject: Re: need some suggestions

That was GREAT. I love the part about Janette's
radical personality change LOL. Thank you :)

--- Laurie of the Isles <laudon1228@y.......> wrote:

> Megan Hull <mistrydder@y.......> wrote:

> One of the first FK stories I read, and that still
> makes me laugh, is 'Knighty-Knight Nick'
> http://www.fkfanfic.com/fanfic/k/knigh1709.txt

Kristen Fife, Author
http://writersweekend.com - Spend a Passionate Weekend With Your Muse


Date:    Tue, 29 May 2007 20:14:25 -0700
From:    "Amy R." <akr@l.......>
Subject: Re: need some suggestions

In the 5/28/07 digest, Megan Hull <mistrydder@y.......> wrote:
><<I've been having a kinda crummy time lately and I need something
>to make me laugh.  Can anyone recommend their favorite silly or
>feel-good stories for me?>>

Silly?  In addition to those FK stories already mentioned, on the
"meta-satire/parody" side, (1) "Our Puppets" by Susan Bennett
(http://users.lmi.net/akr/fk/fiction/byothers/ourpuppe.txt), (2)
"Checking In, Checking Out" by Nancy Kaminski
and (3) "Someplace Weird" by Lisa Prince
(http://users.lmi.net/akr/fk/fiction/byothers/someplac.htm) always
tickle me, and my favorite "sitcom" FK fanfics are (4) "Most Trunk
Space in 30 Years" by James Walkswithwind
(http://www.gila.faking-sanity.net/forknight/mosttrunk.html) and (5)
"The Battle of Hastings" by Celeste Hotaling-Lyons

Feel-good?  That's harder; I tend to go for angst!  But (6) Mary
Chamberlain's "This River"
(http://users.lmi.net/akr/fk/fiction/byothers/thisrive.htm) is pure
comfort, with hardly any hurt.  It's warm and soft and safe.

When I want to read FK for hours on end, I usually turn to (7) Susan
Garrett's Dorian stories
(http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/2167/dorian.htm).  Did you know that
she posted nine chapters of the never-yet-completed third novel in
that trilogy (_Noble Mind_) on her website?  I'm pretty sure those
chapters never appeared on fkfic-l, so that might be an undiscovered
treat for someone.  Or perhaps everyone knew about that a decade ago
except me. :-)

Does everyone still read (8) Apache
(http://www.halfaft.com/indexpages/fknightindex.htm) these
days?  Vachon was never my own personal favorite character, but
Apache was once, deservedly, one of the most respected writers on
fkfic-l.  If you haven't read her work before, that discovery should
be a treat, too -- though it is rarely either "silly" or "feel good,"
so this might not be precisely the right time.

Did Jamie ever choose to put her work back on the web?  I haven't
gone looking in quite a long while.  Its absence was a sad loss to the fandom.

Amy R., Knightie
Bright Knight: http://users.LMI.net/akr/fk/


Date:    Tue, 29 May 2007 10:44:44 -0500
From:    Roxana Elizondo <roxeliz@h.......>
Subject: Re: Episode Discussion: Cherry Blossoms

>From: "Phillips, Tim" <Tim.Phillips@s.......>

>1) I like the little "real life" snippet that Natalie is dealing with
>budget cuts and faced with laying off people - and is very concerned
>about them once they do not have a job.

The writer dropped so many memorable moments into this episode and this is
no exception. Many times the show tended to exist in a bubble and anything
outside the main case or what related to Nick's angst of the week was rarely
touched upon. However I do think that in instances like with Schanke's Myra
stories during the run of the show or "C" storylines like Daphne's crush on
Schanke during season 2 did create some sort of window to the world of FK
that existed outside the main characters. I think scenes like the morgue
scene in Cherry Blossoms are one of the reasons why I adore the first season
more than the second or third.

Also, I have this view of Natalie as being a little on the tom boyish side
so she's not overly concerned with being dainty and feminine. She's
understandably grouchy to the point that she's being curt and sarcastic to
both Nick and Schanke and it's even seeping into her language..."Life's a
bitch" It's rare for FK to ever use colorful language and while I certainly
don't need it I like that Natalie was allowed the opportunity to use it.

>4) Nick delivers a nice bit of blarney when he gets Schanke put in
>charge of the task-force for the case so he can work alone.

"Way to go Schanke...give'em Hell." I love the look Ger gives when he
finishes delivering that line.

I think often times the general viewing public and reviews tend to dismiss
Schanke as FK's resident tactless, hotheaded, comic relief and while "Cherry
Blossoms" does show that side of him like in his argument with the
immigration agent, it must be noted that Schanke was right. "Leaks start at
the top." Overall I think FK did a good job of balancing Schanke's comedic
side with his more serious one. It's just that John Kapelos is so especially
good at being light that the comedic scenes are usually the ones that come
to mind when one thinks of Schanke. Scenes involving Schanke's command of
the task force really show that Schanke in his own right is a very competant
police officer. I like that at the end of his spiel Schanke could resist
putting his is final two cents by saying and I paraphrase "If immigration
shows up...tell them to take a hike."

>5) Natalie: "most of my patients the last few years have been dead."
>    Nick: "well, then this will be a nice change"

So have I mentioned how much I love this episode because I can't say it
enough. Early Nick and Nat are so gosh darn cute.

>6) I like Nick's solution to the guy with nun-chucks.  Just kicking him
>through the door is a move worth of Indiana Jones.

LOL, Indy had it right. Why waste so much energy taking care of a situation
when it can be resolved with far less effort. How many times during the run
of the series did people come at Nick with actual weapons anyway? Yeah there
were times where criminals would empty their chambers into Nick but mostly
it was the old stand by, chuck the baddies into the other side of the room.

>9) I absolutely love Janette's entrance to rescue Nick.  Literally
>steaming angry, clearly frightened for Nick as she arrives.  Tearing the
>door clean off the building and throwing it away like a discarded cereal
>box.  "10 seconds, he's dead!".

Janette's entrance into the scene is a riot. It's also a great visual to
have her run out of the dark car clad in a dark cloak and clearly smoking.
All we hear are grunts of distress and anger but I wouldn't be surprised if
there were a few choice words aimed at our favorite vampire for dragging her
out into the sunlight. The yanking of the door clear off its hinges is also
a great image because even though we know Janette is extremely powerful and
has a strong presence she's very feminine and the image of such a feminine
individual exerting such physical force is great.

I love how she jumps from all these emotions once she's inside the building
in a very organic way. One second she's ticked off at Nick for dragging her
out there, the second she's feral when she sees Nick threatened, and then
she's all misty with her "Oh yes sweet Nicola" when Nick reminds her about
San Francisco. LOL, that last one especially is like "What? Talk about an
emotional rollarcoaster"

>10) Nice scene with Nick and Janette at the loft.
>     Her look after drinking the cow blood Nick has around is priceless
>(as is her voice and shiver of distaste).

I like scenes that involve Janette in Nick's loft. Now they're on Nick's
turf rather than Janette's but the balance of power doesn't really shift.
Janette still wields a lot of influence over Nick through their affection
for each other and their years of history. There's such a level of ease
between them that I love. Nick is giving her the grand tour and I like her
comments on his living arrangements and his response about not wanting to
appear "dirty".

I love it when Janette sees the goblet with blood and automatically thinks
"Ooo, refreshments" and Nick's playful side coming through when he neglects
to tell her about his "vintage".

>11) Natalie interruptus...you'd think either Nick or janette would have
>heard the elevator cycling up.  Guess they were too focused....

"Natalie interruptus" LOL, that's great. This scene between them is so
unbelievably sensual. "Right now I know exactly what you are" Yeah at the
end of the day I'm a Nick/Nat Packer but I've got no problem watching Nick
and Janette together, especially when they're so smokin' together. Although
I do love how the character dynamics play out at the end of the episode.
With the introduction of Natalie to Janette Nick's vampire world is now
encroaching into his mortal world and Natalie is beginning to see Nick, the
vampire, in more than just scientific and abstract ways. She saw the
physical damage LaCroix did but Nick's attachment to Janette is a very
physical obstacle in their work towards his humanity. The vampire community
now has a face and it belongs to Janette.



Date:    Tue, 29 May 2007 23:39:44 -0700
From:    Megan Hull <mistrydder@y.......>
Subject: thank you!

Thank you to everyone for your suggestions, I'm feeling better now!  (That poor
cat!!!!)  Although if anyone else wants to send me suggestions, they're welcome


"Eternal nights too short,
How quickly melt away,
With all the love we shared once,
Forever in a Day."


Date:    Wed, 30 May 2007 06:45:39 -0500
From:    eowyn23@j.......
Subject: Today's Birthday: May 30

Hi Y'all!

Today is My Bucket's Got A Hole In It Day and Hug Your Cat Day and the
Birthday of:
Debbie Tullo         dtullo2001@y.......
You may send birthday greetings to Debbie at the above email address.
Please NOT to the list!

Others who share this birthday:
Annette Bening, Movie/Stage Actress
Danny Elfman,  New Wave Musician
Sir Bob Hope, Comedian
Patrick Henry, Statesman
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President

Significant events on this date:
1790, Rhode Island becomes the 13th state.
1900, Trademark "Escalator" registered by Otis Elevator Co.
1953, Mount Everest was conquered as Edmund Hillary and Tensing Norkay
became the first climbers to reach the summit of the 29,000 foot
1999, The U.S. space shuttle Discovery became the first spacecraft to
dock with the International Space Station.

I hope you have a very Happy Birthday, Debbie!

If you would like to be added to the birthday announcements, please send
your name, birthdate (no year needed) and email address to me,
eowyn23@j......., privately, and I'll be glad to add you.

GWDFC, FK X-Stitcher, Proud Survivor of FK Fic Wars 8-12, Texas Knight
Dreamers, Knighties List Owner, Keeper of the FK Birthday List


Date:    Wed, 30 May 2007 09:40:11 -0400
From:    "Phillips, Tim" <Tim.Phillips@s.......>
Subject: Episode Discussion: I Will Repay

1) cellphones the size of a paperback novel. can tell it was the early

2) When Natalie comes to pick Richard up at the beginning of the sthow
he says "Natalie, you are starting to sound like mom".  It doesn't sound
like their parents are dead...yet where are they when Richard is shot
and dying?  The inconsistencies that we see in this episode (when
compared to other episodes especially) are the sort of things that I
think allow viewer to "date" a show.  The older the program, the less
concerned the writers were with a consistent show bible and adhering to
the rules they have established for how things work in their fictional

3) Nat and her brother didn't hear the gunshots from that close outside
the police station before Richard entered?  Natalie definitely heard the
shot that hit Richard...and she couldn't have been that much closer.

4) nice scene with Natalie and Nick as she asks him to cross her brother
over.  "don't you have any humanity?"  "I don't know.  You are the only
one who thought I did."   I had memory that Nick gave in to Natalie's
wish to cross her brother over very easily - especially since he was so
adamant about not crossing her over in A More Permanent Hell - but I was
wrong.  She argued hard with Nick and pushed a lot of buttons.

5) nice conversation between Nick and Janette about crossing people
over.  I like Janette's description that she has enormous trouble
stopping at the proper time and that few have Nick's control over his
appetite for blood.  It does answer the question of why the world isn't
overrun with vampires...but it also begs the question of where the
colony at the Raven has come from if creating new vampires is so hard to
do.  And - of course - we know that the writers had Janette making her
own fledglings later on when the story-lines needed it.



Date:    Wed, 30 May 2007 09:41:59 -0400
From:    "Phillips, Tim" <Tim.Phillips@s.......>
Subject: Episode Discussion Scheduling: Dead Air

	The next episode is Dead Air.
	Date is June 5th.



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