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Digest - 31 May 2007 to 1 Jun 2007 (#2007-64)

Fri, 1 Jun 2007

There are 7 messages totalling 194 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. "New" show (3)
  2. Ger in Slings and Arrows.... (2)
  3. Screed question
  4. Admin: New show getting off topic


Date:    Thu, 31 May 2007 16:47:14 -0700
From:    Brian <bwaichu@y.......>
Subject: Re: "New" show

If you are talking about the Lifetime show Blood Ties, it's horrible.

But I do suggest the Dresden Files.  This show is very good, and I
look forward to next season.  And there are vampire on this show.

--- litbeing <litbeing@y.......> wrote:
>There is a "new" show for next season.
> "Moonlight"--it is about a p.i. who happens to be a vampire, oh, he is in
> love with a mortal woman.  Gee, does that sound familar?


Date:    Thu, 31 May 2007 17:09:40 -0700
From:    Libby Singleton <libratsie@s.......>
Subject: Re: "New" show

Hmmmm... I enjoy Blood Ties very much as do numerous other FK fans judging from
the increasing size of the quiet but there FK/BT discussion list. Or it would
be if they'd discuss<g> THe show has been picked up for the rest of the first

  Dresden Files is also excellent.

  However, the "new" show being discussed is a literal "new" show with a
vampire detective from what I understand. I'm eager for it to make the air.

  What I'd really like to see is a vampire show about a bald rat-eating cockney
vampire who used to be a sailor. Does anyone think it'd fly? (The show and the
vampire, that is <wRPg>) Hey, they could call it "The Bloody Droog!"


Brian <bwaichu@y.......> wrote:
  If you are talking about the Lifetime show Blood Ties, it's horrible.

But I do suggest the Dresden Files. This show is very good, and I
look forward to next season. And there are vampire on this show.


Date:    Thu, 31 May 2007 20:41:25 EDT
From:    Lori Isabella <LDukie913@a.......>
Subject: Re: Ger in Slings and Arrows....

Hi Everybody,

Yesterday I watched the first three episodes of the second season of Slings
and Arrows.  This quirky Canadian series airs in the US on the Sundance Channel
but it  is also available on DVD.

Anyway, Ger is in the second season playing a blow hard actor who returns  to
the theater festival to star as "Mackers" in MacBeth.  He is a riot in the  show.
The thing that strikes me as odd is that as Ger gets older he is reminding me
more and more of  William Shatner.   Maybe it is that he has gotten much heavier
or maybe it is just that the character  he is playing is very Shatneresque.
The only other time that I have ever gotten that vibe from him was in the  FK
episode THE FIX.  Most particularly in the scene where he is sitting on the park
bench in  full daylight talking to Schanke.

Does anybody else see this, or is it just me?



Date:    Fri, 1 Jun 2007 07:14:57 -0400
From:    "Phillips, Tim" <Tim.Phillips@s.......>
Subject: Re: "New" show

 >  What I'd really like to see is a vampire show about a bald
>rat-eating cockney vampire who used to be a sailor. Does
>anyone think it'd fly? (The show and the vampire, that is
><wRPg>) Hey, they could call it "The Bloody Droog!"
	Give him a pushy wife and two
spoiled-by-the-silverspoon-they-were-born-eatting kids.   Film it
	Think a cross between the Osbournes and Nosferatu...with a
little JackAss thrown in for the live-rat eating.
	You'd be beating MTV execs off with a club.



Date:    Fri, 1 Jun 2007 06:00:15 -0700
From:    Laurie of the Isles <laudon1228@y.......>
Subject: Screed question

I was just wondering: was it ever established whether or not Screed could read
and write?  A man of his station and job and during the time he was mortal,
likely would not have been able to.  Although it's possible he could have been
taught after he was turned.

Laurie of the Isles
"All human wisdom is summed up in two words - wait and hope."
 - Alexandre Dumas, Père


Date:    Fri, 1 Jun 2007 09:49:43 -0400
From:    Lisa McDavid <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Admin: New show getting off topic

Guys, please let's remember that the oldest rule on Forkni-l, predating my
ownership, is that we don't talk about vampires or vampire shows except in
reference to Forever Knight. I've seen some posts that seem to relate only to
the New Show.

For everyone who has remembered the FK tie-in, thanks! For those who haven't,
I'm sure it's an oversight.

McLisa wearing her listowner hat (no, I really don't think of it as a crown.
Maybe a crash helmet ..<g>


Date:    Fri, 1 Jun 2007 15:41:57 -0400
From:    Arletta Asbury <g4akl@c.......>
Subject: Re: Ger in Slings and Arrows....

Lori wrote (about Slings and Arrows):
 >Ger is in the second season playing a blow hard actor who returns  to the
 >theater festival to star as "Mackers" in MacBeth. <snip> The thing that
 >strikes me as odd is that as Ger gets older he is reminding me more and more
 >of William Shatner.  Maybe it is that he has gotten much heavier or maybe it
 >is just that the character  he is playing is very Shatneresque.

I loved Slings and Arrows, I just got it on DVD a couple of weeks ago
and I watched all of the first two seasons of it in just a couple of days,
it is THAT good! For anyone who hasn't seen Slings and Arrows, Ger plays a
character that is very different from Nick Knight.

While it didn't occur to me at the time, I can see why you think of the
role Ger is portraying as being sorta Shatneresque. Ger is playing a
character that is a very egotistical sort of individual which is very like
the persona of William Shatner (whether or not Shatner is really like that
in real life or not, I have no idea).

Part of it might be the weight gain, part of it might be that Ger's portraying
a very experienced Shakespearean actor which Ger himself is now. Actually,
for that matter, Willian Shatner was a Shakespearean actor too (prior to
Star Trek). I once saw Shatner do a Hamlet scene on TV back in the days when
he must have been still trying to fight the Star Trek stereotype (instead
of embracing it in sort of a parody of himself). Part of it also may be
that Ger is portraying a very powerful, self-confident individual (maybe
overly so) which is also the kind that Shatner seems to project now.

I dunno, remember Ger is an actor portraying a character that is an actor
that reminds you (and me) of another actor who often seems to do a
self-parody,  it all very confusing. <g>



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