There are 6 messages totalling 212 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Birthday Info Needed 2. Have the Enforcers heard of this research? (2) 3. Scheduling Episode Discussion: False Witness (2) 4. Email Address Change and Need Help With "Subscriptions," Please? (Sorry Cross/Mass Post!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 1 May 2007 18:07:41 -0500 From: eowyn23@j....... Subject: Birthday Info Needed Hi Y'all! When I sent out the birthday confirmation messages for MAY, the following addy bounced back to me: Cindy cbcsi7@p....... Cindy, please email me at eowyn23@j....... with your correct address so that you can get all your birthday greetings! Terri eowyn23@j....... GWDFC, FK X-Stitcher, Proud Survivor of FK Fic Wars 8-12, Texas Knight Dreamers, Knighties List Owner, Keeper of the FK Birthday List ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 06:04:27 -0700 From: Megan Hull <mistrydder@y.......> Subject: Re: Have the Enforcers heard of this research? <G> That's a hoot, thanks for sharing it! *Wonders* Now why are we seeing so much vampire-related research recently? Maybe these researchers know something we don't? *Goes to get a butterfly net to go blond-vampire hunting* -Megan "English, Darlene" <denglish@s.......> wrote: I'm not sure if the following article is ghost written by Nat, or if she supported the work, but I hope she is not around when the Enforcers find out! The latest issue (March-April) of the Annals of Improbable Research contains the article: "The Chemical and Physical Properties of Vampires in the Gaseous State" by Sanford, Dworkin, and Bernstein The paper finds that vampires in their gaseous form must be made of a particular human blood protein (as it has the appropriate molecular weight), and advances the theory that a particular gene creates this protein (they call it "vampirase") that results in the conversion of a mortal to a vampire. With the protein identified, they suggest an antidote might be developed! (There's still hope for Nick!) They go on to determine the vampiric phase diagram, finding that they must change state (from solid to gas or gas to solid) at constant pressure, with a change in body temperature (remember PV=3DnRT from high school chemistry?), but a constant temperature with a change in pressure - similar to stormy low pressure conditions - may also work. The whole article is a hoot! It contains "References" such as "Dracula", "Nosferatu", several Anne Rice books, "Angel" and "Dark Shadows" episodes, (alas no FK) etc. as sources for the "facts" and observed effects of vampires. The journal comes from the organizers of the "Ig Nobel Prize", who annually reward unusual real research. They have a website: ( ), however the article is not available online, but it is listed there. Probably your best bet in getting hold of it might be to try your local library or a college or university library. Darlene Dreamin' of the Knight... "Eternal nights too short, How quickly melt away, With all the love we shared once, Forever in a Day." ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 10:15:00 -0400 From: "Phillips, Tim" <Tim.Phillips@s.......> Subject: Scheduling Episode Discussion: False Witness Hello, False Witness is next. May 8th should give folks a weekend to watch it. Tim ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 10:18:31 -0400 From: Billie Lee Williams <mccelt2003@a.......> Subject: Email Address Change and Need Help With "Subscriptions," Please? (Sorry Cross/Mass Post!) Good Morning! Please excuse while I stick my nose in here with a "business" thingie..... I tried this with the "autoswitch" thing, but many messages were rejected due to their gosh darned PICTURE in the email--sorry about that!! My email address has changed FROM mccelt2003@a....... TO: mccelt2003@s....... (The AOL address will remain in effect for a while, so no worries on me getting mail!) I am sorry to have to do it this way, but for reasons most folks will already know, I cannot manage the re-subscribing thing on my own. LISTMOMS (and DADS), *please* can you help me with doing so to the new addy (the sbcglobal one) with all my current settings? (McL/Don, eg: I am "nowar" on Forkni-L, and on the fic list I am set to get VS4 *only*, I do believe...., no adult content [unless it is in VS4, stuff like that....). If anyone who is reading this is on ADRIAN'S ANGELS, I would like to go back ON that list, please; I cannot find the List Server....... Perhaps someone from Highla-L can send me *instructions* as to how to do it, I am afraid I deleted my last "Bi-Monthly Reminder" <g>. Sorry again, McL, Don, Libs, Merrie Gail, Debbie, and Lucard list owner (mind just went blank, oh gee!!). Thank you very much! Forever Yours, Forever Peace, HUGS to All, Billie-Lee (who is in "AOL Anywhere" and has no sig line here <g>) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 22:33:37 +0800 From: eruve erundun <eruveerundun@y........> Subject: Re: Have the Enforcers heard of this research? Don't look now...but "vampirase" is up as an exam question. check it out at: I was googling "vampirase" and out that came. Nat's been busy. <g> Ell "English, Darlene" <denglish@s.......> wrote: <snip> "The Chemical and Physical Properties of Vampires in the Gaseous State" by Sanford, Dworkin, and Bernstein The paper finds that vampires in their gaseous form must be made of a particular human blood protein (as it has the appropriate molecular weight), and advances the theory that a particular gene creates this protein (they call it "vampirase") that results in the conversion of a mortal to a vampire. <snip> ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 10:34:46 -0400 From: Loreal Lavigna <Llavigna@n.......> Subject: Re: Scheduling Episode Discussion: False Witness Thanks! Now that I'm working from home and making my own schedule I've got the time to sit and watch FK and even get in on the discussions!!! Talk to you guys on the 8th!!! Enjoy getting something you like for free? Princess House Loreal Marie Lavigna Lifestyle Consultant Loreallavigna@m....... mobile: 000-000-0000 Skype ID:Llavigna Always have my latest info Want a signature like this? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Phillips, Tim" <Tim.Phillips@s.......> To: <FORKNI-L@l.......> Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 10:15 AM Subject: Scheduling Episode Discussion: False Witness > Hello, > False Witness is next. > May 8th should give folks a weekend to watch it. > > Tim > ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 30 Apr 2007 to 2 May 2007 (#2007-39) *************************************************************
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