There are 2 messages totalling 121 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. ADMIN: FORKNI-L Rules 2. Have the Enforcers heard of this research? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 23:33:56 -0400 From: Don Fasig <argent@c.......> Subject: ADMIN: FORKNI-L Rules Has it been a week already? Seems like only yesterday. If you need a hand or have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me, Don Fasig listgardener@p....... or Lisa McDavid mclisa@m........ For tips on managing your Forever Knight subscriptions please visit my page at: List digests are archived at: FORKNI-L RULES 1. No flames on list. FLAMERS MAY BE SET NOPOST. THE NOPOST MAY BE PERMANENT. 2. Please don't quote more than four lines of a previous post in replying. If you have more than one point to answer, then you may quote the relevant four lines for that point also. 3. Limit sigs to 6 lines. Your sig starts with the first thing you write after the text. It includes all the lines under that, even blank lines. NOTE: If you have one of those providers that insists on putting an ad after that, don't worry. The ad doesn't count. COURTESY NOTE: Please sign all parts at the end with your name and address. Not all mailers show the original poster of listmail in the headers. 4. Please don't send to the whole list when you are only talking to the person who wrote the post you are answering. 5. Advertising on list is on a case by case basis. Please consult the listowners, Lisa McDavid, mclisa@m....... or Don Fasig, listgardener@p....... for permission. 6. This list is for the discussion of Forever Knight and related topics. FK cast and behind the camera people are ok, except that we don't discuss private lives. Announcements by authorized spokespersons about events in those lives are ok. PLEASE DON'T TALK ABOUT PROJECTS WHICH HAVEN'T BEEN OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED OR WRITTEN ABOUT IN THE MEDIA. Discussion of non-FK vampires or vampires in general is not ok. List members' fannish activities are ok, as are sharing personal events in our lives. NOTE: Prayer requests must have PRAYER: (including the colon) as the first word on the subject line. 7. No off-topic posts are allowed without permission from a listowner. This includes virus warnings. 8. No role-playing on FORKNI-L. This includes using character names as pseudonyms or posing as a character. 9. Each subscriber is limited to five posts per day on FORKNI-L. Don Fasig, FK List Gardener listgardener@p....... ---,-<@ - Subscription Help ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 14:58:46 -0230 From: "English, Darlene" <denglish@s.......> Subject: Have the Enforcers heard of this research? I'm not sure if the following article is ghost written by Nat, or if she supported the work, but I hope she is not around when the Enforcers find out! The latest issue (March-April) of the Annals of Improbable Research contains the article: "The Chemical and Physical Properties of Vampires in the Gaseous State" by Sanford, Dworkin, and Bernstein The paper finds that vampires in their gaseous form must be made of a particular human blood protein (as it has the appropriate molecular weight), and advances the theory that a particular gene creates this protein (they call it "vampirase") that results in the conversion of a mortal to a vampire. With the protein identified, they suggest an antidote might be developed! (There's still hope for Nick!) They go on to determine the vampiric phase diagram, finding that they must change state (from solid to gas or gas to solid) at constant pressure, with a change in body temperature (remember PV=3DnRT from high school chemistry?), but a constant temperature with a change in pressure - similar to stormy low pressure conditions - may also work. The whole article is a hoot! It contains "References" such as "Dracula", "Nosferatu", several Anne Rice books, "Angel" and "Dark Shadows" episodes, (alas no FK) etc. as sources for the "facts" and observed effects of vampires. The journal comes from the organizers of the "Ig Nobel Prize", who annually reward unusual real research. They have a website: ( <> ), however the article is not available online, but it is listed there. Probably your best bet in getting hold of it might be to try your local library or a college or university library. Darlene Dreamin' of the Knight... ------------------------------ End of FORKNI-L Digest - 29 Apr 2007 to 30 Apr 2007 (#2007-38) **************************************************************
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