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FORKNI-L Digest - 26 Aug 2002 to 27 Aug 2002 (#2002-254)

Tue, 27 Aug 2002

There are 22 messages totalling 681 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. HFS on audio
  2. American Psycho2
  3. Correct Spelling and beta reading
  4. FK joke (2)
  5. Blood in the Stomach
  6. Blood metabolism & eternal life (2)
  7. Question for a fanfic (2)
  8. Blood metabolism & eternal life--correcting scientific inaccuracies
  9. Today's Birthday:  August 27
 10. Sydney (5)
 11. possible FK  Highlander parody (2)
 12. Paperbacks at half.com
 13. apology
 14. Spelling of LaCroix


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:44:12 -0500
From:    "Monica T. Rodriguez" <mrodri14@u.......>
Subject: HFS on audio

Knightwitch wrote:
>Does anyone know if Mr Bennett's book "His Father's Son' is in paperback and
>audio cassette?>
>And Lisa Williams said:
>>It's out in paperback but not on audio. I'm not sure who to ask (beg) about
>getting an audio book produced. Nigel did a great job with "Keeper of the
>King" and I'd love to hear him read "His Father's Son". Hell, I'd love to
>hear him read just about anything.<g>
A while back I started investigating how to push for the audio.  I got a
couple of leads, but was never able to follow up on them.  I was told to
try P. N. Elrod at her site (www.vampwriter.com), who then suggested Diane
Duane.  She was the editor of the audiotape, trimming the book to the
script.  The producer was June Williams of Buzzy Multimedia.  The copyright
holder is supposed to be Bill Fawcett (Pat wasn't entirely sure).

Anyway, Diane and June are probably the most likely of those connections to
hold any hope.  I encourage anyone and everyone to push for this -- if you
haven't heard Nigel reading Keeper of the King, well, go get it NOW!  But
careful if you listen to it while driving ;-).  I'll make sure I put in a
word myself!

always luscious lucius lover


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 15:07:45 -0700
From:    Cheryl Hoffman <dayabaygal@y.......>
Subject: Re: American Psycho2

At 05:00 PM 8/26/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:29:39 -0700
>From:    Adina Montgomery <adinaruth@e.......>
>Subject: American Psycho 2 on Cable in September 2002 - USA
>I think this is for the Encore Action! channel in the US, even though it says

Checking my Satellite Direct guide for DirectTV -- shows this as
a Pay-per-view movie, not the Encore-Action Channel --  which
doesn't mean it won't be to that channel in a few months... :-)

I'll be getting my full September VCR alert out hopefully Wednesday
or Thursday this week....  Not as many movies this month, but a
few goodies...


Cheryl Hoffman, NA (& I ain't changin' it), Cousin, Val,
NBN, G4, Bridging, Indecency,
"My, my.. we are in a mood tonight.." -LaCroix
dayabaygal@y.......       Richland, WA
AIM/Yahoo:  DayaBayGal          ICQ:  30464256


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 18:42:25 -0400
From:    allison <smilewithviolets@n.......>
Subject: Correct Spelling and beta reading

i've always been curious but just haven't found out.  Does LC spell his name
LaCroix or Lacroix... capitalize or not?  i fluctuate in my fanfic depending
on my mood but it would be nice to know.
And since i'm on the subject, i'm looking for a beta reader, i have some in
progress stuff. i'm willing to read in return.  Must be okay with adult
subject matter at times.

Cousin extraordinaire
dwelling in a UF Universe


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 19:10:31 -0500
From:    DPHEIL <dpheil@a.......>
Subject: FK joke

you know you've been watching too much FK
when you see a commercial for

"Nigel's Wild Wild World: Alligators"

and try to picture LaCroix (Nigel Bennett) wresleing with a croc

Who's going to bite who?


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 20:46:51 -0400
From:    Emily Lacey <laceye@a.......>
Subject: Re: FK joke

>and try to picture LaCroix (Nigel Bennett) wresleing with a croc
>Who's going to bite who?

My money is on LaCroix...

Emily Lacey


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 21:20:35 EDT
From:    WRDRR@a.......
Subject: Re: Blood in the Stomach

In a message dated 8/16/02 12:23:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
smilewithviolets@n....... writes:

<< digested in the stomach, in regards to
 humans, but just absorbed into the stomach lining.   >>

I think that is alcohol, not blood.  Blood should contain a lot of protein.
That is why that tribe in Africa drinks cow blood.  Oh, man.   I think I just
opened another can of worms.....

Casting T. F. Stone  / Caddywhacked
My FK book length at
ftp://ftp.win.net/winnet/fkvoyage/fkfanfic/deangelo_wanda/  and
V4S story
and yes, I'd appreciate comments.


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 21:35:43 EDT
From:    WRDRR@a.......
Subject: Re: Blood metabolism & eternal life

In a message dated 8/25/02 10:39:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
clarkcindy@m....... writes:

<< What's that body-energy-it-comes-from-sugars thing? >>

The body's natural source of evergy (despite what the vegies say) is fat.
That is why we store fat.  All carbs are sugar.  Period.  There are essential
proteins and essential fats.  There are no essential carbohydrates.  Thougyh
currently, most nutritionists say we should get our energy from sugars
-despite the current obesity problems.

There would or should be some blood sugar in the blood Nick and crew drink.
About 6% of protein is converted to blood sugar upon ingestion.  I don't
think any of this clarifies the "what exxactly are they living on?"

Personally - I go for the metaphysical - they are stealing life from their
victims - a perversion of the drink the blood and have eternal life thingey
in Catholicism etc.

Casting T. F. Stone  / Caddywhacked
My FK book length at
ftp://ftp.win.net/winnet/fkvoyage/fkfanfic/deangelo_wanda/  and
V4S story
and yes, I'd appreciate comments.


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 19:36:23 -0700
From:    Emily <emilymhanson@y.......>
Subject: Question for a fanfic

I know this has been mentioned before, but for some reason, it has slipped my
What were the numbers of the second & third season precincts?

Emily M. Hanson
Homepage - http://www.starbase-eprime.us
My Web Graphics - http://www.galaxyofimages.us


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 22:43:20 -0400
From:    Loreal <llavigna@n.......>
Subject: Re: Question for a fanfic

The number was the 96th Precinct. The first season was the 27th precinct. Hope
this helps!
Click here for my address in cyberspace!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Emily" <emilymhanson@y.......>
To: <FORKNI-L@l.......>
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 10:36 PM
Subject: Question for a fanfic

I know this has been mentioned before, but for some reason, it has slipped my
What were the numbers of the second & third season precincts?

Emily M. Hanson
Homepage - http://www.starbase-eprime.us
My Web Graphics - http://www.galaxyofimages.us


Date:    Mon, 26 Aug 2002 20:28:50 -0700
From:    "D. K. Kraft" <cat@e.......>
Subject: Re: Blood metabolism & eternal life--correcting scientific
         inaccuracies (long-winded)

WRDRR@a....... wrote:
> The body's natural source of evergy (despite what the vegies say) is fat.
> That is why we store fat.

        Bzzzt!  Incorrect, I'm afraid.  *Glucose* is the "monetary" unit of the
cell, broken down through the Krebs Cycle into ATP (adenosine triphosphate).  Fat
is a *storage form* of energy and *requires* energy to break down, hence the need
for aerobic exercise to get the metabolism up to a rate that is able to break
down fat.  In the absence of enough glucose, the human body will metabolize
*protein* before fat in a crisis in order to feed the brain the glucose it
requires--the brain cannot "run" on anything else (this is the condition called
ketosis, because ketones are produced during protein metabolism, a very
undesirable waste product).  Glucose, glucose, glucose is what runs cellular
metabolism--everything is broken down to glucose first.

> All carbs are sugar.  Period.

        Also incorrect.  The word "carbohydrate" describes a large family of
various neutral compounds, made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and includes
sugars, starches, and celluloses.  It is correct to say that all sugars are
carbohydrates, but not all carbohydrates are sugars--the latter is actually a
"member" of the carbohydrate "family."  A "sugar" is a very specific molecule
type with certain structural characteristics.

> There are essential proteins and essential fats.

        It would be more accurate to say there are essential *amino acids* that
the body requires to synthesize necessary proteins on a given day.  (An athlete
healing from a torn muscle would require more protein building in the area of
that injury than, say, a paper cut on someone's finger.)  Eggs are the number
one source for the body's daily requirement of amino acid building blocks,
followed by certain legumes.

        Vitamins are "vital amines," or vital amino acids that humans cannot do
without:  a deficiency can cause a disease condition, like too little Vitamin
K can cause clotting problems.  Among these "vital amines" are those that are
fat-soluble--that is, they only dissolve in fats.  These include Vitamins A,
E, K, and F, and is why we *need* a certain amount of fats in the diet, so
that these vitamins are available to our bodies for processing.

> There are no essential carbohydrates. Thougyh currently, most nutritionists
> say we should get our energy from sugars despite the current obesity problems.

        "Essential carbohydrates" really doesn't mean anything, since the
carbohydrate family is so large and covers so many types of carbon-containing
compounds.  About 85% of the food we eat, all told and all types, is made of
of carbohydrate compounds.

        The first thing ANY nutritionist worth his/her schooling should say is:
"Eat a *balanced* diet."  By "balanced" meaning no more than 30% of calories
taken in during the day should be from fats.  Proteins should take precedence
over carbohydrates, but the two sources should be present more or less equally
in a given meal so your body receives more nutrients/energy from that meal.
It's the "synergy" thing.

        Carbohydrates that lead to weight gain include *refined sugars,* (think
frosted anything cereal) refined white flour (think Wonder Bread), and starchy
foods like potatoes--especially *fried* potatoes.  Up the whole grains,
legumes, nuts, fruits, and veggies.  Raw is good on the veggies, but sometimes
steamed is better, as cold foods take more energy to process.  Best sources of
animal protein are fish, poultry, and lean red meats like buffalo, emu, or

> There would or should be some blood sugar in the blood Nick and crew drink.

        A victim's blood will carry glucose, the final result of digestion, to
all the cells of the body to generate ATP, which in turn fuels the cells.  This
is the whole point of metabolism.  There is no such compound as "blood sugar,"
except to characterize someone who becomes hypoglycemic if they don't eat
regularly--e.g. "I have low blood sugar."  If someone just ate before falling
prey to LaCroix and company, then their blood glucose level would be much
higher than if that person were between meals.  An FK vampire would get a dose
of glucose in this fashion, but whether he/she actually uses it is another
question, since we have no idea what a vampire's cellular metabolism is like.

        Blood itself is mainly plasma, a protein-based fluid that carries red
blood cells, neutrophils, basophils, and all the other white blood cells and
leukocytes, as well as clotting factors, of which there are now 10 or 11 known
to science.  Basically, it's a "protein soup" with the main purpose of
transporting "stuff."  Think of it as FedEx for the entire body:  RBC's
specialize in oxygen pick-up and delivery, while the plasma itself carries
glucose molecules to those cells that have "ordered" them.

> About 6% of protein is converted to blood sugar upon ingestion.

        Errrr, I'm not sure where this value came from, but the basis of the
statement is incorrect, regardless.  All protein that enters the digestive
process is broken down into its component amino acids, which are then put to
work building the proteins the body needs.  Glucose is produced from protein
metabolism as well, but not to the same degree as digestion of carbohydrate

> I don't think any of this clarifies the "what exxactly are they living on?"
> discussion.  Personally - I go for the metaphysical...

        Actually, it does. ;-)  Why do you think Nat keeps plying Nick with
those *protein* shakes?  Blood is protein in liquid form.  I think I remember a
line where Nat says protein doesn't have to be red to be nutritious, or something
like that.  FK vampires live on protein.

        From the metaphysical point of view, there must be something more
happening internally within an FK vamp's physiology that can't be scientifically
explained.  For scripture does say, "The blood is the life."  Anything
involving blood--sacrifices, spells, incantations, rites--is considered to be
of enormous power in the occult, because one is invoking the power of life
within the blood.  It represents something much larger, much greater than just
liquid red protein.  For we cannot live without blood.  Think of everything in
the development of a baby in which blood plays a part.  Humans are conceived
by blood, grow while cradled by blood, are born in blood, and perish from lack
of blood.

        In taking blood, FK vampires literally take life.  And until some
enterprising scientist can perform a bit of vivisection (since a true autopsy
would be impossible) and metabolic studies, I don't think we'll really know
what's going on inside that digestive tract... (Mad Scientist rears her
wild-eyed head and laughs diabolically.  "Igor!  I must have a vampire!  Get
me a vampire--intact!"  "Yezzz, Master.")

Back to the Lab Again --
     /\ /\                      |  "There are many intelligent species
     ^o o^     D.K. "Cat" Kraft |   in the universe. They are all
     ->T<-     cat@e.......   |   owned by cats."
       ~       Lynnwood, WA     |
___oOO___OOo___                 |                        -- Anonymous


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 06:17:14 -0500
From:    eowyn3@j.......
Subject: Today's Birthday:  August 27

Hi Y'all!

Today is the birthday of:       Libby/Libs Singleton

You can send birthday greetings to Libby at the above e-mail address.
Please NOT to the list!

People who share this birthday include:
Pete Axthelm, Rock & Roll Musician
Joan Kroc, Businessperson, Sportsfigure, Padres & McDonalds owner
Ira Levin, Author of Rosemary's Baby, Deathtrap
Mother Teresa Religious Leader
Paul Reubens, Comedian, TV/Movie Actor, aka Pee Wee Herman

Significant events on this date:
1601, Olivier van Noort completed the first Dutch exploration of new
1859, Colonel Edwin L. Drake drilled the first successful oil well in the
United States near Titusville, Pennsylvania.
1912, The book "Tarzan of the Apes" was first published by writer Edgar
Rice Burroughs.
2001, Intel Hits 2 Gigahertz Mark.

I hope you have a VERY Happy Birthday, Libby!
Many Happy Ratsies, to ya!

If you would like to be added to the birthday announcements, please send
your name, birthdate (no year needed), and e-mail address to me PRIVATELY
at eowyn3@j....... and I'll be glad to add you.

eowyn3@j......., eowyn@w.......
GWDFC, G-IV & V Attendee, Knighties Listowner, TKD, FK X-Stitcher,
Proud Survivor of Fk-fic  Wars 8-11, Keeper of the FK Birthday List


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 08:39:07 -0400
From:    Debbie Clarke <dittany121@h.......>
Subject: Re: Blood metabolism & eternal life

>From: WRDRR@a.......
  I don't think any of this clarifies the "what exxactly are they living
>discussion>>Personally - I go for the metaphysical - they are stealing life
>from their
>victims - a perversion of the drink the blood and have eternal life thingey
>in Catholicism etc.

I agree.  There has to more to the blood  drinking than  a simple intake of
vitamins and whatever.    This is the reason why  Natalie attempt  to create
some kind  the  compound based on the chemical mixture of blood  never can
work as a cure.

Which brings us to another question How much blood does a vampire need on a
daily basis to sustain  himself?


>Casting T. F. Stone  / Caddywhacked
>My FK book length at
>ftp://ftp.win.net/winnet/fkvoyage/fkfanfic/deangelo_wanda/  and
>V4S story
>and yes, I'd appreciate comments.


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 08:53:14 -0400
From:    Debbie Clarke <dittany121@h.......>
Subject: Sydney

Here is a question.   If Sydney bit Nick or scratched him then licked off
his paw what impact would Nick's blood have on him?

After all Natalie temporarily cured   Joey in "Fallen Idol"        by giving
him roughly 1 cc of Nick's blood.   And the Baroness  gave youth to Norma
Dean, Bernice and Agnes  in "If Looks could kill"  by injecting them with a
small quanity of her  blood.  sydney is much smaller in body weight.   Since
medicine is calculated on body weight one can assume a drop of Nick's blood
would be the equivalent  proportionally to   the 1 cc of blood given to Joey


who is putting in time  while she waits to go  to Stratford  to see MFL.


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 06:09:51 -0700
From:    Laudon1965 <Laudon1965@c.......>
Subject: Re: Sydney

 From: "Debbie Clarke"

> Here is a question.   If Sydney bit Nick or scratched him then licked off
> his paw what impact would Nick's blood have on him?

Who could say for sure?  Probably lots of valid
possibilities.  Sounds like a fanfic to me. <g>

Laurie of the Isles


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 11:03:36 -0500
From:    "B. Stone" <StoneB@g.......>
Subject: possible FK  Highlander parody

According to Nancy, "It doesn't have to be this way" is used in many, many
different shows.  I had not noticed this.  Does this mean that (gulp!) I'm
not watching *enough* t.v.?????  (Coulda sworn I was watching too much.....)


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 12:28:58 -0400
From:    clarkcindy <clarkcindy@m.......>
Subject: Re: Paperbacks at half.com

Jan J. wrote:

Dracula In London   (softcover)   Short Stories - Various Authors
> ISBN 0-441-00858-5    Printed Nov. 2001
> > "Wolf and Hound"   by N. Bennett

The cost new is $14.95 U.S. or $21.99 CAN.  It's classified a Trade
paperback, so that's why the extra cost.


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 09:29:22 -0700
From:    Liz the Lucky <luckyliz@c.......>
Subject: Re: Sydney

8/27/2002 5:53:14 AM, Debbie Clarke <dittany121@h.......> wrote:
>Here is a question.   If Sydney bit Nick or scratched him then licked off
>his paw what impact would Nick's blood have on him?

Several years ago, about 15-20, I think, there was a story on the news about a
housecat attacking a woman. Not just the usual overly roughhouse play that most
of us have accidently taught our little ones, but jumping on the woman's back and
viciously clawing and biting her. I don't remember anyone mentioning a reason why
the cat attacked. Most likely it was rabies, but now that I think of it.....

OTOH, knowing cats, he could also very well sleep throught it with only a few
nightmares to show. Anyone read Pickles in the Sunday Comics this week?

Hugs and Kisses,
Liz the Lucky           luckyliz@c.......
Who is Will? And why is everyone firing at him?


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 12:54:42 EDT
From:    PF820@a.......
Subject: Re: Sydney

       isn't there a fan fic where sydney is a cat vampire??  I seem to
remember reading it a long time ago.


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 13:09:57 -0400
From:    Dianne Bugg <ladylc@s.......>
Subject: Re: Sydney

A few years ago, I had a roommate with a homicidal cat.  The stupid thing
would hide behind furniture until you passed him, then pounce from behind,
wrapping both front paws around your leg and sinking his teeth into your
Achilles tendon.  Shaking him off was a major production accompanied by loud
shrieking.  I could see LaCroix finding the cat's attitude amusing and
bringing him across to give to Natalie as a present.  lol



Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 17:28:02 +0000
From:    Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@a.......>
Subject: Re: possible FK  Highlander parody

B. Stone wrote:

> According to Nancy, "It doesn't have to be this way" is used in many, many
> different shows.  I had not noticed this.  Does this mean that (gulp!) I'm
> not watching *enough* t.v.?????  (Coulda sworn I was watching too much.....)
> <g>

YOu have to watch shows that involve any sort of
authority figure (cop/lawyer/superhero/etc.) who ends up
in a face-to-face confrontation with the bad guy. The
good guy, who of course would not willingly kill said
bad guy, first must warn him that his defeat is
inevitable because the forces of Truth, Justice, and the
American Way are on the good guy's side.

The bad guy, of course, thinks that he can get out of
the situation (yup, even though he's surrounded by two
hundred cops or faced with a being who is stronger than
Superman and can move faster than light) and ignores the
standard warning -- "It doesn't have to end this way!" --
 and attacks, thus forcing the good guy to kill him,
angsting all the while.

A bonus is that, after the deed is done, and they're
scraping the remains of the bad guy off the sidewalk,
the good guy says sadly, "It didn't have to end this
way," and is then comforted by the
boss/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner. "You did what you had
to do, he didn't give you any choice."

Gee, do you think *I've* watched too much TV? <g>

Nancy Kaminski


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 10:56:02 -0700
From:    Viv <viv11374@y.......>
Subject: apology

I had originally intended to send out both part 3 and part 4 of
"Out of the Broomcloset" this month, but I've come down with a
bad case of writer's block. I would like to apologize for the delay.


Don't annoy the crazy person

Life's a witch and then you fly


Date:    Tue, 27 Aug 2002 14:35:28 -0400
From:    Lisa McDavid <mclisa@m.......>
Subject: Spelling of LaCroix

The show used both spellings at various times in scripts and in the publicity.

Hey, they couldn't make up their minds on how to bring someone across, or
whether Myra's mother was dead.

Consistency, thy name never was Forever Knight. :)



End of FORKNI-L Digest - 26 Aug 2002 to 27 Aug 2002 (#2002-254)

Previous digest Back to August's list Next digest

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