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FORKNI-L Digest - 14 Dec 2003 to 15 Dec 2003 (#2003-63)

Mon, 15 Dec 2003

There are 10 messages totalling 237 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Ger's current roles (10)


Date:    Sun, 14 Dec 2003 15:54:42 -0700
From:    Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
Subject: Re: Ger's current roles

I think goatees can be cute! And curly hair, too...

Your very humble & most obedient servant,


Date:    Sun, 14 Dec 2003 19:33:19 -0500
From:    Debbie Clarke <dittany121@h.......>
Subject: Re: Ger's current roles

Actually I have been surprised during  this last run through how many times
Nick was not clean shaven  (at least in the first two seasons.) And  even
when  he was,  there     was   more  often  than not   just the   hint of a

Debbie Clarke

>From: Angela Gottfred <agottfre@t.......>
>I think goatees can be cute! And curly hair, too...


Date:    Sun, 14 Dec 2003 19:50:18 -0600
From:    Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@c.......>
Subject: Re: Ger's current roles

> Debbie Clarke wrote:

> Actually I have been surprised during  this last run through
> how many times Nick was not clean shaven  (at least in the first two
> seasons.) And  even when  he was,  there    was   more  often  than not  just
> the   hint of a moustache.

From what I understand, the producers had Ger go scruffy, because they
thought he was too pretty to begin with. The almost-beard was supposed
to make him look tougher.

Nancy Kaminski


Date:    Sun, 14 Dec 2003 19:04:30 -0800
From:    Amanda Berendt <debrabant_foundation@y......>
Subject: Re: Ger's current roles

-- Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@c.......> wrote:
> From what I understand, the producers had Ger go scruffy, because
> they thought he was too pretty to begin with. The almost-beard was
> supposed to make him look tougher.

Yes, I remember seeing that in an early interview.  He said it made
it look more 'butch'.  :)  In that same interview he complained how
much it itched.  So it appeared that the facial hair was not his
choice. <g>


"Give me your soul and your heart will take flight
Forevermore in the night, Forever MINE in the night"


Date:    Sun, 14 Dec 2003 23:48:45 EST
From:    "Lynn L. Sowinski" <Lls761@a.......>
Subject: Re: Ger's current roles

Personally, I'm not fond of facial hair.  And particularly not on Ger.  I
also like his hair a little longer.  But hey - I'll take what I can get.
ANYTHING just so we can see him in something new and a little more often - like
a weekly series!?!


"If dogs don't go to Heaven, when I die I want to go where they went."


Date:    Sun, 14 Dec 2003 22:55:40 -0800
From:    FKMel <sgt_buck_frobisher@y......>
Subject: Re: Ger's current roles

 I still would like to see him back on a good
> weekly series, preferably
> not something co-starring Adrian Paul.

Just out of curiosity, why not? I enjoyed them
together in both Tracker and Ger's Highlander ep. But
preferably,I would really like to see him get his own
series again, too.

As for the hair, I always liked him better clean
shaven...never really liked the facial hair in the
early Tracker eps. Now, the Nick-type stuff, that I
didn't mind...it was just something about the Zin


The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain
NNPacker, Natpacker, Knight of the Cross, Knightie /Duncan flag waver, Tessa
flag waver
Highlander-FK-Buffyverse group


Date:    Sun, 14 Dec 2003 22:59:44 -0800
From:    FKMel <sgt_buck_frobisher@y......>
Subject: Re: Ger's current roles

--- Oh, wait, I get it....I'd also rather see him get
a show of his own....I loved Tracker, but I can see
the top billing as opposed to costarring thingy.


The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain
NNPacker, Natpacker, Knight of the Cross, Knightie /Duncan flag waver, Tessa
flag waver
Highlander-FK-Buffyverse group


Date:    Mon, 15 Dec 2003 06:46:29 -0800
From:    Adina Montgomery <adinaruth@e.......>
Subject: Re: Ger's current roles

Nancy Kaminski wrote:
From what I understand, the producers had Ger go scruffy, because they
thought he was too pretty to begin with. The almost-beard was supposed
to make him look tougher.

I've seen Ger in interviews say that the facial hair was to make him look
more 'butch'.   Like he needs it!  LOL

Happy Holidays to All,


Date:    Mon, 15 Dec 2003 15:05:49 +0000
From:    Nancy Kaminski <nancykam@c.......>
Subject: Re: Ger's current roles

Mel wrote:

> Just out of curiosity, why not? I enjoyed them
> together in both Tracker and Ger's Highlander ep. But
> preferably,I would really like to see him get his own
> series again, too.

I know you're an AP fan, Mel, but, um, how can I say this?--AP is not exactly
in Ger's league in the acting department. (And, from what I heard at LCA this
year, he's not held in the highest regard by other actors who have worked with

As for the hair issue, I expect you guys know where I stand--cleanshaven,
please, and slightly longer hair!

Nancy Kaminski


Date:    Mon, 15 Dec 2003 10:38:04 EST
From:    Michele Canterbury <Mobody@a.......>
Subject: Re: Ger's current roles

In a message dated 12/15/03 10:06:34 AM Eastern Standard Time,
nancykam@c....... writes:

> I know you're an AP fan, Mel, but, um, how can I say this?--AP is not
> exactly in Ger's league in the acting department

Well said Nancy.

As for my opinion.  I don't ascribe to the theory that everything that Ger is
in is good.  This show was a DOG.  Nothing could save it.  I gave it chance,
I watched it because he was in it, nothing more.  Ger's parts were the only
shining moments in the thing.



End of FORKNI-L Digest - 14 Dec 2003 to 15 Dec 2003 (#2003-63)

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