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FORKNI-L Digest - 8 Oct 2000 to 9 Oct 2000 (#2000-313)

Mon, 9 Oct 2000

There are 18 messages totalling 608 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Admin: FK Fan Fiction Webring
  2. Sunday KtK auction update
  3. Trivia Questions
  4. Mission GK 2000 clarification
  5. Jadfe (3)
  6. Quick German Check (3)
  7. FK ALUMNI - VCR ALERT - part 2
  8. Sunday evening KtK auction update
  9. Last ktk update
 10. New Shirt designs (2)
 11. Buttons, Last Call
 12. Attn: FK guide editors--from Sukh
 13. GWD directing Pit Pony


Date:    Sun, 8 Oct 2000 17:28:11 -0400
From:    Sandra <sandragray@r.......>
Subject: Re: Admin: FK Fan Fiction Webring

KD Williams wrote:
>...the ringmaster of the Forever Knight Fan Fiction Webring has decided to
>discontinue the webring as of Oct 8, 2000...Yahoo's Terms of Service (TOS)
>now apply including their "perpetual ownership" terms. Many authors, myself
>included, are not prepared to agree to these terms.

I went and looked at Yahoo's TOS and I fail to see why the former ringmaster
wanted to discontinue the webring.  I quote from the TOS:

>(a) For purposes of the TOS, "publicly accessible areas of the Service"
>are those areas of the Yahoo network of properties accessible by the
>general public. By way of example, a publicly accessible area of the
>Service would include public Yahoo! Clubs and Yahoo! Message Boards, but
>would not include private Yahoo! Clubs, private Yahoo communication
>services such as Yahoo! Mail or Yahoo! Messenger, or areas off of the
>Yahoo network of properties such as portions of World Wide Web sites that
>are accessible through Yahoo! Webring but are not hosted or served by Yahoo.

Sorry for the overquote.  Anyway, this sounds to me as if they only include
in their TOS those items posted directly to a Yahoo site (such as the Webring
descriptions, for example).

Under this same section 8 is where the "perpetual ownership" statement is.  The
statement starts:

>(c) With respect to all other Content you elect to post to other publicly
>accessible areas of the Service, you grant Yahoo the royalty-free,
>perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive and fully

Again, this would seem to me to apply only to the defined "publicly accessible"
areas of statement (a).

--Sandra Gray, forever Knightie


Date:    Sun, 8 Oct 2000 18:46:25 EDT
From:    Knightwave@a.......
Subject: Sunday KtK auction update

So far the total pledged is $1361.00, toward the $1630.00 for a half page
ad.  <g>  Don't forget -- you can use your credit card to pay for your
choices if you want, so don't hang back if you really want something.
<smile>  Bids will be accepted through 11:59 p.m. EST on Sunday,
October 8, 2000.  That's the date stamped on the post when it appears in
my box, not when you send it.  Sorry...  Send all bids to me at
Knightwave@a........  Include Item name and #, amount of bid and
name you want listed with bid.  Please place bid or auction in header.

Susan has pulled together a few extra items to go to high bid amounts.
Any winning bids over $50.00 will receive their choice of our selection
of KtK buttons in addition to the articles bid on.  $100.00 can choose
their choice from our mousepad designs, and anyone over $150.00 can
choose from both.  This is just a little something extra to show our
appreciation for the fans’ support of our efforts.  <g>

The auction may now be accessed through the KtK website,
http://www.ktk.op.nu/  or go directly to the auction page:

Auction Update -- Sunday, October 8, 2000, 6:30 pm
Notice any errors?  Please contact me at knightwave@a....... with the

    #1  $75.00  Debbie     License plate, cap, pin
    #2  $50.00  Marti      autographed NB (Hamlet) poster
new #3  $18.00  Wanda      Conspiracy of Fear tape, tag
new #4  $110.00 Marla      NB photo, autographed Daily Variety magazine
    #5  $55.00  Jules      FK Prop- Tracy's business card & pic
new #6  $18.00  Wanda      False Witness script, keychain
    #7  $50.00  Emily      Fanzines
    #8  $20.00  Jules      Beanie baby Rat, Greg Kramer autograph
    #9  $175.00 Steph      Fate Worse Than Death script & prop
    #10 $60.00  Sukh       A More Permanent Hell script, tag
new #11 $30.00  Debi       The Fix script, Natalie keychain
    #12 $50.00  Stanley    Ribena box autographed by NBennet, glass
    #13 $10.00  Jules      Program autographed by Greg Kramer, suncatcher, book
    #14 $60.00  Bernadeen  For I Have Sinned script, N&N tag
    #15 $40.00  Karen      Dying For Fame script, Nick tag
new #16 $75.00  Bernadeen  Dance By the Light of the Moon script, Nick tag
    #17 $155.00 Alice      2001 Calendar
new #18 $45.00  Vamp       Killer Instinct script
    #19 $30.00  Linda      Loads of autographs from Light, Camera, Auction
    #20 $20.00  JGerry     Xtra issues with Greg's story featured (sensitive
                               subject matter -- consult web page for info)
new #21 $75.00  Anne       FoD's Cookbook, magnet
new #22 $60.00  Gayle      FoD's cookbook & KtK button
    #23 $60.00  Nancy      FK t-shirt (black shirt with Forever in white &
                               Knight in red lettering) & cap
    #24 $20.00  Amand-R    The Crew (Vachon, Urs & Screed

Special offer:   First bid of a $200.00 donation: Sealed CD Forever
Knight soundtrack, & gray t-shirt with gorgeous illustration of Vachon in
black (size medium)

Thanks for everyone's participation.  We really appreciate your support.



Date:    Sun, 8 Oct 2000 17:58:12 -0500
From:    Lauren <lauren1228@m.......>
Subject: Trivia Questions

Hi everyone I have made some Trivia Questions!! Please enjoy and think hard
or research!! ;) Look at  FK FAQ, etc..  Have tons of Fun!!!!

1. What's Nick's license plate number and year of car?

2. How old was Natalie when she met Nick?

3. What's Nick's badge number?

4. How did Nick join the Toronto Police Department?

5. If Nick doesn't feed on humans, how does he satisfy his hunger for blood?

6. Was Nick Brought across in A.D. or B.D. 1228?

7. How long did Janette run the Raven Night Club?

8. What's the name and what type is Natalie's cat?

9. What is Natalie's emergency Phone Number?

10. What does "Brought Across" mean in FK?

11. What does "First Hunger" mean in FK?

12. What does "The Code" mean in FK?

13. What does Nick do with his money?

14. What are Fans called?

15. What 2 epiosdes has "Tracey Cook" played in FK (plus character name)?


 Immortal Beloved/ Dark Knightie/ Knightie/ GWD/


Date:    Sun, 8 Oct 2000 20:48:42 EDT
From:    Libratsie@a.......
Subject: Mission GK 2000 clarification

There's been some confusion over WHICH performance of THE HOBBIT with Greg
"Screed" Kramer those wanting to see it as a group will be attending on
Saturday, November 11, 2000.... We will be attending the EVENING performance
in hopes that Greg might be able to meet with us afterwards (disclaimer: NO

Remember, if you are even considering attending, let me know so I can fill
you in on any other details.

gkfk prez


Date:    Mon, 9 Oct 2000 06:29:38 -0700
From:    KYER <KYER@p.......>
Subject: Jadfe

I went to Jadfe to see if I could track down a story someone wanted---and
the only link I have takes me to the NEW page.  What happened to the
pairings frames?

Anybody know?

: (=


Date:    Sun, 8 Oct 2000 20:50:12 -0500
From:    Brenda <bcammarata@h.......>
Subject: Re: Jadfe

Kyer wrote:

>I went to Jadfe to see if I could track down a story someone wanted---and
>the only link I have takes me to the NEW page.  What happened to the
>pairings frames?

I'm not having any trouble getting into the pairings page, but the other
night I couldn't get into JADFE at all.

Possibly a problem with the server.

Carpe Noctem,

UCCelebration 2000, Wolfville 2000


Date:    Sun, 8 Oct 2000 22:23:15 -0400
From:    Will Steeves <goid@i.......>
Subject: Re: Quick German Check

Howdy everyone;

I posted this to the whole list, just in case there are other budding fan
fiction authors pondering this very question...

Diane Harris <diharris@v.......> writes:
>All right, last minute check for a story.  I know that Mr. in German is
>Herr.  But what is Miss?  From Alta Vista's nifty little translator, I got
>Fräulein.  Is this correct, or is there a better term?

Well, as it turns out, I once wondered about the same thing.  I used to
think that "Frau" was "Mrs." and "Fraulein" was "Miss"; apparently, this was
correct once but not any longer.  Indeed (and this came from a born and bred
German), "Fraulein" is now considered to be anti-woman (why, I don't know)
and so "Frau" is used for both a single and a married woman.

Again, I could be mistaken, but I remember being so struck when I first
heard it that I can't imagine that I recalled this one incorrectly.  Sure, I
incorrectly recall perhaps more than my fair share :-), but I'll at least
say that I recall this little factoid somewhat stronger than most factoids
from various other two-year old conversations.  :-)


Will Steeves, goid@i....... - "Neil Hull is GOiD", "GOiDS Rule", etc.
Proud Member of FREE (http://www.vix.com/free); Nu '97, Psi Upsilon
Once a Toronto FK Tour Guide, Nowadays a "Newlywed in Newark"
My Temporary Home Page: http://home.ican.net/~goid
Get Paid to Surf: http://www.alladvantage.com/go.asp?refid=JBC211


Date:    Sun, 8 Oct 2000 22:38:26 EDT
From:    BJDFKFan@a.......
Subject: Re: FK ALUMNI - VCR ALERT - part 2

Cheryl posted:
<<  Different                          LifeMovie  10,11  >>
<<  Shattered Trust:Shari Karney       LifeMovie  14  >>
<<  Dancing in the Dark                LifeMovie  26,27
    Other Women's Children             LifeMovie  13/14  >>
<<  For Love of Aaron (w/Blu Mankuma)  LifeMovie  16,17  >>
<<  When Innocence is Lost             LifeMovie  21,22  >>
<<  Remembrance                        LifeMovie  14  >>

Sooo...do you suppose LifeMovie is actually advertising October as "Forever
Knight month" or is this all an amazing coincidence?   <G>

Becky -- DFKS, DK, IB, DT, UF, Ravenette, Cousin, FOD
http://members.aol.com/BJDFKFan, http://members.aol.com/DKfanfic
We're cut adrift, but still floating.  I'm only hanging on to watch you go
down...my love.  (Bono, U2)
The world was bankrupted of ten million fine actions the night she passed on.
 (paraphrased from Ray Bradbury's F. 451, in memory of Libby M.)


Date:    Mon, 27 Aug 1956 23:55:52 +0000
From:    Jeannie Ecklund <jecklund@l.......>
Subject: Re: Jadfe

Excuse this but: Andromeda with Lisa Ryder is on in Ca right now UPN.
TV guide said Stargate.



Date:    Sun, 8 Oct 2000 22:58:43 EDT
From:    Knightwave@a.......
Subject: Sunday evening KtK auction update

Here's the latest update on the auction.  I corrected the bid on item #5
after I realized I had written what was really for #4 from earlier today.
Hope I didn't upset too many... <smile>  We're getting close to the amount we
need to afford that ad.  If I am adding correctly, $1459.00 has been bid --
$1630.00 is needed for a half page ad.  Thanks everyone!

Don't forget -- you can use your credit card to pay for your choices if you
want, so don't hang back if you really want something.  <smile>  Bids
will be accepted through 11:59 p.m. EST on Sunday, October 8, 2000.
That's the date stamped on the post when it appears in my box, not when
you send it.  Sorry...  Send all bids to me at Knightwave@a........
Include Item name and #, amount of bid and name you want listed with
bid.  Please place bid or auction in header.

The auction may now be accessed through the KtK website,
http://www.ktk.op.nu/  or go directly to the auction page:

Auction Update -- Sunday, October 8, 2000, 10:30 pm
Notice any errors?  Please contact me at knightwave@a....... with the

       #1  $75.00  Debbie     License plate, cap, pin
       #2  $50.00  Marti      autographed NB (Hamlet) poster
       #3  $18.00  Wanda      Conspiracy of Fear tape, tag
       #4  $110.00 Marla      NB photo, autographed Daily Variety magazine
       #5  $50.00  NdeB       FK Prop- Tracy's business card & pic
       #6  $40.00  Susan      False Witness script, keychain
       #7  $51.00  Diane      Fanzines
       #8  $20.00  Jules      Beanie baby Rat, Greg Kramer autograph
       #9  $175.00 Steph      Fate Worse Than Death script & prop
       #10 $60.00  Sukh       A More Permanent Hell script, tag
       #11 $45.00  Susan      The Fix script, Natalie keychain
       #12 $50.00  Stanley    Ribena box autographed by NBennet, glass
       #13 $20.00  Jules      Program autographed by Greg Kramer, suncatcher, book
       #14 $60.00  Bernadeen  For I Have Sinned script, N&N tag
       #15 $40.00  Karen      Dying For Fame script, Nick tag
       #16 $75.00  Bernadeen  Dance By the Light of the Moon script, Nick tag
       #17 $155.00 Alice      2001 Calendar
       #18 $45.00  Vamp       Killer Instinct script
       #19 $75.00  Susan      Loads of autographs from Light, Camera, Auction
       #20 $20.00  JGerry     Xtra issues with Greg's story featured (sensitive
                                 subject matter -- consult web page for info)
       #21 $75.00  Anne       FoD's Cookbook, magnet
       #22 $60.00  Gayle      FoD's cookbook & KtK button
       #23 $60.00  Nancy      FK t-shirt (black shirt with Forever in white &
                                  Knight in red lettering) & cap
       #24 $30.00  Cloud      The Crew (Vachon, Urs & Screed t-shirt)

Thanks for everyone's participation.  We really appreciate your support.



Date:    Sun, 8 Oct 2000 22:34:36 -0400
From:    Portia 1 <portia1@m.......>
Subject: Re: Quick German Check

At 10:23 PM 10/8/00 -0400, you wrote:
>German), "Fraulein" is now considered to be anti-woman (why, I don't know)
>and so "Frau" is used for both a single and a married woman.
>Will Steeves, goid@i....... -

I don't know the answer to what the correct term might be, but I can offer
a speculation on why "Fraulein" might have become considered demeaning.
"Fraulein," I would suspect, could be translated as "little Frau" or little
woman.  It's a diminutization, and therefore could be considered
belittling.  That's just my guess....



Date:    Mon, 9 Oct 2000 06:00:04 +0200
From:    Llarian <manulanger@t.......>
Subject: Re: Quick German Check

Portia wrote:
>"Fraulein," I would suspect, could be translated as "little
>Frau" or little woman.  It's a diminutization,

You're almost right on the money. "Fräulein" is the diminutive form, and was
used to  address unmarried women. Today it is considered belittling because,
until rather recently (a couple decades), an unmarried woman was not really
seen as fully mature. Society required women to marry and have children,
preferably before the age of 25. When this began to change, the older
generation started to use the term "Fräulein" indeed in a very patronizing way.
In some cases, men would use the term "Fräuleinchen", which, gramatically, is
a diminutive form of the already diminutive form of "Fräulein" (it's also a
strong insult).

"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home"
- Ken Olson, president, chairman, founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977
mailto:manulanger@t.......  http://www.llarian.de


Date:    Mon, 9 Oct 2000 00:00:51 EDT
From:    Knightwave@a.......
Subject: Last ktk update

Auction Update -- Sunday, October 8, 2000, 11:30 pm
Notice any errors?  Please contact me at knightwave@a....... with the

       #1  $75.00  Debbie     License plate, cap, pin
       #2  $50.00  Marti      autographed NB (Hamlet) poster
       #3  $18.00  Wanda      Conspiracy of Fear tape, tag
       #4  $110.00 Marla      NB photo, autographed Daily Variety magazine
       #5  $50.00  NdeB       FK Prop- Tracy's business card & pic
       #6  $40.00  Susan      False Witness script, keychain
       #7  $51.00  Diane      Fanzines
       #8  $20.00  Jules      Beanie baby Rat, Greg Kramer autograph
       #9  $175.00 Steph      Fate Worse Than Death script & prop
       #10 $60.00  Sukh       A More Permanent Hell script, tag
       #11 $45.00  Susan      The Fix script, Natalie keychain
       #12 $50.00  Stanley    Ribena box autographed by NBennet, glass
       #13 $25.00  Stephanie  Program autographed by Greg Kramer, suncatcher, book
       #14 $60.00  Bernadeen  For I Have Sinned script, N&N tag
       #15 $40.00  Karen      Dying For Fame script, Nick tag
       #16 $75.00  Bernadeen  Dance By the Light of the Moon script, Nick tag
       #17 $155.00 Alice      2001 Calendar
       #18 $45.00  Vamp       Killer Instinct script
       #19 $80.00  Morse      Loads of autographs from Light, Camera, Auction
       #20 $20.00  JGerry     Xtra issues with Greg's story featured (sensitive
                                  subject matter -- consult web page for info)
       #21 $75.00  Anne       FoD's Cookbook, magnet
       #22 $60.00  Gayle      FoD's cookbook & KtK button
       #23 $60.00  Nancy      FK t-shirt (black shirt with Forever in white &
                                   Knight in red lettering) & cap
       #24 $30.00  Cloud      The Crew (Vachon, Urs & Screed t-shirt)

Thanks for everyone's participation.  We really appreciate your support.



Date:    Mon, 9 Oct 2000 01:25:21 EDT
From:    KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: New Shirt designs

With Don's permission:

I have recently created over 13 designs for T-shirts and polo/golf shirts.
I purchased a top of line Viking embroidery machine with doing these shirts
in mind.
They are all FK related.  Designs ranging from "Do not deny," Forever Knight
means Forever, Nicholas deBrabant Foundation, Natalie's Bed and Breakfast,
The Raven, and Alternative Night Life, The opening Monologue, Forever Knight
with your factions surrounding it.  And many, many more.
Sizes from medium to 2X-large.  Black, charcoal and lite gray in color.
Red only for LaCroix with a white rose.
Prices range from $16.00 to $25.00 plus priority mail.  Discounts available
for quantity orders.

I don't have a web site yet so I will send PICS and price list to anyone
requesting one off list.
I will also be taking some to LCA3.

Thanks for your interest!  Keeping the Knight Alive anyway I can.....

KnightWitch ;-]=


Date:    Mon, 9 Oct 2000 01:27:06 EDT
From:    KnghtWtch@a.......
Subject: Re: Buttons, Last Call

Anyone still wanting a button for LCA3 that has not yet contacted me please
do so this week.
Email me off list with your screen name and RL name so that I can make it up
and bring with me to LCA3.  I'll be passing them out in the lounge Thursday
KnightWitch ;-]=


Date:    Mon, 9 Oct 2000 07:48:35 -0500
From:    Carla Martinek <copper6500@y.......>
Subject: Re: New Shirt designs

Hi, if you want to send some pics along to me, I can throw them up real quick on
my website.  It'll only take me a few minutes to do, and then you can send
people online.  It's easy enough later for you to grab the html and move it to
your own site.



Date:    Mon, 9 Oct 2000 14:33:46 EDT
From:    TRAPPERG2@a.......
Subject: Attn: FK guide editors--from Sukh

I need anyone that edited eps of the FK guidebook to contact me.  I have lost
all email addresses due to AOHell purging my address book and need some info
from ya'll.

Contact me offlist at sukhmet@a.......

Lady Sukh


Date:    Mon, 9 Oct 2000 14:45:25 -0600
From:    "B. Stone" <STONEB@g.......>
Subject: GWD directing Pit Pony

WAM has been broadcasting Pit Pony at 6 p.m. Central.  I missed Thursday's
episode.  Friday's was "Sunshine and Shadows" (I think) and GWD directed it.
His other Pit Pony ep may be this evening, unless it was the one I missed
        B. Stone


End of FORKNI-L Digest - 8 Oct 2000 to 9 Oct 2000 (#2000-313)

Previous digest Back to October's list Next digest

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