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Logfile LOG9605D Part 8

May 24, 1996

File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605D" Part 8

	ADMIN: Willfully Breaking List Rules.
	Unknown Faction
	A Plea (was: Re: Alternatives?)  (3)
	Lacroix and Love Scenes  (6)
	new contest  (4)
	Mag story about SOS FK  (3)
	What if the characters directed a season?
	new member
	Redeeming Nick
	Nick's Personality
	Unnamed Faction Pin
	Forever Knight Who?  (2)
	TCI and Sci-fi channel  (2)
	SCIFI address
	Catherine Disher in Alfred Hitchcock
	JP?? where is he?
	Nick&Nat Packers
	DAMN!!! I forgot were I was posting!

Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 07:01:01 -0400
From:         The Phoenix <jap8@c.......>
Subject:      ADMIN: Willfully Breaking List Rules.

Hear ye, hear ye.

It has come to my attention that a certain few people think it's okay to
break the rules of these three lists, and to ignore anything I, or Jamie,
or Laurie, or Allison, or anyone currently on my staff says.

Let me tell each and every one of you... This is NOT the case.  It is
*NOT* okay to flagrantly violate list rules.  We put them in place for a
reason, and it's not to give you your jollies when you break them.

Certainly, the List Staff is more than tolerant of people, giving everyone
the benefit of the doubt.  After all, we're all human (even the Cousins),
and we all make mistakes.  However, our beliefs in not being a bunch of
hardasses has apparently caused an adverse reaction... we're not tough, so
people think they can get away with, if you'll pardon the expression,

Again, this is *NOT* the case.

From now on, we'll be looking for every little last violation of list
rules, and the offenders will be punished accordingly.  First violation is
generally a week's nomailing.  Second is a week's noposting.  Third is a
permanent noposting.  Honest mistakes can generally be forgiven.

These rules and the subsequent punishments are not here for you to sneer
at and say 'They wouldn't punish me.'  From now on, WE WILL.

This is no bullshit, no joke, no nothing.  Enough is enough.

Listowner, putting both feet down.

  The Tastiest Crayon, Her Royal Redness, Jaye the First, the Phoenix.
             jap8@c....... // http://cac.psu.edu/~jap8/
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 04:03:20 -0700
From:         Jackie <ejdjd@i.......>
Subject:      Re: Unknown Faction

At 12:20 PM 5/24/96 +1000, Mary Young Janettes Fangs) wrote:

>cousins of the knight

        This one ain't bad at all gang!


Support your local Attorney....Send your kid to Medical School!
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 07:15:56 -0500
From:         TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......>
Subject:      A Plea (was: Re: Alternatives?)

Margie wrote:

>think it's particularly relevant.  I don't see that Forever Knight is
>exploring an erotic relationship between Nick and LaCroix.

I don't either.  I never said I did.  The Unnamed Faction is no more about
sex than the Immortal Beloveds are, which is to say it is a part of it, but
not the whole faction in and of itself.  Why assume otherwise?  No one has a
problem with the various implications of other couples factions, so why this
one?  I argue that the only focus is NOT on sex.  I am a little more
complicated than that.  A couples faction, just as a couple in love, is
about ALL the facets of that relationship, *including* but not limited to
physical involvement.

The Nick&Natpackers are *not* about Nick and Nat having sex.

The Immortal Beloveds are *not* about Nick and Janette having sex.

The Unnamed Factioners are *not* about Nick and LC having sex.

All the couples factions above *are* about exploring every aspect of that
couple's relationship.  The physical, the spiritual, the philosophical, etc.

My plea:

It's fine if people want to start a faction wherein it is agreed the members
see no physical attraction whatsoever.  But please, PLEASE, don't reduce the
Unnamed Faction to something we are not.  We are as complex as the
reltionship we champion.

Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng!
*Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix*
"TV shows, like vampires, have a way of coming back from the dead."
"I'm not in denial.  I'm in a state of creative readjustment!"
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 08:22:49 EDT
From:         Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......>
Subject:      Lacroix and Love Scenes

I want to know why there is such a lack of love scenes with Lacroix.
Evidentally, he still kills humans.  Yet we never see him in the
act of suduction--why?
Does he not like women anymore?  Maybe that fetish for Nicholas has
gotten out of hand.  Lacroix needs to expand his horizons a little.
I wanna see some action!
Tanya, wicked cousin, dark Knightie and new member of the Unamed
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 08:23:08 -0400
From:         Carrie Krumtum <CKrumtum@g.......>
Subject:      YKYBWTMFKW....

Now I know, I have officially lost it. I dreamed about LaCroix last night.
Oh, sure, as a Knightie the was obligatory Nick, but it was LaCroix that made
the dream interesting. The best way to describe it is Conan the Barbarian
meets FK. Imagine Uncle, in the Conan-type armor on horseback. One
word---scary. Brrrrr. Sorry cousins. :)

I've got to stop eating calzone before I go to bed...

Carrie, Slovenly Knightie AKA Carrie the Cruel
It's hard to judge someone when you're blinded by your love for them.
--Mother Teresa
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 07:51:57 -0500
From:         TippiNB <Tippinb@i.......>
Subject:      Re: new contest

Katherine wrote:

>Hi Guys,
>I am presenting this to you as a possible idea for a new contest.
>If you were to select an animal to represent any character from FK what
>would it be?  Aw, come on, for fun, sport and amusement!  Here goes.

Okay, I'll play. :)

Reese:  A camel -- no other way to explain how he can go a whole season
without a drop of water!

Nick: No spoilers, but after watching LK, I'm thinking he's a jackass.

Nat: A cat, yeah that works for me.

Urs: a canary.

Vachon: a tomcat.

LaCroix: a wolf, which would explain his dislike of dogs. :)

Janette: yeah, I'll go with that black panther thang.

Screed: a weasel.  And I *like* weasels.

Tracy: a chipmunk.

Me: a three-toed sloth. ;)

Wicked Cousin Tippi, dollar bill wrangler of the Thong Throng!
*Founding Member of the Unnamed Faction*Voyeur of the Menage LaCroix*
"TV shows, like vampires, have a way of coming back from the dead."
"I'm not in denial.  I'm in a state of creative readjustment!"
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 02:54:44 -1000
From:         Kevin Matsumoto <kevinm@p.......>
Subject:      Re: new contest

>Katherine wrote:
>>Hi Guys,
>>I am presenting this to you as a possible idea for a new contest.
>>If you were to select an animal to represent any character from FK what
>>would it be?  Aw, come on, for fun, sport and amusement!  Here goes.

Ok I'm game but I could only come up with a few.

Natalie: I'm definitely with you.  A himalayan.

LaCroix: A fox maybe? Cunning and full of tricks.

Urs: An owl.  She looks soft, but she's got claws she just doesn't show them.

Tracy: I'm with Tippi on this one: A chipmunk
By the way Tippi: ROTFL when I read this.

"Remember, You're the Brain, I'm the Brawn"   :Detective Bobbie Mann
   "Technically, I'm the Brain and the Brawn" :And Eve Edison
"So what does that make me?"                  :MANN & MACHINE
   "The one that can be killed."              :
Kevinm@p.......   A Nick&NatPacker with Cousinly tendencies :=)
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 09:02:06 +0100
From:         "Kennedy, Jean" <jkennedy@m.......>
Subject:      Re: Mag story about SOS FK

Lisa Marvin wrote:

>> It appears that the production company for MST3K is now "actively
>> looking" for a new home for its show, including some talks with the
>> SciFi channel.

Not only that, according to the latest TV Guide, they'll be releasing videos
soon. Is their audience really that much bigger than FK's? (I know in the
Baltimore-Washington area the show aired in a far worse time slot than FK, in
the really small hours of a weekend morning.)

Cousin Jean <jkennedy@t.......>
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 03:18:19 -1000
From:         Kevin Matsumoto <kevinm@p.......>
Subject:      Re: Mag story about SOS FK

>Not only that, according to the latest TV Guide, they'll be releasing videos
>soon. Is their audience really that much bigger than FK's? (I know in the
>Baltimore-Washington area the show aired in a far worse time slot than FK, in
>the really small hours of a weekend morning.)
Actually the videos are already out.  As for a larger audience I don't know
most of the people I talked to have seen FK and not MST.  Weird.  About the
only thing I can think of is to hammer
sony with requests for FK tapes.  It might just convince them that there
still is an audience for FK.

"Remember, You're the Brain, I'm the Brawn"   :Detective Bobbie Mann
   "Technically, I'm the Brain and the Brawn" :And Eve Edison
"So what does that make me?"                  :MANN & MACHINE
   "The one that can be killed."              :
Kevinm@p.......   A Nick&NatPacker with Cousinly tendencies :=)
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 09:35:48 EDT
From:         Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......>
Subject:      Re: Mag story about SOS FK

Mystery Science Theater really lost their audience after Joel
left (he was the creator, anyway).  I felt the new guy couldn't
compete with Joel despite his best efforts (it would be like
someone besides Ger playing Nick or someone besides Nigel playing
Lacroix)so I stopped watching.  So did many people.
I think the audiences for both shows might be comprised of many
of the same people, but because MST3K started off bigger and
got smaller they "earned" the privilage to bereleased on video.
OTOH, FK's audience has maintained, if not grown, but unfortunately,
the growth didn't occur until "it was too late".
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 08:23:27 -0500
From:         John & Donna Spert <jjs@i.......>
Subject:      What if the characters directed a season?

Hi everyone,

John here.  Tippi's recent list of "rejected last episodes" caused me to
think of this:

What if a fourth season was directed by the Forever Knight characters?

LaCroix would base his show on Father Knows Best.  People would get into
trouble by ignoring their father's advice.  Things would always work out
in the end due to his wisdom and calm benevolence.

Natalie's show would be like Lois and Clark.  A strong-minded woman
shares a lasting commitment with someone who cannot be easily harmed and
can fly.  Sigh, as if.

Reese's show would look like NYPD Blue.  Cops deal with tough problems,
but nothing inexplicable or supernatural *ever* happens.

Schanke's show would be based on Dragnet.  Detectives doing detective
things, but the partners respect each other's opinions.  And only one of
them is married.

Nick's show would be like the X-Men.  Yeah it's only a cartoon.  But the
angst is spread among several characters instead of getting dumped on
just one.

Screed would do PBS fund-raising shows for his favorite charity.  (I.e.
Him.  No more trips to Las Vegas hoping to hit it big!)

Perry's show would be a lot like Lassie.  A loyal dog does what's needed
despite the interferance of confused humans.

Vachon would be a writer/director of shows he doesn't appear in.  (Put
down that rock!  What I mean is that he'd do good things, but behind the
scenes. :-)

Cohen's show would be like F-Troop.  Everyone would do as they pleased,
but the Captain would always feel in charge.  (No, wait.  That describes
*second* season.)

Urs would do her best to get the rights to My So Called Life.  The title
alone would be irresistable.

Tracy's show would be like Honey West.  A female blond detective,
beholden to no one, solves cases through her own wits and charm.  And you
never see her parents.

Janette would pattern her show after the one-on-one talk shows where
witty, gracious people discuss their lives.  And never do anything as
tacky as My Boyfriend is a Vampire!
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 07:16:57 -0700
From:         Cynthia Hoffman <choff@v.......>
Subject:      Re: A Plea (was: Re: Alternatives?)

On Fri, 24 May 1996, TippiNB wrote:

> The Immortal Beloveds are *not* about Nick and Janette having sex.

Speak for yourself.  As far as these Immortal Beloveds are concerned, that
faction is *all* about Nick and Janette having sex.  We're not talking
about two humans falling madly and romantically in love.  We're talking
about two vampires who ooze sex whenever they're together ... talking ...
kissing ... whatever!

Jane and Cynthia
Raven ** Immortal Beloved ** M.B.D.T.K.
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 08:47:00 -0500
From:         Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject:      Re: new member

At 04:44 PM 5/23/96 -0500, you wrote:
>I am in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area and I cannot find anyone among my
>co-workers or family and friends that know anything about FORKNI or its
>Joni Latham

not as bad as here in MN [or WI], right next to the Canadian border!
[your "forever whah"? is that someone you really like?]
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 08:57:13 -0500
From:         Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject:      Re: Redeeming Nick

At 09:46 PM 5/23/96 -0400, you wrote:
>   however now she is convinced that he's
>a jerk too.  She's making me fast-forward all the Nick scenes!!!  And then
>she wants me to explain what's going on and she just WON'T WATCH THE SCENES
>WITH NICK!!!  I need to find an episode, QUICKLY, that will redeem Nick in
>Evil Tessa, Unnamed Faction,

if she refuses to watch anything with nick, that probably will
confound any attempt for redemption; i say don't worry about
this one, sounds like a lost cause. [anyone who is convinced by
one ep out of three seasons and then refuses to open an eyelid
for anything else is probably gone!]

Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 10:10:15 -0500
From:         Joni Latham <jlatham@g.......>
Subject:      Re: new contest

>Katherine wrote:
>>I am presenting this to you as a possible idea for a new contest.
>>If you were to select an animal to represent any character from FK what
>>would it be?  Aw, come on, for fun, sport and amusement!  Here goes.

LaCroix- a raven-sleek, shiny, and crafty or a silver fox-the white hair and

Tracy- a mouse-timid and scared

Nick-an ostich-keeps sticking his head in the sand

Joni Latham
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 09:10:57 -0500
From:         Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject:      Re: Lacroix and Love Scenes

At 08:22 AM 5/24/96 EDT, you wrote:
>I want to know why there is such a lack of love scenes with Lacroix.
>Evidentally, he still kills humans.  Yet we never see him in the
>act of suduction--why?

i thought he *did* fall in love with nick's sister.
[and hence he didn't bring her across_]  maybe....nah.
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 09:15:43 -0500
From:         Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject:      Re: new contest

At 02:54 AM 5/24/96 -1000, you wrote:
>Kevinm@p.......   A Nick&NatPacker with Cousinly tendencies :=)
>LaCroix: A fox maybe? Cunning and full of tricks.
well, maybe a little humanly-stereotypical. perhaps a coral snake;
*extremely* deadly, yet unassuming, yet very well known and *brilliant*

>Urs: An owl.  She looks soft, but she's got claws she just doesn't show them.
must agree. but she seems feline to me, too [a tad too...curly].
but more along the lines of an ocelot...

>Tracy: I'm with Tippi on this one: A chipmunk
you mean the helium-cartoon brand?  >;P

Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 09:18:49 -0500
From:         Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject:      Re: A Plea (was: Re: Alternatives?)

At 07:16 AM 5/24/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Speak for yourself.  As far as these Immortal Beloveds are concerned, that
>faction is *all* about Nick and Janette having sex.  We're not talking
>about two humans falling madly and romantically in love.  We're talking
>about two vampires who ooze sex whenever they're together
>Jane and Cynthia
>Raven ** Immortal Beloved ** M.B.D.T.K.

i have NO connection whatsoever to any faction; i was just
thinking that N & J's very beginning centered around sex [even tho
i missed that ep], so it wouldn't be too far off base if IB was
supposedly all about it_

Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 10:27:01 -0700
From:         Todd Larsen <tlarsen@a.......>
Subject:      Re: Nick's Personality

Janette's Fangs, I think, asked why I'd like Nick to keep the shirt on:

I'm trying to avoid the *lustiness* that seems to be a part of being a
Knightie (as Homer Simpson says *Think unsexy thoughts, Think unsexy
thoughts*).  Besides, I think Nick looks great in those silk shirts
(tucked in) and that long, dark coat. I've only actually seen episodes
from season 3, so I don't know about vests or leather.

Also, I think it's great that Nick is imperfect.  Sometimes he makes
mistakes, screws up, misses the obvious, loses arguments even when he's
right, is inconsistent, either lacks self-esteem or is egotistical.  I
think it's really funny how he sneers at murderers much like an ex-smoker
who's beat a 3 pack a day habit and can't understand what's wrong with
the scum who haven't done likewise.  He's one of those people you just
*have* to love, or else he'll drive you crazy.

I think the poster (I'm sorry, I can't remember who it was) who is
looking for a positive episode about Nick, ought to ask the friend to
forgive Nick for not being Dr. Quinn, Perfect Medicine Woman, and try to
enjoy the ride.

Annette Larsen, a modest Knightie
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 10:32:08 -0700
From:         Todd Larsen <tlarsen@a.......>
Subject:      Re: Unnamed Faction Pin

I'm not on the UF loop, so forgive me for posting this here, even though
I believe the discussion has been moved.

How about for the Unnamed Faction, two hands clasped as if they were arm

Annette Larsen, Modest Knightie
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 11:38:19 EDT
From:         Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......>
Subject:      Re: Lacroix and Love Scenes

Yes, he did fall in love with Fleur.  But that's it.  How many
women has Nick had?  Come-on, the boy's a whore compared to Lacroix'
chasteness.  It seems a bit ironic, doesn't it, that Nikkie is
so easy while he's supposed to be the good guy, and Lacroix is so
pure when he's supposed to be the bad guy.
Seems to be Lacroix ought to be out getting laid.  I can only
conclude that he MUST be in love with Nick.
cousin, dark knightie and new member of the unamed
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 09:04:46 -0500
From:         Robbi Egersdorf <egersdor@m.......>
Subject:      Forever Knight Who?

I have heard a lot of people on this list lately lament on how many people
have not seen or heard of FK.  I my little community of Idaho and
surrounding areas I have been very surprised by how many people that I have
mentioned FK to that has seen the show and know what it's about, but they
don't watch because it's so late at night or they aren't sure when it's on.
It's on here at midnight on Sunday.  If they have to get up early on Monday,
they would have to be very dedicated (as am I) to stay up that late to watch
. (I usually have to get up at 5am.)

Long Live the Knight
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 08:46:31 PDT
From:         "Leslie I.Plummer" <lplummer@i.......>
Subject:      Re: TCI and Sci-fi channel

Cousin Mary G. wrote:
>TCI for my area of Scottsdale, Az.  OUR TCI doesn't carry the SciFi
>channel--so I called them. I got a lot of empty, phoney,

Write letters, lots of nicely-phrased, pretty please letters to every
name/title you can get at your TCI franchise & TCI headquarters, you can
find.  Ask them to carry SciFi, for FK.  You must watch FK & you'd like
to see it on TCI.

There are GOOD letter-writing tips on the FK Homepage (not how to write
letters, but how to write the most effective consumer/fan letters to the
TV powers that be).  At least, that's where I thought I saw it.  Perhaps
on the SOS-FK page.

To get names/titles, call TCI again (or ask a friend to if TCI "knows"
your voice to call & gather this information for you).  Ask for the name
of president, program director, or whomever makes decisions about which
networks to air on TCI's cable channels.  You're a cable customer & would
like to ask a question to the right person, but "don't wish to take up
any of their busy schedule, on the telephone" (or something, being polite
& respectful).

Or, go to the library & ask Reference to help you find corporate addresses
& contacts.  This is a local cable franchise.  They have to post things
officially w/the local municipality to operate.  The librarian can guide
you to the apporpriate local govt agency which issues permits/takes
consumer complaints about cable rates, requirements, etc.  Just gather
names for letter writing.  No need to go into why.  This is civilian-ship
in action.

Broadcasters & TV/radio/cable folks really like paper written letters!
Find out if there are any other FK fans in the same area & ask them to
write letters, too!

Also, watch FK on other channels & take notes of who advertisers are
(local especially).  Write nice "thank yous" to them, too.  Ask them if
they advertise on SciFi or WOULD if TCI ran SciFi.  No biggie, you're
just asking.  Put the idea in their heads... & perhaps THEY'll do the
lobbying for you!

Then, if you have any advertisers you really like, on TCI channels,
consider writing to them, saying that you support them (if you do) &
that you'd really like them to advertise on the SciFi channel, on TCI..."
cause for every ep you have to see on another station, you cannot be
watching TCI & seeing their ads. "Can they help?"  "Do they have any
suggestions as to what you can do to get SciFi on TCI (so as to watch
FK)", etc.

Hope this helps...

N&NPacker/Knightie... Wildly Romantic & Fiercely Optimistic
An FK Movie(s) sort of gal
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 11:59:30 -0400
From:         Susan Honig <Susankenn@a.......>
Subject:      SCIFI address


I want to write to to Scifi and express my desire for FK movies and to thank
them for showing Fk.

Does anyone know their snail mail address. I feel that might be better than E


Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 12:31:12 -0400
From:         "M. Vrzoc" <vrzoc@s.......>
Subject:      Catherine Disher in Alfred Hitchcock

Just spotted CD in an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents about a
scientific formula that the government was trying to get. The guy who
played Peck from A-Team starred. CD was a scientist/CIA agent undercover
and looked younger than I've seen her on FK. Does anyone know when she
did this show?

M. Vrzoc (vrzoc@u.......)           | Just a little off the top!
                                       | -- A. Boleyn
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 13:44:20 -0400
From:         Tammy Stephanie Davis <tsd@u.......>
Subject:      Re: JP?? where is he?

On Thu, 23 May 1996, A McLaughlin wrote:

>  This is the same man that whenever some crisis occurred with the show was
> incommunicado. A man, as far as I know of, who didn't even tender a thank you
> to the NAPTE seven, the organizers of the SOS campaign or the charity drive
> for Pediatric AIDS foundation. At least we got thank yous from Fred Mollin

What do you expect him to do?  This episode was shot in February.  It's
May.  Like most people, he doesn't have computer access.  Like many
others involved with Forever Knight, he's moved on to other things.

Maybe we should take the hint.
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 11:01:56 -0700
From:         Valery King <kingv@u.......>
Subject:      Re: Forever Knight Who?

On Fri, 24 May 1996, Robbi Egersdorf wrote:

> I have heard a lot of people on this list lately lament on how many people
> have not seen or heard of FK.  I my little community of Idaho and
> surrounding areas I have been very surprised by how many people that I have
> mentioned FK to that has seen the show and know what it's about, but they

On the other hand:

To reiniforce how woefully bad the promotion of this show was, I was
recently at the World Horror Con (yeah, I know, mostly readers but
everyone was talking about Babylon 5 so they watch *some* tv). I was
pushing Our Show at a table in the dealers' room. You would think that
this crowd if any would have *some* clue about FK, but I was shocked and
saddened to discover just how many had never even *heard* of it, let
alone watched it.

Very, very sad.

Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 11:04:21 -0700
From:         "Melanie J. Bates" <queenbts@n.......>
Subject:      Re: TCI and Sci-fi channel

Thanks so much for the info; I will follow up.  If only I hadn't discovered
all this FK net stuff and efforts/info so late.  I still feel like I'm
missing a limb since seeing LK and realizing/researching to fact of
How do I determine my proper faction affiliation, etc?  I have req'd FAQs
and list rules, but I'm having trouble sifting through about 80 list em's

Thanks again.
(Melanie B.)

At 08:46 AM 5/24/96 PDT, you wrote:
>Cousin Mary G. wrote:
>>TCI for my area of Scottsdale, Az.  OUR TCI doesn't carry the SciFi
>>channel--so I called them. I got a lot of empty, phoney,
>Write letters, lots of nicely-phrased, pretty please letters to every
>name/title you can get at your TCI franchise & TCI headquarters, you can
>find.  Ask them to carry SciFi, for FK.  You must watch FK & you'd like
>to see it on TCI. [remaining info and assistance sniped]

>Hope this helps...
>N&NPacker/Knightie... Wildly Romantic & Fiercely Optimistic
>An FK Movie(s) sort of gal
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 14:04:32 E
From:         Debra Ann Fiorini <fiorini@m.......>
Subject:      Re: Lacroix and Love Scenes

>How many women has Nick had? Come-on, the boy's a whore compared
>to Lacroix' chasteness. It seems a bit ironic, doesn't it,

Well, I have a hard time picturing LC all alone except for
when Nick and Janette are around. He might not hang out
with as many mortals as Nick, after all, Nick sees mortals
as wonderful and LC sees them as food. But still I can't
see him wasting his time pining for Nick.
FK is seen from Nick's POV after all. So, there is probably
a lot to LC's life that we don't know because Nick doesn't
know it.

If it were Forever Lacroix seen from LC's POV, he would
most likely be getting around as much, if not more, than Nick.

Debra Ann
Dark Knightie, N&NPacker
Guenvier@a.......  or  fiorini@a.......
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 11:14:54 -0700
From:         "Melanie J. Bates" <queenbts@n.......>
Subject:      Re: Nick&Nat Packers

At 04:00 PM 5/23/96 -0700, you wrote:
>This is a message for all Nick&Nat Packers who are either lurking or have not
>declared themselves a N&N packers. If you are not listed on the N&N packers
>homepage, Mortal Love, and would like to be let me know. As well if you would
>like to be involved in or informed of Nick&Nat Packer activities please let me
>know ASAP. There is some major N&N packer announcements and activities that will
>be happening in the next few days.
>Soulseeker [remain sig snipped]

Hi.  I guess I am a "lurker", although I have made a few posts to lists and
also to the NG.  I am still shell shocked about LK and the cancellation, as
both were new news to me (not having been aware, before post- LK net
research, that all this existed).  I need to become affiliated, but am
having trouble sifting through all the posts to determine which/what I
should be.  I also no longer have access to any reruns locally, (AZ TCI
doesn't carry SciFi, yet Houston's apparently does), and need to figure out
what I'm gonna do now.

Can you respond with some guidance when you get a chance?
(Melanie B.)
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 13:03:31 -0500
From:         Margie Hammet <treeleaf@i.......>
Subject:      Re: Lacroix and Love Scenes

At 08:22 AM 5/24/96 EDT, Tanya Smith wrote:
>I want to know why there is such a lack of love scenes with Lacroix.
>Evidentally, he still kills humans.  Yet we never see him in the
>act of suduction--why?

I'm curious.  Have we ever seen LaCroix kill an innocent female?  In
Trophy Girl, he is preparing Giselle, but it is Nick that eventually
kills her.

IMO, not seeing LaCroix seduce and kill is an artistic device.  (The word,
device, is not meant to imply anything negative; this device is perfectly
appropriate, IMO.)  It is one thing to believe, as I do, that LaCroix still
kills humans (for pure pleasure, as he would have done to Giselle, as
opposed to doing it out of anger or revenge); it is another thing to actually
see him do it.  I think that for most people, if we saw him do it, it would
be very hard to like LaCroix.  It's one thing to see Nick kill, when we
know how guilty he is about it now; it would be something different entirely
to see LaCroix do it, knowing that he feels that it's perfectly fine to
do it.

By implying that LaCroix kills for pleasure but not showing it, the show
makes it possible for us to believe that LaCroix is evil, and yet to like
LaCroix in spite of it.  It makes a far more interesting show.  If we
couldn't like LaCroix, then he would be nothing more than the guy in the
black hat.

In other words, not showing LaCroix killing innocent humans is an artistic
device that helps make for an interesting, thought-provoking show.

Margie (treeleaf@i.......)
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 09:52:19 -0800
From:         John Soo-Hoo <galahad!jsoohoo@n.......>
Subject:      DAMN!!! I forgot were I was posting!

My most humble apologies.  I thought I was on the Usenet when I wrote the
offending message and was totally mortified when I recieved your message,

I will in the future make sure that THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!

I again am sorry to those who haven't seen the episode.

Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 12:54:58 -0500
From:         Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject:      reference

whoohoo, new woid
whatsa "lurker"?
Date:         Fri, 24 May 1996 12:57:19 -0500
From:         Mad Hatter <cli7@s.......>
Subject:      Re: Lacroix and Love Scenes

At 01:03 PM 5/24/96 -0500, you wrote:
>By implying that LaCroix kills for pleasure but not showing it, the show

i always thought LC was just stoic; not necessarily *evil* per se, but
a trait that can lend itself to that easily_[refresh my greco-roman
philosophy--would the stoics be at full tilt during Lucien LaCroix's


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