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Logfile LOG9605C Part 12

May 17, 1996

File: "FORKNI-L LOG9605C" Part 12

	IRC/Wake (long)  (2)
	It's over (No Spoiler)
	Ger chat log url  (2)
	Why Do YOU Watch FK?  (4)
	Rerun schedule?
	Texas FK Wake/party
	It's over (Long Distance Hug)
	Syndicon East Report  (2)
	LIST RULES: hugs and cookies
	If someone else wrote FK.....  (4)
	Ger on The Family Channel  (2)
	Last Knight Party in LA/Orange County  (2)
	What if "?" wrote FK
	Which www page moves???
	Why Do I Watch FK?: 3rd season
	Why I watch FK
	Post-Mortum Depression
	Sorry, I'm fine, I made a mistake  (2)
	Sony Screensaver

Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 09:14:55 -0500
From:         Annmarie McKee- Fitzgerald <mickey@c.......>
Subject:      IRC/Wake (long)

   It has come to my attention that some people think that there is an IRC
war going on. This isn't the case, at least not from this end. The reason
that I had the IRC channel #foreverknight registered on the Undernet was
because you were able to have one registered, it was in no way meant to be
competition for the EFnet. Brian Mitchell hasn't been able to get the
channel on the EFnet registered yet and although whenever I would go over to
the EFnet, I would open the channel if it wasn't already open, by having a
channel registered, it remains open at all times, controlled by the bot "X".

I'll try to explain this better for those not familiar or just learning the
IRC. On the IRC, you can create any channel you want, if I felt like having
a channel called #Annmarie, then I would just type that in the channel list
or type /join #Annmarie and viola! A channel with that name would appear.
But when I and everyone else in the room left, the channel would be history
until the next time I went in and typed #Annmarie. So, if Jane Smith were to
come along and put in a list query, #Annmarie would not show up on the list.
But, when a channel is registered and manned by a bot, which is assigned by
the Undernet Org. then the channel would show up, so when Jane Doe first
discovers FK on the SciFi channel and now she goes looking for other viewers
on the IRC, she will find it! True, no one may be in there at the time, but
the bot, but she will know that it exists and know that there are other
viewers out there who care enough to create a channel dedicated to this show
and hopefully she will return later. This channel and the channel on the
Efnet can only help the campaign to save or resurrect this show, please lets
not quibble over whose where and "this is the one true FK channel" this is
garbage, we all have to work together, these are your friends out there,
whether they be on Undernet or Efnet.

Quite a few people expressed an interest in having a "wake" over on the
Undernet, I will be at Laurie's, but as I said before, this isn't my
channel, its yours, please make good use of it and go and enjoy yourselves.
I'm also, as Jamie can attest to, not really picky about ops, if I know you,
thats all thats required, if I don't, I'm sure that I will get to. This is
the only thing that I do have control over, I am the one that sets the ops,
but please, feel free if your on there and a friend from the list comes in,
to give then ops at least while they are there for that time. Personally,
I've never understood the obsession with ops, but I can see how if 4 people
in the room are op'ed and 2 aren't and you know them, that they can feel a
bit left out.

If you don't live near other viewers and don't have a "wake" to go to, I
hope that you will utilize IRC, on either server, so that you will not be
alone and have someone that you can talk over this episode with.

For AOL listees, someone was kind enough to offer assistance for setting up
your IRC access through AOL, E-mail me and I'll send you off to them. It can
be done!


Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 09:35:21 -0600
From:         "Scott, Victoria D." <vscott@s.......>
Subject:      It's over (No Spoiler)

It's over.
I think I need a hug.

One of the Northern Virginia people who get the show Thursdays and had to
watch it alone.
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 06:48:00 PST
From:         "Stroup, Judie" <STROUP@o.......>
Subject:      Ger chat log url

O.K.  I know it was here somewhere!  I've searched high
and low and can't find the url for the log of Ger's latest
chat.  Help!  Thanx!

judie - NatPacker with post-Ashes to Ashes cousinly leanings
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 11:29:12 -0300
From:         Stapleton <d7ux@u.......>
Subject:      Re: Why Do YOU Watch FK?

> Yes, these points may seem moot as we view the final episode, but the novels
> will be coming up.  God only knows what the content will be at this point.
> Or if people will even be interested in reading FK after the last episode
> airs.  But I'm kind of curious.

Well, we would know if you wrote them :-)=
Fan-fic is always there, and for that I am glad. Before I used to just
read other people's stories. FKFIC-L gave me the courage to write my own,
and a place where I could post them for others to read and to learn from
their responses and ideas on where a story could be explored further. I'm
certainly not the best writer, but as many of us do, I learn from what
works and what doesn't.

I've got an idea for a story with a different ending from LK - even
though it's only two nights before it airs. Many may not like the ending,
and this is where we can make what we would like to happen occur. So why
don't we make it a challenge. Write your own ending for Last Knight.
Just when you do, Type into the subject header CHALLENGE: LAST KNIGHT.

Talk later,
Lynn Stapleton
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 08:38:42 -0600
Reply-To:     dpgiles@n.......
From:         Dirk Giles <dpgiles@n.......>
Subject:      IRC on AOL

I tried last night to use IRC over AOL and connect to #foreverknight,
but AOL didn't recognize server names.  So tonight I will try to use the
actual IP addresses of the servers.  If that works I'll let you all
know.  I feel lucky having the direct connection to the Internet at
work, but since most of the chats are after hours, I suffer with all the
other AOL users.

Maybe someone else has already tried all this?  If so, let me know!

Socrates - Faithful Raven
IRC Nick - So-Krates
(Dirk Giles - dpgiles@n.......)
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 11:21:18 EDT
From:         Lynne Levine <llevine@m.......>
Subject:      Rerun schedule?

Has anyone seen a schedule of what's to be aired beyond LK?  I need
to find out when GVP will be rerun.


Lynne Levine
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 10:18:24 -0500
From:         Lisa Clevenger <lcl366@a.......>
Subject:      Re: Texas FK Wake/party

One last reminder,

The FK party in teh DFW area is on Saturady the 18th.  I will not be home on
Saturday to read my mail, so Iif you are a comming , or interested in comin,
email me TONIGHT.  I need to give directions.

Let's give FK the send off it deserves!

Lisa Clevenger

Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 11:41:28 -0400
From:         Melanie Moser <moser@c.......>
Subject:      Re: It's over (Long Distance Hug)

On Fri, 17 May 1996, Scott, Victoria D. wrote:

> It's over.
> <sigh>
> I think I need a hug.

Victoria, (and everybody can join in (group hug))

Step 1: Cross your right hand in front of you and lay it on the left
        side of your waist.

Step 2: Cross your left hand over to the right side of your waist...

Step 3: Now, squeeze.

(You've just got a long-distance hug from me! )

And more hugs,
Mel Moser
N&NPacker, moser@c.......
Check out my Forever Knight Fan Fiction page at:
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 11:48:01 EDT
From:         Lisa McDavid <D020214@u.......>
Subject:      Syndicon East Report

Sorry if this repeats anything. I didn't get home until Tuesday and
then promptly got sick.

First of all, Nigel not only reads Forkni-l and Fkspoilr, he also gets
some of the stuff from JADFE forwarded to him. I understand he said he
got pointers for writing the sex scenes in Keeper of the King that way.

This was the shot Nigel didn't get to use in Francesca: Tracy wakes up
in her bed after a nightmare. The camera pulls back up all the way to
the ceiling, and we end the scene with just the barely visible figure
in her white nightgown, huddled in the fetal position.

The joke script is called Last Knight, but has a cover attributing it
to Michael Sadewski. As a sample of the weirdness, Tracy is dating a
kangaroo. Later in the script, a different kangaroo gets loose while
being arrested and runs amuck in the station house. The following is
from memory, but the gist is accurate.

Nick: .... I can talk to the kangaroo. I know his case. I've arrested
him before.

Reese: What for?

Nick: Drunk and disorderly.

Reese: You or the kangaroo?

Nick: (a beat) Both.

One of the items in the auction was breakfasts with Nigel and the guys
from Highlander. Laurie Fenster graciously allowed us to get up a
syndicate of which she was by far the majority member. Nigel had set
the time as 7:30, because he had a panel in the morning.  Among other
things, he said that around the set, they said Kathryn Long (Divia) was
"14 going on 40."

I think everyone else probably has beaten me to all the other stuff. :)

Cousin Lisa -- "That will be trouble."
Lisa McDavid
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 15:57:06 GMT
From:         Jamie Melody Randell <immajer@n.......>
Subject:      LIST RULES: hugs and cookies

I know people are hurting right now, and I send you all many, many hugs and
FKSPOILR.  Take all outpourings of anguish over there.  Please.  For the
safety and sanity of the list, the listowners, the universe and everything.

Here's your hugs {{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}
here's your cookies 0oO0oo0oOOO
now go and play.   :-)


 -:-:-:-:- Jamie M.R. <immajer@n.......> -:-:-:-:-
 Asst. Listowner, FORKNI-L; The Smoking Natpacker, ConvCoS
-->>> Illustrated Webgoddess & Keeper of Warm Fuzzies <<<--
** List Rules <http://cac.psu.edu/~jap8/FK/FKRules.html> **
The Truth Is Out There. Just maybe not in our jurisdiction.
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 11:49:16 CDT
From:         Bruce Rawitch <brucer@i.......>
Subject:      Re: If someone else wrote FK.....

Carrie Krumtum wrote:

If FK were written by JRR Tolkien Nick and Nat would be on a quest to destroy
his vampirism at the mouth of a vulcano while fighting evil Orcs led by
LaCroix. Tracy is a happy little hobbit, of course. Vachon and Urs are wood
elves, out to assist at various and sundry times. Reese would be an Ent. Of
course, Schanke would NOT be dead,..Janette would be a Rivendale dweller...

You forgot Golem!  Of course you would have to cast Screed as Golem!


\ There are three was to get something done:\           _         ______ |
 \  (1) Do it yourself                       \        /   \___-=O`/|O`/__|
  \ (2) Hire someone to do it for you.        \_______\          / | /    )
  / (3) Forbid your kids to do it.            /        `/-==__ _/__|/__=-|
 /                                           /         *             \ | |
/___________________________________________/                        (o)
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 13:36:52 -0400
From:         Frederic Ferland <mrhappy@m.......>
Subject:      Re: Ger chat log url

>O.K.  I know it was here somewhere!  I've searched high
>and low and can't find the url for the log of Ger's latest
>chat.  Help!  Thanx!

Judie, (and everyone else who wants the chat log) you can find it on my Web
page at http://mtl.net/solidarite/mrhappy/fk.htm

Frederic Ferland                      |
mrhappy@m.......                       |   Verry funny, Scotty!
http://mtl.net/solidarite/mrhappy     |        Now beam down my clothes!
NatPacker & Perkulator (!)            |
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 13:49:02 -0400
From:         Beth Brown <BKBVA@a.......>
Subject:      Re: Syndicon East Report

In a message dated 96-05-17 12:45:42 EDT, Lisa McDavid wrote:

>The joke script <snip>    As a sample of >the weirdness, <snip>. The
following is

>Nick: .... I can talk to the kangaroo. I know his case. I've arrested him
Reese: What for?   Nick: Drunk and disorderly.    Reese: You or the kangaroo?

Nick: (a beat) Both.

Thank you Lisa!  You made me feel so much better today!

Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 14:05:53 EDT
From:         Margie Gillis <MGILLIS@c.......>
Subject:      Ger on The Family Channel

     Yes, you read that right <g>.  I just checked the TV Guide listings
     web page (http://www.iguide.com/tv/tvguide/ez/search/all.sml) (I
     forget who first posted the URL here, sorry!) and saw that Ger is
     going to be in The Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the
     Bionic Woman at 1:30 pm EDT Sunday May 19th.

     If a movie that dopey, with Ger in it, doesn't help to lighten
     everyone's mood a little, I don't know what will...

Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 11:05:22 -0700
From:         Cousin Cherri <cdmunoz@e.......>
Subject:      Last Knight Party in LA/Orange County

Don't forget about the Last Knight party on Saturday.
Come when you want anytime after 1pm.
If you need directions, write me.

Cousin Cherri  <cdmunoz@e.......>
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 14:22:09 -0600
From:         "Scott, Victoria D." <vscott@s.......>
Subject:      What if "?" wrote FK

I was asked to post this by a Dickens fan.
Charles Dickens:

While on his beat, Nick comes upon a dying man who, with his last
breath, tells Nick to find and to thank the Mysterious Benefactor who
supported the dying man these eight-and-twenty years. During the course of
nearly an entire season of "Forever Night," Nick uncovers random clues to the
Mysterious Benefactor's whereabouts, mainly from city-dwellers Mr. Abstemius
Forechunk, Young Poor Davey, Constance Noughtlove, and Bayham
Blackingatooker. But he doesn't get any solid leads.

In the season's last episode, Nick hears that Young Poor Davey had been
struck by a carriage and knocked into the river, and that only a daring
rescue by a stranger kept the boy from his watery doom. Nick ventures out in
the freezing cold, sleeting, foggy night to find the stranger. With his
excellent vampire sight he sees footprints near the accident scene leading
into a church. There he finds a bedraggled, somehow familiar-looking man who
is near death from exhaustion and exposure to the weather. Nick weeps and
thanks him for saving Young Poor Davey's life.

He asks the man to say whether he is the Mysterious Benefactor. The man
nods yes, and then says softly, "I am surprised that you do not recognize
one who has resolved to devote all of his days to good, after he had known
nothing but dissipation and wrongdoing. I have been watching you. You have
always been able to accept this vampire existence, but thirty years ago I
took away the family of a man in order to satisfy my thirst. That man was
broken by grief, and I resolved to be his benefactor, all the while never
telling him who I was, or what I was. When that man died, I had no reason to
continue on this Earth. And now I must insist that you do not try to save me.
In the eyes of most glorious GOD I am finally absolved . . . brother."  Nick's
long-lost brother then dies in his arms.  A will in his breast pocket leaves
Nick a huge fortune.

If Dickens wrote FK I don't think I would have ever watched it.
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 13:41:52 -0600
From:         Crystal Guffey <guffeyc@t.......>
Subject:      Which www page moves???

Which one of the FK pages is animated??? Can't remember...

Crystal, A Vaquera
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 14:49:53 -0400
From:         Diane Shea <KerrRaven@a.......>
Subject:      Why Do I Watch FK?: 3rd season

Perhaps a more entertaining question to ask me is why did I START watching FK
for good.  One answer.  Perry.  The dog.

I had known about the show for a while, I even caught some of the ends of the
best episodes, like AMPH and Father's Day.  (This BTW, explains why I became
a Cousin as soon as I was hooked for good.  The foundation had already been
laid.)  But I wasn't about to sit down and watch a vampire or cop show, since
I hated both.  After reading the summary in the TV guide one night, I tuned
in to see how they would deal with the heroic dog kills a rapist and must
face the consequences kind of story, dreading what the outcome might be, I
was pleasantly surprised.  After crying about Raleigh, crying about Perry and
Jody, and crying in happiness over the ending, I could then stop and think
about the vampire aspect.  I was intrigued, and felt assured that the writers
wouldn't disappoint me if I tuned in again.

Needless to say I'm always rather annoyed when people start saying how the
third season is a waste of time.  I will not say it is as compelling as 1st
or 2nd season, and many of the episodes are lacking in LaCroix time, (I live
for those 30 seconds an ep, you know) but it still has the power to drawn in
new viewers.  It also creates newbies with very open viewpoints to all the
characters.  I will believe in a moment that LaCroix is not completely evil,
or is capable of love, despite what he or anyone else may say to the
contrary.  I will believe that Nick can forgive LaCroix for what he's done,
and vice versa, and can hope for a better relationship for them in the
future.  I can also enjoy all of the characters from all the seasons and will
not fault Tracy or Vachon for taking Janette and Schanke's place.  It is not
because they are necessarily better characters, but because I am entertained
by them in the 3rd season as it airs.  The fact that I can go back and watch
1st and 2nd season and love Janette and Schanke, while I'm enjoying Tracy and
Vachon, is great!  I'm not upset by this, and find it's one of the great
things about being a 3rd season newbie.  Perhaps ideally I could have come in
on this series *after* it had ended.  If I could have been given the last
three episodes to watch first, I might have been able to accept everything
that came before them, just like I do now with 1st and 2nd season.  Just keep
in mind that Blake's 7 ended on one of the most ambiguous and depressing
notes ever, and yet years later it still inspires people to buy the videos,
go to the cons, write the fic, and discuss the show endlessly.  I've realized
only today, as I was watching some reruns of FK, that whatever happens in the
last episode cannot destroy the happiness and entertainment of previous
seasons.  Whether you deny what happens or accept it, the fun of yesterday
will still be there.

This bit of optimism brought to you by a true pessimist at heart, so take it

--Cousin Diane
Eternal Seducer
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 13:00:52 -0700
From:         Patty Winter <pwinter@b.......>
Subject:      Re: Ger on The Family Channel

Margie writes:

             Ger is going to be in The Bionic Showdown: The Six Million
             Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman at 1:30 pm EDT Sunday May 19th.

One would think that on the West Coast, the film would either show at
1:30 p.m. (if FamChan has two feeds) or 10:30 a.m. (if they don't).
But my TV Guide shows it at 12:30 p.m. Go figure.

Bottom line: Check your local listings carefully or you might not tune
in at the right time.

Thanks to Margie for spotting this!


========================= patty@w....... =========================
        Support "Due South"! If you're a fan, let CBS know ASAP!
=========================== Sunnyvale, Calif. ==========================
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 22:31:58 +0200
From:         Marina Bailey <tmar@o.......>
Subject:      Why I watch FK

This is *really* short and sweet. I watch FK because it is *good*. That's
really the only criterion that I use. I don't normally watch cop shows,
and I do have a slight fascination for vampires, but I don't watch for
either of those elements. I watch it for the characters. Unlike most people
who saw it on TV by accident (or on purpose), I had to arrange to get tapes
from the States if I was ever going to see it. A friend from the Highlander
list taped me a couple of episodes, and the first one was "Father's Day".
WHAM! That was IT! I immediately liked Nick, and Uncle was even *nice* in
that episode, so I became a Knightie with Cousinly tendencies. Later, after
reading much fanfic, I decided I was a Dark Knightie at heart. And Dark
Knighties can appreciate Uncle without being Cousins... after all, Uncle has
accepted his true nature, and we want Nick to do the same.

As for the flashbacks, well, sometimes they're interesting, but I don't
watch it for the flashbacks either. The flashbacks were fine just as they
were, I wouldn't have wanted more, or less.

The character relationships are what fascinate me. The interaction between
Nick and Uncle, Nick and Schanke/Tracy, Nick and Janette, Nick and Nat, Nat
and Uncle... etc. Scenes that contain a lot of emotion and character
interaction are why I watch. (Guess that's why I love "Fever" so much.) Much
later I came to realise that GWD is just divine, but I liked the characters
and their relationships first and foremost.

Now, many people are posting their feelings to the spoiler list (no, no, I
won't post spoilers here). I think that we need to look at the last episode
in the context of: does this episode and story idea *work*? Even if it's sad
or whatever, it might still work as a story. And if it's sad, sure, I'll
probably be a basket case and cry, but that doesn't mean I'll hate it and
think it stinks... I might cry and still like it. I don't know, and I'll
have to wait about three more weeks *to* know (taping time plus the two
weeks it takes for a tape to get to South Africa from the States). But, if
the 'ending' works for the show, I'll accept it for what it is. Hey, I might
write stuff that changes the ending or whatever, that's what fans do. But I
won't pretend that episode doesn't exist. As someone on the fiction list
wrote (I think it was Jamie??) long ago: when life hands you a lemon,
rewrite history. And why not. Anyway, I still have a long time to wait
before I see the episode, but when I do I'll be looking at it from the point
of view of whether it works or not... I'll let you know. ;)

- Marina. (tmar@f.......; Dark Knightie)
\\ Advice to Nick: "She hates the shirt, get rid of //
// the shirt, burn the bloody shirt!" - Lenny Henry.\\

... They made me forget, and that's all I remember.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 15:57:23 EDT
From:         Tanya Smith <bodybldr@v.......>

Subject:Post-Mortum Depression
To cheer myself up at the loss of FK, I have decided to write Fan fiction
until I completely lose sight of reality, and am institutionalized because
I won't stop ranting about a friend named Nick who is a vampire.
By the way, whenever a T.V. showleaves the air, I just go find another
T.V. show to be with.  If Forever Knight thinks its the only show on
this planet, its wrong.  Shows are a dime a dozen.  There are more
bats in the belfry.
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 13:53:19 -0700
From:         Jerimi Paul <paul9454@u.......>
Subject:      Re: Why Do YOU Watch FK?

I watch it because I love the flashbacks and the whole concept of trying
to be better than you are while still staying true to your nature.  It's a
helluva lot harder than people give credit for.

I love LaCroix scenes, Vachon scenes, Nick scenes. . . see the sig.  ;)

Reluctant Vaquero (with wandering eyes.)
Vaquero?  Cousin?  Knightie?  Valentine?  N&NPacker?  RatPacker?
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 17:04:37 -0500
From:         MARG YAMANAKA <ZEZQ01A@p.......>
Subject:      Fwd: Why Do YOU Watch FK?

While I enjoy the cop shop aspects of FK, cop shows are a dime a dozen
on TV. I watch mostly for the vampire.  I love the flashbacks and I
wouldn't mind seeing an ep that was mostly historical. Unlike some
other people, I enjoyed seeing historical characters (Joan of Arc,
Conan Doyle, etc) in the flashbacks even though they were not entirely
accurate. After all, if I can suspend belief to allow for a vampire cop,
believing  Rasputin was a vampire isn't all that much more of a leap. :-

I also watch it because FK is one of the few shows that do not insult
my intelligence. It is so different from the endless sitcoms with their
canned laughter at 5-second intervals.  Mediocrity rules,

 I am still awed by the courage of the shows producers. In the pilot
episode (Dark Knight) of a brand new show, the teaser was mostly in
French! Would Spelling have had the guts to do something like
that...NOT!  They have never compromised: if a script had a scene in
Chinatown, the dialogue was in Cantonese. If it was about a story with
an MS sufferer, they cast a woman with MS for the role.

Even their choice of supporting actors is different. A black, female
judge, a Native American police captain, a female Japanese-Canadian
captain -  a noticeable change from TV shows south of the border which
seem to have either all-white or all-black casts.

The interplay of the various characters is what matters to me the most.
Nick, LC, Nat, Janette, Schanke, even Vachon and Tracy grew on me after
a while. I can't imagine a show without them. I REFUSE to imagine a
show without them.

26 hours before the last FK ep, <sob!>. No, wait, 26 hours before the
last ep of _this_ season!

Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 14:23:24 PST
From:         "P. L. Montgomery" <plcm@j.......>
Subject:      Re: Why Do YOU Watch FK?

Subject: Why Do YOU Watch FK?

I only just started reading all this, so please bear with any
gaucheries I may commit.   *G*

> Granted, we've got some pretty good genre TV on right now.  So why
> did you watch FK?

Definitely more for the vampire than the cop aspects of it, though
the quirky oddness of vampire-as-cop was titillating.

> Did you want more flashbacks?
> Equal time to flashbacks and current day?

I quite enjoyed each and every flashback and learned quite a lot of
depth from them.  I wish the modern day stuff had had more of the
vampiric element and less of the mundane.  But I think the mixture of
the two was what really made it all click for me.

> Did you watch for one character in particular and which one?

    Nick, of course.  Though I've grown rather fond of LaCroix (he
grows on one).

> Did you watch for one relationship pair in particular and which one?

I was interested in the Nick/Nat pairing in particular.

> Yes, these points may seem moot as we view the final episode, but the
> novels will be coming up.  God only knows what the content will be at
> this point. Or if people will even be interested in reading FK after
> the last episode airs.  But I'm kind of curious.

I only got the opportunity to begin watching about half-way through
the 2nd season, so when SciFi starts repeating 1st and 2nd season in
1997 I'll have many "new" episodes to look forward to.  *G*

I'll withhold judgement on the novels until they prove themselves to
be satisfying.  As with the Star Trek novels (and various
incarnations thereof) some were good and some weren't worthy of the
name imprint.  I'm hoping that the Forever Knight novels will be at
least as good overall.
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 14:24:14 -0700
From:         Dee Davidson <dmd@a.......>
Subject:      Re: IRC/WAKE(long)

>It has come to my attention that some people think that there is an IRC
>war going on.

I have to admit I find that a bit humorous:) No there is NO IRC war going
on. I think its great there is more than one #ForeverKnight channel. It
opens alot more possiblities for new ideas and opinions, not to mention we
have 2 places channels to cry in today or any other day. Believe today I'll
need them:)
There are so many different places on IRC, Efnet, Undernet, Dalnet, and a
few others that its unrealistic to think that the #fk channel on Efnet
would be the only one on the entire IRC network.
What some people don't realize is that there are some who can't get on
Efnet and some who can't get on the Undernet, sad but true, so it makes me
happy that those who can't make it to one or the other is not left out.
I hope to see alot more people on both channels and may the Undernet
channel grow into the wonderful feeling of warmth and caring that I've
found Efnet. I found my Evil Twin sister there:) and alot of other great
people there.

All my best!
Dee  * Cousin * Valentine * Diviant * TEDT *
(not to mention a few other choice words)
--IRC Channel repelent and all around pain-in-the-a**  :)
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 17:26:49 -0400
From:         A McLaughlin <Iremi@a.......>
Subject:      Sorry, I'm fine, I made a mistake

I must apologize to the list for my No faith post. I wrote that after having
a heated discussion with someone about LK. It was meant to go privately and I
had the forkni address in there too." Drat these computers, they are so
naughty and complex."

However having said that I still stand by my statement, it's just a little
melodramatic is all. ( Me? melodramatic? No!)

Much nicer posts to follow I promise :)
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 13:01:21 -0800
From:         John Soo-Hoo <galahad!jsoohoo@n.......>
Subject:      Re: Last Knight Party in LA/Orange County

>Don't forget about the Last Knight party on Saturday.
>Come when you want anytime after 1pm.
>If you need directions, write me.

Sorry I will not be able to make it.

I was really looking foward to meeting other fans of the show.
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 12:58:16 -0800
From:         John Soo-Hoo <galahad!jsoohoo@n.......>
Subject:      Re: If someone else wrote FK.....

Carrie Krumtum wrote:

If FK were written by JRR Tolkien Nick and Nat would be on a quest to destroy
his vampirism at the mouth of a vulcano while fighting evil Orcs led by
LaCroix. Tracy is a happy little hobbit, of course. Vachon and Urs are wood
elves, out to assist at various and sundry times. Reese would be an Ent. Of
course, Schanke would NOT be dead,..Janette would be a Rivendale dweller...

Bruce writes:

You forgot Golem!  Of course you would have to cast Screed as Golem!


Sorry for shouting.  But he is one of my favorite characters... from the
6-9th grade I aspired to be like him.  Fortunantly that desire DID pass.

One more thing.  Schanke would make a good Tom Bromdil (sorry for the
misspelling)... that guy that Frodo met in the Marsh in the first book.
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 18:14:00 -0400
From:         Nancy McCaskey <mccaskn@p.......>
Subject:      Sony Screensaver

Hi, all (or y'all)!

The Official Sony Web Page now has an FK screensaver available in Windows
or Mac format.

Has anyone downloaded and tried it?  Is it any good?  (I tried to install
it but don't have Windows, so it wouldn't work).

Is it worth the trouble of grabbing, or is this another sinister plot by
TPTB?  (Maybe TPTB and Microsoft are in cahoots...)

On an unrelated note, will there be an online "Last Knight" party/wake on
the #foreverknight IRC channel?  If so, what date and time?  My local
station won't show LK until early, early Monday morning, so I suspect the
party, if any, will be THIS weekend.  (I don't mind being spoiled)...

E-mail replies to this messages probably won't be answered until tomorrow.


              Nancy McCaskey   mccaskn@p.......
            Baba Carouche is in the hoooooouuuuse...
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 16:09:07 -0700
From:         Jackie <ejdjd@i.......>
Subject:      Re: If someone else wrote FK.....

At 12:58 PM 5/17/96 -0800,John Soo Hoo wrote:

>You forgot Golem!  Of course you would have to cast Screed as Golem!

        True - a golem is an impish or evil sprite in Jewish mythology----of
course, one *could* cast Screed as a golem (the impish kind)! :)


Support your local Attorney....Send your kid to Medical School!
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 23:37:18 GMT
From:         Beth Hawkes <Seilidhe@w.......>
Subject:      Re: If someone else wrote FK.....

At 08:58 PM 5/17/96 +0000, you wrote:
> <199605171644.JAA08836@m.......>
>Carrie Krumtum wrote:
>If FK were written by JRR Tolkien Nick and Nat would be on a quest to destroy
>his vampirism at the mouth of a vulcano while fighting evil Orcs led by
>LaCroix. Tracy is a happy little hobbit, of course. Vachon and Urs are wood
>elves, out to assist at various and sundry times. Reese would be an Ent. Of
>course, Schanke would NOT be dead,..Janette would be a Rivendale dweller...
>Bruce writes:
>You forgot Golem!  Of course you would have to cast Screed as Golem!
>Sorry for shouting.  But he is one of my favorite characters... from the
>6-9th grade I aspired to be like him.  Fortunantly that desire DID pass.
>One more thing.  Schanke would make a good Tom Bromdil (sorry for the
>misspelling)... that guy that Frodo met in the Marsh in the first book.
        Tom Bombadil!  I think so too.  This is one of my favorite responses
to this thread and there have been some great ones!   You guys are so
clever!  I've read stuff by lots of these writers, but I couldn't have done
them justice as the writers of FK.  Thanks for taking my mind off the show
I'll be watching tomorrow night!

Flagwaver for Smokin' Joe Dawson *as well* as Jim Byrnes and his Hummingbird
              Backround Vocals for the SJD Kick Ass House Band
               Cousin/Dark Knightie/AZ Crusaders of the Knight

"...probability of 1 to 1... we have normality, I repeat, we have normality.
Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem." --
Trillian, HGG
Date:         Fri, 17 May 1996 16:41:59 -0800
From:         Dann Lunsford <dann@g.......>
Subject:      Re: Sorry, I'm fine, I made a mistake

In <199605172209.PAA10443@n.......>, on 05/17/96 at 05:26 PM,
   A McLaughlin <Iremi@a.......> said:

>I must apologize to the list for my No faith post. I wrote that after
>having a heated discussion with someone about LK. It was meant to go
>privately and I had the forkni address in there too." Drat these
>computers, they are so naughty and complex."


The best thing about computers is, they do exactly what you tell them,
every time.

The worst thing about computers is, they do exactly what you tell them,
every time.

* Dann Lunsford    * The only thing necessary for the triunph of evil *
* dann@g....... * is that men of good will do nothing.  --  Cicero *

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Knight graphics and parchment background created by Melissa Snell and may be found at http://historymedren.about.com/